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GetRdfNamespacesTest.php 1.32 KiB
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namespace Drupal\rdf\Tests;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests hook_rdf_namespaces().
 * @group rdf
class GetRdfNamespacesTest extends WebTestBase {
  public static $modules = array('rdf', 'rdf_test_namespaces');
   * Tests getting RDF namespaces.
  function testGetRdfNamespaces() {
    // Get all RDF namespaces.
    $ns = rdf_get_namespaces();

    $this->assertEqual($ns['rdfs'], '', 'A prefix declared once is included.');
    $this->assertEqual($ns['foaf'], '', 'The same prefix declared in several implementations of hook_rdf_namespaces() is valid as long as all the namespaces are the same.');
    $this->assertEqual($ns['foaf1'], '', 'Two prefixes can be assigned the same namespace.');

    // Enable rdf_conflicting_namespaces to ensure that an exception is thrown
    // when RDF namespaces are conflicting.
    \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(array('rdf_conflicting_namespaces'), TRUE);
    try {
      $ns = rdf_get_namespaces();
      $this->fail('Expected exception not thrown for conflicting namespace declaration.');
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      $this->pass('Expected exception thrown: ' . $e->getMessage());