Skip to content
......@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
var placement = $el.offset()[horizontal ? 'left' : 'top'];
// Subtract scroll distance from placement to get the distance
// to the edge of the viewport.
placement -= window['scroll' + (horizontal ? 'X' : 'Y')] || document.documentElement['scroll' + (horizontal) ? 'Left' : 'Top'] || 0;
placement -= window['scroll' + (horizontal ? 'X' : 'Y')] || document.documentElement['scroll' + (horizontal ? 'Left' : 'Top')] || 0;
// Find the displacement value according to the edge.
switch (edge) {
// Left and top elements displace as a sum of their own offset value
......@@ -186,6 +186,8 @@
* @param {string} settings.replace_pattern
* A regular expression (without modifiers) matching disallowed characters
* in the machine name; e.g., '[^a-z0-9]+'.
* @param {string} settings.replace_token
* A token to validate the regular expression.
* @param {string} settings.replace
* A character to replace disallowed characters with; e.g., '_' or '-'.
* @param {number} settings.maxlength
......@@ -199,6 +201,7 @@
text: source,
langcode: drupalSettings.langcode,
replace_pattern: settings.replace_pattern,
replace_token: settings.replace_token,
replace: settings.replace,
lowercase: true
namespace Drupal\Tests\action\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSqlSourceTestBase;
* Tests actions source plugin.
* @covers \Drupal\action\Plugin\migrate\source\Action
* @group action
class ActionTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = ['action', 'migrate_drupal'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function providerSource() {
$tests = [];
$tests[0][0]['actions'] = [
'aid' => 'Redirect to node list page',
'type' => 'system',
'callback' => 'system_goto_action',
'parameters' => 'a:1:{s:3:"url";s:4:"node";}',
'description' => 'Redirect to node list page',
'aid' => 'Test notice email',
'type' => 'system',
'callback' => 'system_send_email_action',
'parameters' => 'a:3:{s:9:"recipient";s:7:"%author";s:7:"subject";s:4:"Test";s:7:"message";s:4:"Test',
'description' => 'Test notice email',
'aid' => 'comment_publish_action',
'type' => 'comment',
'callback' => 'comment_publish_action',
'parameters' => NULL,
'description' => NULL,
'aid' => 'node_publish_action',
'type' => 'comment',
'callback' => 'node_publish_action',
'parameters' => NULL,
'description' => NULL,
// The expected results are identical to the source data.
$tests[0][1] = $tests[0][0]['actions'];
return $tests;
namespace Drupal\Tests\action\Unit\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
* Tests actions source plugin.
* @group action
class ActionTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
// The plugin system is not working during unit testing so the source plugin
// class needs to be manually specified.
const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\action\Plugin\migrate\source\Action';
// The fake Migration configuration entity.
protected $migrationConfiguration = array(
// The ID of the entity, can be any string.
'id' => 'test',
'source' => array(
'plugin' => 'action',
// We need to set up the database contents; it's easier to do that below.
protected $expectedResults = array(
'aid' => 'Redirect to node list page',
'type' => 'system',
'callback' => 'system_goto_action',
'parameters' => 'a:1:{s:3:"url";s:4:"node";}',
'description' => 'Redirect to node list page',
'aid' => 'Test notice email',
'type' => 'system',
'callback' => 'system_send_email_action',
'parameters' => 'a:3:{s:9:"recipient";s:7:"%author";s:7:"subject";s:4:"Test";s:7:"message";s:4:"Test',
'description' => 'Test notice email',
'aid' => 'comment_publish_action',
'type' => 'comment',
'callback' => 'comment_publish_action',
'parameters' => NULL,
'description' => NULL,
'aid' => 'node_publish_action',
'type' => 'comment',
'callback' => 'node_publish_action',
'parameters' => NULL,
'description' => NULL,
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() {
$this->databaseContents['actions'] = $this->expectedResults;
......@@ -37,3 +37,24 @@ function aggregator_update_8001() {
* @} End of "addtogroup updates-8.0.0-rc".
* @addtogroup updates-8.2.x
* @{
* Make the 'Source feed' field for aggregator items required.
function aggregator_update_8200() {
// aggregator_update_8001() did not update the last installed field storage
// definition for the aggregator item's 'Source feed' field.
$definition_update_manager = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager();
$field_definition = $definition_update_manager->getFieldStorageDefinition('fid', 'aggregator_item');
* @} End of "addtogroup updates-8.2.x".
namespace Drupal\aggregator\Tests\Update;
use Drupal\system\Tests\Update\UpdatePathTestBase;
* Tests that node settings are properly updated during database updates.
* @group aggregator
class AggregatorUpdateTest extends UpdatePathTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setDatabaseDumpFiles() {
$this->databaseDumpFiles = [
__DIR__ . '/../../../../system/tests/fixtures/update/drupal-8.filled.standard.php.gz',
* Tests that the 'Source feed' field is required.
* @see aggregator_update_8200()
public function testSourceFeedRequired() {
// Check that the 'fid' field is not required prior to the update.
$field_definition = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->getFieldStorageDefinition('fid', 'aggregator_item');
// Run updates.
// Check that the 'fid' field is now required.
$field_definition = \Drupal::entityDefinitionUpdateManager()->getFieldStorageDefinition('fid', 'aggregator_item');
namespace Drupal\Tests\aggregator\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSqlSourceTestBase;
* Tests D6 aggregator feed source plugin.
* @covers \Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\migrate\source\AggregatorFeed
* @group aggregator
class AggregatorFeedTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = ['aggregator', 'migrate_drupal'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function providerSource() {
$tests = [];
$tests[0]['database']['aggregator_feed'] = [
'fid' => 1,
'title' => 'feed title 1',
'url' => '',
'refresh' => 900,
'checked' => 0,
'link' => '',
'description' => 'A vague description',
'image' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
'block' => 5,
'fid' => 2,
'title' => 'feed title 2',
'url' => '',
'refresh' => 1800,
'checked' => 0,
'link' => '',
'description' => 'An even more vague description',
'image' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
'block' => 5,
// The expected results are identical to the source data.
$tests[0]['expected_results'] = $tests[0]['database']['aggregator_feed'];
return $tests;
namespace Drupal\Tests\aggregator\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSqlSourceTestBase;
* Tests aggregator item source plugin.
* @covers \Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\migrate\source\AggregatorItem
* @group aggregator
class AggregatorItemTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = ['aggregator', 'migrate_drupal'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function providerSource() {
$tests = [];
$tests[0]['database']['aggregator_item'] = [
'iid' => 1,
'fid' => 1,
'title' => 'This (three) weeks in Drupal Core - January 10th 2014',
'link' => '',
'author' => 'larowlan',
'description' => "<h2 id='new'>What's new with Drupal 8?</h2>",
'timestamp' => 1389297196,
'guid' => '395218 at',
// The expected results are identical to the source data.
$tests[0]['expected_results'] = $tests[0]['database']['aggregator_item'];
return $tests;
namespace Drupal\Tests\aggregator\Unit\Plugin\migrate\source;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
* Tests aggregator item source plugin.
* @group aggregator
class AggregatorItemTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\migrate\source\AggregatorItem';
protected $migrationConfiguration = array(
'id' => 'test',
'source' => array(
'plugin' => 'aggregator_item',
protected $expectedResults = array(
'iid' => 1,
'fid' => 1,
'title' => 'This (three) weeks in Drupal Core - January 10th 2014',
'link' => '',
'author' => 'larowlan',
'description' => "<h2 id='new'>What's new with Drupal 8?</h2>",
'timestamp' => 1389297196,
'guid' => '395218 at',
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() {
$this->databaseContents['aggregator_item'] = $this->expectedResults;
namespace Drupal\Tests\aggregator\Unit\Plugin\migrate\source\d6;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
* Tests D6 aggregator feed source plugin.
* @group aggregator
class AggregatorFeedTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\migrate\source\AggregatorFeed';
protected $migrationConfiguration = array(
'id' => 'test',
'source' => array(
'plugin' => 'd6_aggregator_feed',
protected $expectedResults = array(
'fid' => 1,
'title' => 'feed title 1',
'url' => '',
'refresh' => 900,
'checked' => 0,
'link' => '',
'description' => 'A vague description',
'image' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
'block' => 5,
'fid' => 2,
'title' => 'feed title 2',
'url' => '',
'refresh' => 1800,
'checked' => 0,
'link' => '',
'description' => 'An even more vague description',
'image' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
'block' => 5,
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() {
$this->databaseContents['aggregator_feed'] = $this->expectedResults;
namespace Drupal\Tests\aggregator\Unit\Plugin\migrate\source\d7;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
* Tests D7 aggregator feed source plugin.
* @group aggregator
class AggregatorFeedTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\migrate\source\AggregatorFeed';
protected $migrationConfiguration = array(
'id' => 'test',
'source' => array(
'plugin' => 'd7_aggregator_feed',
protected $expectedResults = array(
'fid' => 1,
'title' => 'feed title 1',
'url' => '',
'refresh' => 900,
'checked' => 0,
'queued' => 0,
'link' => '',
'description' => 'A vague description',
'image' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
'block' => 5,
'fid' => 2,
'title' => 'feed title 2',
'url' => '',
'refresh' => 1800,
'checked' => 0,
'queued' => 0,
'link' => '',
'description' => 'An even more vague description',
'image' => '',
'etag' => '',
'modified' => 0,
'block' => 5,
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() {
$this->databaseContents['aggregator_feed'] = $this->expectedResults;
namespace Drupal\Tests\ban\Kernel\Plugin\migrate\source\d7;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Kernel\MigrateSqlSourceTestBase;
* Tests D7 blocked_ip source plugin.
* @covers \Drupal\ban\Plugin\migrate\source\d7\BlockedIps
* @group ban
class BlockedIpsTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestBase {
* {@inheritdoc}
public static $modules = ['ban', 'migrate_drupal'];
* {@inheritdoc}
public function providerSource() {
$tests = [];
$tests[0]['source_data']['blocked_ips'] = [
'iid' => 1,
'ip' => '',
$tests[0]['expected_data'] = [
'ip' => '',
return $tests;
namespace Drupal\Tests\ban\Unit\Plugin\migrate\source\d7;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\MigrateSqlSourceTestCase;
* Tests D7 blocked_ip source plugin.
* @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\ban\Plugin\migrate\source\d7\BlockedIps
* @group ban
class BlockedIpsTest extends MigrateSqlSourceTestCase {
const PLUGIN_CLASS = 'Drupal\ban\Plugin\migrate\source\d7\BlockedIps';
protected $migrationConfiguration = [
'id' => 'test',
'source' => [
'plugin' => 'd7_blocked_ips',
protected $expectedResults = [
'ip' => '',
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function setUp() {
$this->databaseContents['blocked_ips'] = [
'iid' => 1,
'ip' => '',
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class BasicAuthTest extends WebTestBase {
* @var array
public static $modules = array('basic_auth', 'router_test', 'locale');
public static $modules = array('basic_auth', 'router_test', 'locale', 'basic_auth_test');
* Test http basic authentication.
......@@ -175,4 +175,25 @@ function testUnauthorizedErrorMessage() {
$this->assertText('Access denied', "A user friendly access denied message is displayed");
* Tests if the controller is called before authentication.
* @see
public function testControllerNotCalledBeforeAuth() {
$account = $this->drupalCreateUser();
$this->basicAuthGet('/basic_auth_test/state/modify', $account->getUsername(), $account->pass_raw);
name: 'HTTP Basic Authentication test'
type: module
description: 'Support module for HTTP Basic Authentication testing.'
package: Testing
version: VERSION
core: 8.x
path: '/basic_auth_test/state/modify'
_controller: '\Drupal\basic_auth_test\BasicAuthTestController::modifyState'
- basic_auth
_user_is_logged_in: 'TRUE'
path: '/basic_auth_test/state/read'
_controller: '\Drupal\basic_auth_test\BasicAuthTestController::readState'
_access: 'TRUE'
namespace Drupal\basic_auth_test;
class BasicAuthTestController {
* @see \Drupal\basic_auth\Tests\Authentication\BasicAuthTest::testControllerNotCalledBeforeAuth()
public function modifyState() {
\Drupal::state()->set('basic_auth_test.state.controller_executed', TRUE);
return ['#markup' => 'Done'];
* @see \Drupal\basic_auth\Tests\Authentication\BasicAuthTest::testControllerNotCalledBeforeAuth()
public function readState() {
// Mark this page as being uncacheable.
return [
'#markup' => \Drupal::state()->get('basic_auth_test.state.controller_executed') ? 'yep' : 'nope',
'#cache' => [
'max-age' => 0,
......@@ -138,6 +138,12 @@ interface BigPipeInterface {
* The HTML response content to send.
* @param array $attachments
* The HTML response's attachments.
* @internal
* This method should only be invoked by
* \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeResponse, which is itself an internal
* class. Furthermore, the signature of this method will change in
public function sendContent($content, array $attachments);
......@@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
* @see \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeInterface
* @todo Will become obsolete with
* @internal
* This is a temporary solution until a generic response emitter interface is
* created in Only code internal to
* BigPipe should instantiate or type hint to this class.
class BigPipeResponse extends HtmlResponse {
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ function hook_block_view_BASE_BLOCK_ID_alter(array &$build, \Drupal\Core\Block\B
function hook_block_build_alter(array &$build, \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface $block) {
// Add the 'user' cache context to some blocks.
if ($some_condition) {
$build['#contexts'][] = 'user';
$build['#cache']['contexts'][] = 'user';