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8.x-1.x, 2016-11-13 (156 commits)
- Add
- Add dependency on the field module in core.
- Only allow content entities with integer id as reference entities.
- List of view_modes is empty in dynamic_entity_reference_entity_view formatter.
- Fatal error when using 8.x-1.x-dev version.
- Add EntityType and Bundle constraint on entity property of DynamicEntityReferenceItem.
- Doesn't work with IEF.
- Add target_id as the main property just like ERItem.
- Add tests for base fields of revisonable entity.
- Invoke field methods first on the current entity translation.
- Add tests for multiple base fields.
- Use short array syntax.
- Remove special case on EntityFormatter for new entities.
- Check entity type has a views_data handler before getting base table.
- Fix travis fails.
- Don't allow test entities to share base table.
- Autocomplete still uses old cached results when data-autocomplete-path changes.
- Test all DB drivers on travis.
- Remove the deprecated function calls from tests.
- Convert all WebTestBase to BrowserTestBase.
- Multiple valued Base fields won't work in Views.
- Get base table properly for views relationships.
- Add to the module.
- Add .travis.yml for github repo.
- DER widget doesn't work with Paragraphs.
- Dynamic Entity Reference JavaScript clean up.
- Field setting form is broken after 2412569.
- Fixed PHPCS error: Missing trait doc comment.
- @file is not required for classes, interfaces and traits.
- Add a revision log interface.
- Follow up: Issue #2684095 by jibran: Convert field kernel tests to KernelTestBaseTNG.
- Convert field kernel tests to KernelTestBaseTNG.
- Autocomplete Widget breaks when 'Content' is translated.
- Autocomplete Widget breaks when 'Content' is translated.
- When more than one entity type is referenced in the same field, only the last one displays.
- Fix the failing tests.
- Fix the random fail on PHP 5.5.39.
- Fix PHPCS fails.
- Avoid ajax tests for now.
- Let entity_ref Selection handlers be in charge of the field validation.
- Implement auto route generation but DON'T use it for all core entities.
- Provide views relationships for DER base fields.
- Write tests for DER field as basefield on an entity.
- DER's "autocreate" feature is mostly broken (and untested).
- Can't access autocreated entity after serialization.
- Deprecate entity_reference.module and move its functionality to core.
- Implement FieldItemInterface::calculateStorageDependencies, overriding that in EntityReferenceItem.
- Field_field_config_presave expects there to be a 'handler' setting but there isn't.
- Fatal errors during or after adding default values for autocomplete widgets.
- Rename SafeStringInterface to MarkupInterface and move related classes.
- '#options' for radios and checkboxes uses SafeMarkup::checkPlain() to escape - use Html::escape() instead.
- Remove string cast of EntityType::getLabel() and getGroupLabel().
- Fix typo in DynamicEntityReferenceFieldTest::testReferencedEntitiesMultipleLoad().
- Fix typo in DynamicEntityReferenceFieldTest::testReferencedEntitiesMultipleLoad().
- Replace direct access to FieldConfigBase::default_value with methods.
- Use TranslationWrapper instead of t() Drupal\Core\Field\Plugin\Field\FieldType\EntityReferenceItem::propertyDefinitions.
- Convert SafeMarkup::checkPlain() in render arrays to #plain_text.
- Field default markup - removing the divitis.
- Remove keys from entity_type_ids definitions.
- GetTargetTypes has expectations that are not being met.
- Rename ViewUnitTestBase to ViewKernelTestBase.
- Provide a views relationship for each dynamic entity reference field.
- Optimize Cache::merge*(), by only accepting 2 instead of N arguments.
- \Drupal\Core\Entity\Controller\EntityViewController::buildTitle() assumes the $entity is in the render array.
- Refactor all usages of drupal_render()/Renderer::render() that break #2450993.
- Bypass form caching by default for forms using #ajax.
- [Meta] Replace deprecated usage of entity_create with a direct call to the entity type class.
- Add a dedicated @Constraint annotation class.
- EntityAutocomplete element settings allows sql injection and for arbitrary user-supplied data to be passed into unserialize().
- Fix DynamicEntityReferenceItemTest.
- Translatable entity 'changed' timestamps are not working at all.
- Add CompositeConstraintBase so that constraints involving multiple fields, such as CommentNameConstraint, can be discovered.
- Follow up: DERItem expects an array, should allow objects per core.
- DERItem expects an array, should allow objects per core.
- Move Role Constants on to a Class/Interface.
- CacheableMetadata should get BubbleableMetadata's merge/applyTo/createFromRenderArray/createFromObject methods.
- Entity/field access and node grants not taken into account with core cache contexts.
- Copy text template to classy.
- Replace all occurrences of String class with the SafeMarkup equivalent.
- Custom OptionWidget have no empty option label.
- Move DynamicEntityReferenceFieldItemList to DynamicEntityReferenceItem namespace.
- Allow adding entity level constraints.
- Convert the "Field edit" form to an actual entity form.
- Convert the "Field storage edit" form to an actual entity form.
- Head Failing.
- Add tests for all the formatters.
- Unable to create config schema for entity type specific entity reference selection plugin.
- Categorize field type plugins.
- Simplify schema definition for sequence.
- Fixes after generic 'entity_autocomplete' Form API element.
- Fixes after generic 'entity_autocomplete' Form API element.
- Add OptionWidgets for single value target type DER fields.
- Added composer.json to the module root directory.
- Provide a generic 'entity_autocomplete' Form API element.
- Stop auto-creating FieldItems on mere reading of $entity->field[N].
- Cleanup the use of custom item properties in EntityReferenceFormatterBase.
- Improved documentation.
- Decouple entity reference selection plugins from field definitions.
- Fix DER constraint validation.
- DER needs its own FieldItemList class.
- Entity_reference formatters should be in Core.
- DER needs its own FieldItemList class.
- IsApplicable() on formatter is not overridden, causing an exception.
- Update DynamicEntityReferenceItem according to EntityReferenceItem.
- Typed data does not handle set() and onChange() consistently.
- ERItem::setValue(array('entity' => $entity) produces broken Items.
- Change field UI so that adding a field is a separate task.
- Add entity_id to autocomplete route just like EntityReferenceController.
- Re-factor autocomplete route to use the selection plugin and field settings.
- Fixed the failing tests.
- Allow user to select bundles per entity type on field settings page.
- Widget for cardinality 1 is missing the field label.
- Refactor field type configuration schemas for DX, easier to find errors.
- Unable to set field value programmatically.
- ER's "autocreate" feature is mostly broken (and untested).
- Add tests for schema.
- Fixed Widget for cardinality 1 is missing the field label.
- Update Schema file.
- Fixed can't set field default value.
- Instance is field now.
- Fix for
- Rename FieldInstanceConfig to FieldConfig.
- Fixed ServiceProvider file is incorrectly named and broken.
- Fixed FormState now longer supports ArrayAccess.
- Fixed Autocomplete is broken when editing.
- Fixed DynamicEntityReferenceItem::setValue() should not force an entity_load().
- Added a DynamicEntityReferenceItemNormalizer.
- Fixed validateAutocompleteInput() is broken.
- Fixed failing tests.
- Allow user to include or exclude the entity types on field settings page.
- Add all the core ER formatter to DER.
- Remove excluded_bundle_ids form field setting.
- Convert entity type checkboxes to multiselect on field settings page.
- Replace FormBuilderInterface::setValue() with FormStateInterface::setValueForElement().
- Add config schema for formatter.
- Add DynamicEntityReferenceFormatterTrait to override EntityReferenceFormatterBase.
- Fixed DynamicEntityReferenceWidget::formElement is not showing correct Entity type select list.
- Is now a classed object.
- Replace getInfo() in tests with native phpDoc + annotations (following PHPUnit).
- Keeping up with field module.
- Clean Up.
- Revert settings form pass by reference.
- Test coverage.
- Set default form values correctly.
- Fix php warnings.
- PSR-4 switch.
- Editing and viewing loading correctly.
- Values partially saving without fatals/exceptions.
- Autocomplete working.
- Basic class structure.
- Initial commit.