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ClickSortingAJAXTest.php 2.23 KiB
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namespace Drupal\Tests\views\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\JavascriptTestBase;
use Drupal\simpletest\ContentTypeCreationTrait;
use Drupal\simpletest\NodeCreationTrait;
use Drupal\views\Tests\ViewTestData;

 * Tests the click sorting AJAX functionality of Views exposed forms.
 * @group views
class ClickSortingAJAXTest extends JavascriptTestBase {

  use ContentTypeCreationTrait;
  use NodeCreationTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = ['node', 'views', 'views_test_config'];

  public static $testViews = ['test_content_ajax'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    ViewTestData::createTestViews(self::class, ['views_test_config']);

    // Create a Content type and two test nodes.
    $this->createContentType(['type' => 'page']);
    $this->createNode(['title' => 'Page A', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME]);
    $this->createNode(['title' => 'Page B', 'changed' => REQUEST_TIME + 1000]);

    // Create a user privileged enough to view content.
    $user = $this->drupalCreateUser([
      'administer site configuration',
      'access content',
      'access content overview',

   * Tests if sorting via AJAX works for the "Content" View.
  public function testClickSorting() {
    // Visit the content page.

    $session_assert = $this->assertSession();

    $page = $this->getSession()->getPage();

    // Ensure that the Content we're testing for is in the right order, default
    // sorting is by changed timestamp so the last created node should be first.
    /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement[] $rows */
    $rows = $page->findAll('css', 'tbody tr');
    $this->assertCount(2, $rows);
    $this->assertContains('Page B', $rows[0]->getHtml());
    $this->assertContains('Page A', $rows[1]->getHtml());

    // Now sort by title and check if the order changed.
    $rows = $page->findAll('css', 'tbody tr');
    $this->assertCount(2, $rows);
    $this->assertContains('Page A', $rows[0]->getHtml());
    $this->assertContains('Page B', $rows[1]->getHtml());
