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installed.json 46 KiB
Newer Older
        "name": "doctrine/common",
        "version": "2.3.0",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "source": {
            "type": "git",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "2.3.0"
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        "time": "2012-09-19 22:55:18",
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Jonathan Wage",
                "email": "",
                "homepage": ""
                "name": "Guilherme Blanco",
                "email": "",
                "homepage": ""
                "name": "Roman Borschel",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Benjamin Eberlei",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Johannes Schmitt",
                "homepage": "",
                "role": "Developer of wrapped JMSSerializerBundle"
        "description": "Common Library for Doctrine projects",
        "homepage": "",
        "keywords": [
        "name": "easyrdf/easyrdf",
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        "require": {
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        "require-dev": {
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            "squizlabs/php_codesniffer": ">=1.4.3"
        "time": "2013-01-18 15:54:28",
        "type": "library",
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        "autoload": {
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Nicholas Humfrey",
                "email": "",
                "homepage": "",
                "role": "Developer"
        "description": "EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF.",
        "homepage": "",
        "keywords": [
            "Linked Data",
            "Semantic Web",
        "name": "symfony/class-loader",
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        "source": {
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            "url": "",
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        "time": "2013-05-24 17:54:44",
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Symfony Community",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony ClassLoader Component",
        "homepage": ""
        "name": "psr/log",
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        "version_normalized": "",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "1.0.0"
            "url": "",
            "reference": "1.0.0",
        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "PHP-FIG",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Common interface for logging libraries",
        "keywords": [
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                "email": ""
                "name": "Armin Ronacher",
                "email": ""
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        "homepage": "",
        "name": "symfony/debug",
        "version": "v2.3.1",
        "version_normalized": "",
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            "url": "",
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        "time": "2013-06-02 11:58:44",
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Symfony Community",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony Debug Component",
        "homepage": ""
        "version": "v2.3.1",
        "version_normalized": "",
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            "url": "",
            "url": "",
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        "time": "2013-05-10 06:00:03",
                "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
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        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony HttpFoundation Component",
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        "version": "v2.3.0",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/EventDispatcher",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v2.3.0-RC1"
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v2.3.0-RC1",
        "require-dev": {
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            "symfony/http-kernel": ""
        "time": "2013-05-13 14:36:40",
                "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "homepage": ""
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        "version": "v2.3.0",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/HttpKernel",
            "url": "",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v2.3.0",
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            "symfony/event-dispatcher": ">=2.1,<3.0",
            "symfony/http-foundation": ">=2.2,<3.0"
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            "symfony/config": "",
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        "time": "2013-06-03 14:13:35",
                "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony HttpKernel Component",
        "version": "v2.3.0",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/Routing",
            "url": "",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v2.3.0",
            "doctrine/common": ">=2.2,<3.0",
            "symfony/config": ">=2.2,<3.0",
            "symfony/yaml": ">=2.0,<3.0"
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            "symfony/yaml": ""
        "time": "2013-05-20 08:57:26",
                "dev-master": "2.3-dev"
        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "authors": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony Routing Component",
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        "version": "1.1.0-alpha2",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Symfony/Cmf/Component/Routing",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "1.1.0-alpha2"
            "url": "",
            "reference": "1.1.0-alpha2",
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            "symfony/http-kernel": ">=2.2,<2.4-dev",
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        "suggest": {
            "symfony/http-foundation": "ChainRouter/DynamicRouter have optional support for Request instances, several enhancers require a Request instances, >=2.2,<2.3-dev"
        "time": "2013-05-28 19:50:20",
                "dev-master": "1.1-dev"
                "Symfony\\Cmf\\Component\\Routing": ""
        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
                "name": "Symfony CMF Community",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Extends the Symfony2 routing component for dynamic routes and chaining several routers",
        "homepage": "",
        "keywords": [
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        "version": "v2.3.1",
        "version_normalized": "",
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            "url": "",
            "reference": "v2.3.1",
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            "symfony/yaml": ">=2.0,<3.0"
        "suggest": {
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            "symfony/proxy-manager-bridge": "Generate service proxies to lazy load them",
            "symfony/yaml": ""
        "time": "2013-06-05 09:51:05",
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        "license": [
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                "email": ""
                "name": "Symfony Community",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony DependencyInjection Component",
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        "version_normalized": "",
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            "url": "",
            "url": "",
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        "time": "2013-05-10 18:12:13",
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        "license": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Symfony Community",
                "homepage": ""
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        "version_normalized": "",
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            "url": "",
            "reference": "v2.3.0-RC1"
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            "symfony/config": ">=2.0,<3.0",
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        "time": "2013-05-13 14:36:40",
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Symfony Community",
                "homepage": ""
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        "homepage": ""
        "version": "v2.3.1",
        "version_normalized": "",
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            "url": "",
            "url": "",
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            "symfony/yaml": ">=2.0,<3.0"
        "suggest": {
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            "symfony/config": "",
            "symfony/http-foundation": "",
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            "symfony/yaml": ""
        "time": "2013-06-10 16:23:25",
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        "license": [
                "name": "Fabien Potencier",
                "email": ""
                "name": "Symfony Community",
                "homepage": ""
        "description": "Symfony Validator Component",
        "homepage": ""
        "name": "guzzle/common",
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        "target-dir": "Guzzle/Common",
        "source": {
            "type": "git",
            "url": "git://",
            "reference": "v3.1.2"
        "dist": {
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            "url": "",
            "reference": "v3.1.2",
            "shasum": ""
        "require": {
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        "time": "2013-01-28 00:07:40",
        "type": "library",
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
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        "homepage": "",
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        "version": "v3.1.2",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Guzzle/Stream",
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v3.0.7"
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v3.0.7",
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
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                "email": "",
                "homepage": ""
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        "homepage": "",
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        "version": "v3.1.2",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Guzzle/Parser",
            "url": "git://",
            "reference": "v3.1.2"
            "url": "",
            "reference": "v3.1.2",
        "extra": {
            "branch-alias": {
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        "notification-url": "",
        "license": [
        "description": "Interchangeable parsers used by Guzzle",
        "homepage": "",
            "URI Template",
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        "version": "v3.1.2",
        "version_normalized": "",
        "target-dir": "Guzzle/Http",