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MatcherDumper.php 3.66 KiB
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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\Core\Routing\MatcherDumper.

namespace Drupal\Core\Routing;

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\Dumper\MatcherDumperInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;

use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;

class MatcherDumper implements MatcherDumperInterface {
   * The maximum number of path elements for a route pattern;
  const MAX_PARTS = 9;

   * The database connection to which to dump route information.
   * @var Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
  protected $connection;

   * The routes to be dumped.
   * @var Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection
  protected $routes;

   * The name of the SQL table to which to dump the routes.
   * @var string
  protected $tableName;

   * Construct the MatcherDumper.
   * @param Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $connection
   *   The database connection which will be used to store the route
   *   information.
   * @param string $table
   *   (optional) The table to store the route info in. Defaults to 'router'.
  public function __construct(Connection $connection, $table = 'router') {
    $this->connection = $connection;

    $this->tableName = $table;

   * Adds additional routes to be dumped.
   * @param Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection $routes
   *   A collection of routes to add to this dumper.
  public function addRoutes(RouteCollection $routes) {
    if (empty($this->routes)) {
      $this->routes = $routes;
    else {

   * Dumps a set of routes to the router table in the database.
   * Available options:
   * - route_set:  The route grouping that is being dumped. All existing
   *   routes with this route set will be deleted on dump.
   * - base_class: The base class name.
   * @param array $options
   *   An array of options.
  public function dump(array $options = array()) {
    $options += array(
      'route_set' => '',

    // Convert all of the routes into database records.
    $insert = $this->connection->insert($this->tableName)->fields(array(

    foreach ($this->routes as $name => $route) {
      $route->setOption('compiler_class', '\Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteCompiler');
      $compiled = $route->compile();
      $values = array(
        'name' => $name,
        'route_set' => $options['route_set'],
        'fit' => $compiled->getFit(),
        'pattern_outline' => $compiled->getPatternOutline(),
        'number_parts' => $compiled->getNumParts(),

    // Delete any old records in this route set first, then insert the new ones.
    // That avoids stale data. The transaction makes it atomic to avoid
    // unstable router states due to random failures.
    $txn = $this->connection->startTransaction();

      ->condition('route_set', $options['route_set'])


    // We want to reuse the dumper for multiple route sets, so on dump, flush
    // the queued routes.
    $this->routes = NULL;

    // Transaction ends here.

   * Gets the routes to match.
   * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection
   *   A RouteCollection instance representing all routes currently in the
   *   dumper.
  public function getRoutes() {
    return $this->routes;