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NodeType.php 4.74 KiB
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 * Contains \Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType.
use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;
use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBundleBase;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface;

 * Defines the Node type configuration entity.
 *   id = "node_type",
 *   label = @Translation("Content type"),
 *   controllers = {
 *     "access" = "Drupal\node\NodeTypeAccessControlHandler",
 *       "add" = "Drupal\node\NodeTypeForm",
 *       "edit" = "Drupal\node\NodeTypeForm",
 *       "delete" = "Drupal\node\Form\NodeTypeDeleteConfirm"
 *     },
 *     "list_builder" = "Drupal\node\NodeTypeListBuilder",
 *   admin_permission = "administer content types",
 *     "edit-form" = "entity.node_type.edit_form",
 *     "delete-form" = "entity.node_type.delete_form"
class NodeType extends ConfigEntityBundleBase implements NodeTypeInterface {

   * The machine name of this node type.
   * @var string
   * @todo Rename to $id.
  public $type;

   * The human-readable name of the node type.
   * @var string
   * @todo Rename to $label.
  public $name;

   * A brief description of this node type.
   * @var string
  public $description;

   * Help information shown to the user when creating a Node of this type.
   * @var string
  public $help;

   * Indicates whether a Body field should be created for this node type.
   * This property affects entity creation only. It allows default configuration
   * of modules and installation profiles to specify whether a Body field should
   * be created for this bundle.
   * @var bool
   * @see \Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType::$create_body_label
  protected $create_body = TRUE;

   * The label to use for the Body field upon entity creation.
   * @see \Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType::$create_body
   * @var string
  protected $create_body_label = 'Body';

   * Module-specific settings for this node type, keyed by module name.
   * @var array
   * @todo Pluginify.
  public $settings = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function id() {
    return $this->type;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getModuleSettings($module) {
    if (isset($this->settings[$module]) && is_array($this->settings[$module])) {
      return $this->settings[$module];
    return array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isLocked() {
    $locked = \Drupal::state()->get('node.type.locked');
    return isset($locked[$this->id()]) ? $locked[$this->id()] : FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function postSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage, $update = TRUE) {
    parent::postSave($storage, $update);
      // Create a body if the create_body property is true and we're not in
      // the syncing process.
      if ($this->get('create_body') && !$this->isSyncing()) {
        $label = $this->get('create_body_label');
        node_add_body_field($this, $label);
    elseif ($this->getOriginalId() != $this->id()) {
      $update_count = node_type_update_nodes($this->getOriginalId(), $this->id());
      if ($update_count) {
          'Changed the content type of 1 post from %old-type to %type.',
          'Changed the content type of @count posts from %old-type to %type.',
            '%old-type' => $this->getOriginalId(),
    if ($update) {
      // Clear the cached field definitions as some settings affect the field
      // definitions.
  public static function postDelete(EntityStorageInterface $storage, array $entities) {
    parent::postDelete($storage, $entities);
    // Clear the node type cache to reflect the removal.
  public static function preCreate(EntityStorageInterface $storage, array &$values) {
    parent::preCreate($storage, $values);

    // Ensure default values are set.
    if (!isset($values['settings']['node'])) {
      $values['settings']['node'] = array();
    $values['settings']['node'] = NestedArray::mergeDeep(array(
      'options' => array(
        'revision' => FALSE,
      'preview' => DRUPAL_OPTIONAL,
      'submitted' => TRUE,
    ), $values['settings']['node']);