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UpdateFeedItemTest.php 2.43 KiB
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 * Contains \Drupal\aggregator\Tests\UpdateFeedItemTest.

namespace Drupal\aggregator\Tests;
use Drupal\aggregator\Entity\Feed;
 * Update feed items from a feed.
 * @group aggregator
class UpdateFeedItemTest extends AggregatorTestBase {
   * Tests running "update items" from 'admin/config/services/aggregator' page.
  public function testUpdateFeedItem() {

    // Create a feed and test updating feed items if possible.
    $feed = $this->createFeed();
    if (!empty($feed)) {
      $this->updateFeedItems($feed, $this->getDefaultFeedItemCount());

    // Delete feed.

    // Test updating feed items without valid timestamp information.
    $edit = array(
      'title[0][value]' => "Feed without publish timestamp",
      'url[0][value]' => $this->getRSS091Sample(),
    $this->drupalPostForm('aggregator/sources/add', $edit, t('Save'));
    $this->assertRaw(t('The feed %name has been added.', array('%name' => $edit['title[0][value]'])), format_string('The feed @name has been added.', array('@name' => $edit['title[0][value]'])));
    $fid = db_query("SELECT fid FROM {aggregator_feed} WHERE url = :url", array(':url' => $edit['url[0][value]']))->fetchField();
    $before = db_query('SELECT timestamp FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->id()))->fetchField();

    // Sleep for 3 second.
        'checked' => 0,
        'hash' => '',
        'etag' => '',
        'modified' => 0,
    $after = db_query('SELECT timestamp FROM {aggregator_item} WHERE fid = :fid', array(':fid' => $feed->id()))->fetchField();
    $this->assertTrue($before === $after, format_string('Publish timestamp of feed item was not updated (@before === @after)', array('@before' => $before, '@after' => $after)));
    // Make sure updating items works even after uninstalling a module
    // that provides the selected plugins.