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RevisionLink.php 2.16 KiB
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 * Definition of Drupal\node\Plugin\views\field\RevisionLink.
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase;
use Drupal\Component\Annotation\PluginID;
 * Field handler to present a link to a node revision.
 * @ingroup views_field_handlers
class RevisionLink extends Link {
   * Overrides Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\FieldPluginBase::init().
  public function init(ViewExecutable $view, DisplayPluginBase $display, array &$options = NULL) {
    parent::init($view, $display, $options);
    $this->additional_fields['node_vid'] = array('table' => 'node_field_revision', 'field' => 'vid');
    return user_access('view revisions') || user_access('administer nodes');

  function render_link($data, $values) {
    list($node, $vid) = $this->get_revision_entity($values, 'view');
    if (!isset($vid)) {

    // Current revision uses the node view path.
    $path = 'node/' . $node->nid;
    if (!$node->isDefaultRevision()) {
      $path .= "/revisions/$vid/view";

    $this->options['alter']['make_link'] = TRUE;
    $this->options['alter']['path'] = $path;
    $this->options['alter']['query'] = drupal_get_destination();

    return !empty($this->options['text']) ? $this->options['text'] : t('View');

   * Returns the revision values of a node.
   * @param object $values
   *   An object containing all retrieved values.
   * @param string $op
   *   The operation being performed.
   * @return array
   *   A numerically indexed array containing the current node object and the
   *   revision ID for this row.
  function get_revision_entity($values, $op) {
    // Unpublished nodes ignore access control.
    $node->status = 1;
    // Ensure user has access to perform the operation on this node.
    if (!node_access($op, $node)) {
      return array($node, NULL);
    return array($node, $vid);