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MigrateTaxonomyTermTest.php 5.64 KiB
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namespace Drupal\Tests\taxonomy\Kernel\Migrate\d7;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate_drupal\Kernel\d7\MigrateDrupal7TestBase;
use Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface;

 * Upgrade taxonomy terms.
 * @group taxonomy
class MigrateTaxonomyTermTest extends MigrateDrupal7TestBase {

  public static $modules = [
   * The cached taxonomy tree items, keyed by vid and tid.
   * @var array
  protected $treeData = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {


   * Validate a migrated term contains the expected values.
   * @param $id
   *   Entity ID to load and check.
   * @param $expected_label
   *   The label the migrated entity should have.
   * @param $expected_vid
   *   The parent vocabulary the migrated entity should have.
   * @param string $expected_description
   *   The description the migrated entity should have.
   * @param string $expected_format
   *   The format the migrated entity should have.
   * @param int $expected_weight
   *   The weight the migrated entity should have.
   * @param array $expected_parents
   *   The parent terms the migrated entity should have.
   * @param int $expected_field_integer_value
   *   The value the migrated entity field should have.
   * @param int $expected_term_reference_tid
   *   The term reference id the migrated entity field should have.
   * @param bool $expected_container_flag
   *   The term should be a container entity.
  protected function assertEntity($id, $expected_label, $expected_vid, $expected_description = '', $expected_format = NULL, $expected_weight = 0, $expected_parents = [], $expected_field_integer_value = NULL, $expected_term_reference_tid = NULL, $expected_container_flag = 0) {
    /** @var \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $entity */
    $entity = Term::load($id);
    $this->assertInstanceOf(TermInterface::class, $entity);
    $this->assertEquals($expected_label, $entity->label());
    $this->assertEquals($expected_vid, $entity->bundle());
    $this->assertEquals($expected_description, $entity->getDescription());
    $this->assertEquals($expected_format, $entity->getFormat());
    $this->assertEquals($expected_weight, $entity->getWeight());
    $this->assertEquals($expected_parents, $this->getParentIDs($id));
    $this->assertHierarchy($expected_vid, $id, $expected_parents);
    if (!is_null($expected_field_integer_value)) {
      $this->assertEquals($expected_field_integer_value, $entity->field_integer->value);
    if (!is_null($expected_term_reference_tid)) {
      $this->assertEquals($expected_term_reference_tid, $entity->field_term_reference->target_id);
    if ($entity->hasField('forum_container')) {
      $this->assertEquals($expected_container_flag, $entity->forum_container->value);

   * Tests the Drupal 7 taxonomy term to Drupal 8 migration.
  public function testTaxonomyTerms() {
    $this->assertEntity(1, 'General discussion', 'forums', '', NULL, 2);
    $this->assertEntity(2, 'Term1', 'test_vocabulary', 'The first term.', 'filtered_html', 0, [], NULL, 3);
    $this->assertEntity(3, 'Term2', 'test_vocabulary', 'The second term.', 'filtered_html');
    $this->assertEntity(4, 'Term3', 'test_vocabulary', 'The third term.', 'full_html', 0, [3], 6);
    $this->assertEntity(5, 'Custom Forum', 'forums', 'Where the cool kids are.', NULL, 3);
    $this->assertEntity(6, 'Games', 'forums', '', NULL, 4, [], NULL, NULL, 1);
    $this->assertEntity(7, 'Minecraft', 'forums', '', NULL, 1, [6]);
    $this->assertEntity(8, 'Half Life 3', 'forums', '', NULL, 0, [6]);

    // Verify that we still can create forum containers after the migration.
    $term = Term::create(['vid' => 'forums', 'name' => 'Forum Container', 'forum_container' => 1]);

    // Reset the forums tree data so this new term is included in the tree.
    $this->assertEntity(19, 'Forum Container', 'forums', '', NULL, 0, [], NULL, NULL, 1);

   * Retrieves the parent term IDs for a given term.
   * @param $tid
   *   ID of the term to check.
   * @return array
   *   List of parent term IDs.
  protected function getParentIDs($tid) {
    return array_keys(\Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadParents($tid));

   * Assert that a term is present in the tree storage, with the right parents.
   * @param string $vid
   *   Vocabular ID.
   * @param int $tid
   *   ID of the term to check.
   * @param array $parent_ids
   *   The expected parent term IDs.
  protected function assertHierarchy($vid, $tid, array $parent_ids) {
    if (!isset($this->treeData[$vid])) {
      $tree = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')->loadTree($vid);
      $this->treeData[$vid] = [];
      foreach ($tree as $item) {
        $this->treeData[$vid][$item->tid] = $item;

    $this->assertArrayHasKey($tid, $this->treeData[$vid], "Term $tid exists in taxonomy tree");
    $term = $this->treeData[$vid][$tid];
    $this->assertEquals($parent_ids, array_filter($term->parents), "Term $tid has correct parents in taxonomy tree");