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system.post_update.php 3.26 KiB
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 * @file
 * Post update functions for System.

use Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityDisplayInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityFormDisplay;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityViewDisplay;

 * Re-save all configuration entities to recalculate dependencies.
function system_post_update_recalculate_configuration_entity_dependencies(&$sandbox = NULL) {
  if (!isset($sandbox['config_names'])) {
    $sandbox['config_names'] = \Drupal::configFactory()->listAll();
    $sandbox['count'] = count($sandbox['config_names']);
  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigManagerInterface $config_manager */
  $config_manager = \Drupal::service('config.manager');

  $count = 0;
  foreach ($sandbox['config_names'] as $key => $config_name) {
    if ($entity = $config_manager->loadConfigEntityByName($config_name)) {
    // Do 50 at a time.
    if ($count == 50) {
  $sandbox['#finished'] = empty($sandbox['config_names']) ? 1 : ($sandbox['count'] - count($sandbox['config_names'])) / $sandbox['count'];
  return t('Configuration dependencies recalculated');
 * Update entity displays to contain the region for each field.
function system_post_update_add_region_to_entity_displays() {
  $entity_save = function (EntityDisplayInterface $entity) {
    // preSave() will fill in the correct region based on the 'type'.
  array_map($entity_save, EntityViewDisplay::loadMultiple());
  array_map($entity_save, EntityFormDisplay::loadMultiple());
 * Force caches using hashes to be cleared (Twig, render cache, etc.).
function system_post_update_hashes_clear_cache() {
  // Empty post-update hook.

 * Force plugin definitions to be cleared.
 * @see
function system_post_update_timestamp_plugins() {
  // Empty post-update hook.

 * Clear caches to ensure Classy's message library is always added.
function system_post_update_classy_message_library() {
  // Empty post-update hook.

 * Force field type plugin definitions to be cleared.
 * @see
function system_post_update_field_type_plugins() {
  // Empty post-update hook.

 * Clear caches due to schema changes in core.entity.schema.yml.
function system_post_update_field_formatter_entity_schema() {
  // Empty post-update hook.

 * Change plugin IDs of actions.
function system_post_update_change_action_plugins() {
  $old_new_action_id_map = [
    'comment_publish_action' => 'entity:publish_action:comment',
    'comment_unpublish_action' => 'entity:unpublish_action:comment',
    'comment_save_action' => 'entity:save_action:comment',
    'node_publish_action' => 'entity:publish_action:node',
    'node_unpublish_action' => 'entity:unpublish_action:node',
    'node_save_action' => 'entity:save_action:node',

  /** @var \Drupal\system\Entity\Action[] $actions */
  $actions = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('action')->loadMultiple();
  foreach ($actions as $action) {
    if (isset($old_new_action_id_map[$action->getPlugin()->getPluginId()])) {