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 * @file
 * The core module that allows content to be submitted to the site.
 * Modules and scripts may programmatically submit nodes using the usual form
 * API pattern.
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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\AlterableInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectExtender;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\SelectInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Datetime\DrupalDateTime;
use Drupal\Core\Template\Attribute;
use Drupal\node\Plugin\Core\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\file\Plugin\Core\Entity\File;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\entity\Plugin\Core\Entity\EntityDisplay;
 * Denotes that the node is not published.
 * Denotes that the node is published.
 * Denotes that the node is not promoted to the front page.
 * Denotes that the node is promoted to the front page.
 * Denotes that the node is not sticky at the top of the page.
 * Denotes that the node is sticky at the top of the page.
 * Denotes that access is allowed for a node.
 * Modules should return this value from hook_node_access() to allow access to a
 * node.
const NODE_ACCESS_ALLOW = 'allow';
 * Denotes that access is denied for a node.
 * Modules should return this value from hook_node_access() to deny access to a
 * node.
 * Denotes that access is unaffected for a node.
 * Modules should return this value from hook_node_access() to indicate no
 * effect on node access.
 * Implements hook_rebuild().
function node_rebuild() {

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  // Remind site administrators about the {node_access} table being flagged
  // for rebuild. We don't need to issue the message on the confirm form, or
  // while the rebuild is being processed.
  if ($path != 'admin/reports/status/rebuild' && $path != 'batch' && strpos($path, '#') === FALSE
      && user_access('access administration pages') && node_access_needs_rebuild()) {
    if ($path == 'admin/reports/status') {
      $message = t('The content access permissions need to be rebuilt.');
    else {
      $message = t('The content access permissions need to be rebuilt. <a href="@node_access_rebuild">Rebuild permissions</a>.', array('@node_access_rebuild' => url('admin/reports/status/rebuild')));
    drupal_set_message($message, 'error');

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    case 'admin/help#node':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('The Node module manages the creation, editing, deletion, settings, and display of the main site content. Content items managed by the Node module are typically displayed as pages on your site, and include a title, some meta-data (author, creation time, content type, etc.), and optional fields containing text or other data (fields are managed by the <a href="@field">Field module</a>). For more information, see the online handbook entry for <a href="@node">Node module</a>.', array('@node' => '', '@field' => url('admin/help/field'))) . '</p>';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('Uses') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<dl>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Creating content') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('When new content is created, the Node module records basic information about the content, including the author, date of creation, and the <a href="@content-type">Content type</a>. It also manages the <em>publishing options</em>, which define whether or not the content is published, promoted to the front page of the site, and/or sticky at the top of content lists. Default settings can be configured for each <a href="@content-type">type of content</a> on your site.', array('@content-type' => url('admin/structure/types'))) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Creating custom content types') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('The Node module gives users with the <em>Administer content types</em> permission the ability to <a href="@content-new">create new content types</a> in addition to the default ones already configured. Creating custom content types allows you the flexibility to add <a href="@field">fields</a> and configure default settings that suit the differing needs of various site content.', array('@content-new' => url('admin/structure/types/add'), '@field' => url('admin/help/field'))) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Administering content') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('The <a href="@content">Content administration page</a> allows you to review and bulk manage your site content.', array('@content' => url('admin/content'))) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('Creating revisions') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('The Node module also enables you to create multiple versions of any content, and revert to older versions using the <em>Revision information</em> settings.') . '</dd>';
      $output .= '<dt>' . t('User permissions') . '</dt>';
      $output .= '<dd>' . t('The Node module makes a number of permissions available for each content type, which can be set by role on the <a href="@permissions">permissions page</a>.', array('@permissions' => url('admin/people/permissions', array('fragment' => 'module-node')))) . '</dd>';
      $output .= '</dl>';
      return '<p>' . t('Individual content types can have different fields, behaviors, and permissions assigned to them.') . '</p>';
    case 'admin/structure/types/manage/%/display':
      return '<p>' . t('Content items can be displayed using different view modes: Teaser, Full content, Print, RSS, etc. <em>Teaser</em> is a short format that is typically used in lists of multiple content items. <em>Full content</em> is typically used when the content is displayed on its own page.') . '</p>' .
        '<p>' . t('Here, you can define which fields are shown and hidden when %type content is displayed in each view mode, and define how the fields are displayed in each view mode.', array('%type' => node_type_get_label($arg[4]))) . '</p>';
      return '<p>' . t('Revisions allow you to track differences between multiple versions of your content, and revert back to older versions.') . '</p>';
    case 'node/%/edit':
      $node = node_load($arg[1]);
      $type = node_type_load($node->type);
      return (!empty($type->help) ? '<p>' . filter_xss_admin($type->help) . '</p>' : '');
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  if ($arg[0] == 'node' && $arg[1] == 'add' && $arg[2]) {
    return (!empty($type->help) ? '<p>' . filter_xss_admin($type->help) . '</p>' : '');
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    'node_add_list' => array(
      'variables' => array('content' => NULL),
      'variables' => array('node' => NULL),
      'variables' => array('name' => NULL, 'type' => NULL),
    'node_recent_block' => array(
      'variables' => array('nodes' => NULL),
    'node_recent_content' => array(
      'variables' => array('node' => NULL),
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  // Add a translation handler for fields if the language module is enabled.
  if (module_exists('language')) {
    $info['node']['translation']['node'] = TRUE;
  // Search integration is provided by node.module, so search-related
  // view modes for nodes are defined here and not in search.module.
  if (module_exists('search')) {
    $info['node']['view_modes']['search_index'] = array(
      'label' => t('Search index'),
      'custom_settings' => FALSE,
    $info['node']['view_modes']['search_result'] = array(
      'label' => t('Search result'),
      'custom_settings' => FALSE,
  // Bundles must provide a human readable name so we can create help and error
  // messages, and the path to attach Field admin pages to.
  foreach (node_type_get_names() as $type => $name) {
    $info['node']['bundles'][$type] = array(
        'path' => 'admin/structure/types/manage/%node_type',
        'real path' => 'admin/structure/types/manage/' . $type,
        'access arguments' => array('administer content types'),
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 * Implements hook_entity_display_alter().
function node_entity_display_alter(EntityDisplay $display, $context) {
  if ($context['entity_type'] == 'node' && $context['view_mode'] == 'search_index') {
    foreach ($display->getComponents() as $name => $options) {
      if (isset($options['label'])) {
        $options['label'] = 'hidden';
        $display->setComponent($name, $options);
 * @param Drupal\node\Node $node
 *   A node entity.
 *   An array with 'path' as the key and the path to the node as its value.
function node_uri(Node $node) {
  if (variable_get('node_admin_theme')) {
    $paths = array(
      'node/*/edit' => TRUE,
      'node/*/delete' => TRUE,
      'node/*/revisions' => TRUE,
      'node/*/revisions/*/revert' => TRUE,
      'node/*/revisions/*/delete' => TRUE,
      'node/*/translations' => TRUE,
      'node/*/translations/*' => TRUE,
      'node/add' => TRUE,
      'node/add/*' => TRUE,
    return $paths;
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 * @param $result
 *   A database result object from a query to fetch node entities. If your
 *   query joins the {node_comment_statistics} table so that the comment_count
 *   field is available, a title attribute will be added to show the number of
 *   comments.
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 * @param $title
 *   (optional) A heading for the resulting list.
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 * @return
 *   A renderable array containing a list of linked node titles fetched from
 *   $result, or FALSE if there are no rows in $result.
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function node_title_list($result, $title = NULL) {
    // Do not use $node->label() here, because $node comes from the database.
    $items[] = l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid, !empty($node->comment_count) ? array('attributes' => array('title' => format_plural($node->comment_count, '1 comment', '@count comments'))) : array());
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  return $num_rows ? array('#theme' => 'item_list__node', '#items' => $items, '#title' => $title) : FALSE;
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 * Decides on the type of marker to be displayed for a given node.
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 * @param $nid
 *   Node ID whose history supplies the "last viewed" timestamp.
 * @param $timestamp
 *   Time which is compared against node's "last viewed" timestamp.
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function node_mark($nid, $timestamp) {
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  global $user;
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  if (!isset($cache[$nid])) {
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  if ($cache[$nid] == 0 && $timestamp > HISTORY_READ_LIMIT) {
  elseif ($timestamp > $cache[$nid] && $timestamp > HISTORY_READ_LIMIT) {
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 * Returns a list of all the available node types.
 * This list can include types that are queued for addition or deletion.
 * See _node_types_build() for details.
 *   An array of node types, as objects, keyed by the type.
function node_type_get_types() {
  return _node_types_build()->types;

 * Returns the node type base of the passed node or node type string.
 * The base indicates which module implements this node type and is used to
 * execute node-type-specific hooks. For types defined in the user interface
 * and managed by node.module, the base is 'node_content'.
 * @param string $type
 *   A string that indicates the node type to return.
 *   The node type base or FALSE if the node type is not found.
function node_type_get_base($type) {
  $types = _node_types_build()->types;
  return isset($types[$type]) && isset($types[$type]->base) ? $types[$type]->base : FALSE;

 * Returns a list of available node type names.
 * This list can include types that are queued for addition or deletion.
 * See _node_types_build() for details.
 *   An array of node type labels, keyed by the node type name.
function node_type_get_names() {
  return _node_types_build()->names;

 * Returns the node type label for the passed node type name.
 * @param string $name
 *   The machine name of a node type.
 * @return string|false
 *   The node type label or FALSE if the node type is not found.
function node_type_get_label($name) {
  $types = _node_types_build()->names;
  return isset($types[$name]) ? $types[$name] : FALSE;

 * Returns the node type label for the passed node.
 * @param Drupal\node\Node $node
 *   A node entity to return the node type's label for.
 * @return string|false
 *   The node type label or FALSE if the node type is not found.
function node_get_type_label($node) {
  return isset($types[$node->type]) ? $types[$node->type] : FALSE;
 * Title callback: Returns the sanitized node type name.
 * @param $node_type
 *   The node type object.
 * @return
 *   The node type name that is safe for printing.
function node_type_get_clean_name($node_type) {
  return check_plain($node_type->name);

 * Description callback: Returns the node type description.
 * @param $node_type
 *   The node type object.
 * @return
 *   The node type description.
function node_type_get_description($node_type) {
  return $node_type->description;

 * Updates the database cache of node types.
 * All new module-defined node types are saved to the database via a call to
 * node_type_save(), and obsolete ones are deleted via a call to
 * node_type_delete(). See _node_types_build() for an explanation of the new
 * Menu argument loader: Loads a node type by string.
 *   The machine name of a node type to load.
 * @return
 *   A node type object or FALSE if $name does not exist.
function node_type_load($name) {
  $types = _node_types_build()->types;
  return isset($types[$name]) ? $types[$name] : FALSE;
 * @param object $info
 *   The node type to save; an object with the following properties:
 *   - type: A string giving the machine name of the node type.
 *   - name: A string giving the human-readable name of the node type.
 *   - base: A string that indicates the base string for hook functions. For
 *     example, 'node_content' is the value used by the UI when creating a new
 *     node type.
 *   - description: A string that describes the node type.
 *   - help: A string giving the help information shown to the user when
 *     creating a node of this type.
 *   - custom: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether this type is defined by a module
 *     (FALSE) or by a user (TRUE) via Add Content Type.
 *   - modified: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether this type has been modified by
 *     an administrator. Currently not used in any way.
 *   - locked: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether the administrator can change the
 *     machine name of this type.
 *   - disabled: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether this type has been disabled.
 *   - has_title: TRUE or FALSE indicating whether this type uses the node title
 *     field.
 *   - title_label: A string containing the label for the title.
 *   - module: A string giving the module defining this type of node.
 *   - orig_type: A string giving the original machine-readable name of this
 *     node type. This may be different from the current type name if the locked
 *     field is 0.
 * @return int
 *   A status flag indicating the outcome of the operation, either SAVED_NEW or
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function node_type_save($info) {
  $existing_type = !empty($info->old_type) ? $info->old_type : $info->type;
  $is_existing = (bool) db_query_range('SELECT 1 FROM {node_type} WHERE type = :type', 0, 1, array(':type' => $existing_type))->fetchField();
  $type = node_type_set_defaults($info);

  $fields = array(
    'type' => (string) $type->type,
    'name' => (string) $type->name,
    'base' => (string) $type->base,
    'has_title' => (int) $type->has_title,
    'title_label' => (string) $type->title_label,
    'description' => (string) $type->description,
    'help' => (string) $type->help,
    'custom' => (int) $type->custom,
    'modified' => (int) $type->modified,
    'locked' => (int) $type->locked,
    'disabled' => (int) $type->disabled,
    'module' => $type->module,
      ->condition('type', $existing_type)
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    if (!empty($type->old_type) && $type->old_type != $type->type) {
      field_attach_rename_bundle('node', $type->old_type, $type->type);
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    module_invoke_all('node_type_update', $type);
    $fields['orig_type'] = (string) $type->orig_type;
    field_attach_create_bundle('node', $type->type);
    module_invoke_all('node_type_insert', $type);
 * Adds the default body field to a node type.
 *   (optional) The label for the body instance.
function node_add_body_field($type, $label = 'Body') {
   // Add or remove the body field, as needed.
  $field = field_info_field('body');
  $instance = field_info_instance('node', 'body', $type->type);
  if (empty($field)) {
    $field = array(
      'field_name' => 'body',
      'type' => 'text_with_summary',
      'entity_types' => array('node'),
    $field = field_create_field($field);
  if (empty($instance)) {
    $instance = array(
      'field_name' => 'body',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'bundle' => $type->type,
      'label' => $label,
      'widget' => array('type' => 'text_textarea_with_summary'),
      'settings' => array('display_summary' => TRUE),
    $instance = field_create_instance($instance);

    // Assign display settings for the 'default' and 'teaser' view modes.
    entity_get_display('node', $type->type, 'default')
      ->setComponent($field['field_name'], array(
        'label' => 'hidden',
        'type' => 'text_default',
    entity_get_display('node', $type->type, 'teaser')
      ->setComponent($field['field_name'], array(
        'label' => 'hidden',
        'type' => 'text_summary_or_trimmed',
 * Implements hook_field_extra_fields().
function node_field_extra_fields() {
  $extra = array();
  $module_language_enabled = module_exists('language');
  $description = t('Node module element');

  foreach (node_type_get_types() as $bundle) {
    if ($bundle->has_title) {
      $extra['node'][$bundle->type]['form']['title'] = array(
        'label' => $bundle->title_label,
        'description' => $description,
        'weight' => -5,
    // Add also the 'language' select if Language module is enabled and the
    // bundle has multilingual support.
    // Visibility of the ordering of the language selector is the same as on the
    // node/add form.
    if ($module_language_enabled) {
      $configuration = language_get_default_configuration('node', $bundle->type);
      if (!$configuration['language_hidden']) {
        $extra['node'][$bundle->type]['form']['language'] = array(
          'label' => t('Language'),
          'description' => $description,
          'weight' => 0,
    $extra['node'][$bundle->type]['display']['language'] = array(
      'label' => t('Language'),
      'description' => $description,
      'weight' => 0,
      'visible' => FALSE,
 * Deletes a node type from the database.
 * @param $name
 *   The machine name of the node type to delete.
function node_type_delete($name) {
  $type = node_type_load($name);
  field_attach_delete_bundle('node', $name);
  module_invoke_all('node_type_delete', $type);
 * Updates all nodes of one type to be of another type.
 *   The current node type of the nodes.
 * @param $type
 *   The new node type of the nodes.
 *   The number of nodes whose node type field was modified.
function node_type_update_nodes($old_type, $type) {
    ->fields(array('type' => $type))
    ->condition('type', $old_type)
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 * Builds and returns the list of available node types.
 * The list of types is built by invoking hook_node_info() on all modules and
 * comparing this information with the node types in the {node_type} table.
 * These two information sources are not synchronized during module installation
 * until node_types_rebuild() is called.
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 *  (optional) TRUE to rebuild node types. Equivalent to calling
 *  node_types_rebuild(). Defaults to FALSE.
 *   - names: Associative array of the names of node types, keyed by the type.
 *   - types: Associative array of node type objects, keyed by the type.
 *   Both of these arrays will include new types that have been defined by
 *   hook_node_info() implementations but not yet saved in the {node_type}
 *   table. These are indicated in the type object by $type->is_new being set
 *   to the value 1. These arrays will also include obsolete types: types that
 *   were previously defined by modules that have now been disabled, or for
 *   whatever reason are no longer being defined in hook_node_info()
 *   implementations, but are still in the database. These are indicated in the
 *   type object by $type->disabled being set to TRUE.
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  $cid = 'node_types:' . language(LANGUAGE_TYPE_INTERFACE)->langcode;
  if (!$rebuild) {
    $_node_types = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
    if (isset($_node_types)) {
      return $_node_types;
      $_node_types = $cache->data;
  $_node_types = (object) array('types' => array(), 'names' => array());
  foreach (module_implements('node_info') as $module) {
    $info_array = module_invoke($module, 'node_info');
    foreach ($info_array as $type => $info) {
      $info['type'] = $type;
      $_node_types->types[$type] = node_type_set_defaults($info);
      $_node_types->types[$type]->module = $module;
      $_node_types->names[$type] = $info['name'];
    ->orderBy('nt.type', 'ASC');
  if (!$rebuild) {
    $query->condition('disabled', 0);
  foreach ($query->execute() as $type_object) {
    $type_db = $type_object->type;
    // Original disabled value.
    $disabled = $type_object->disabled;
    // Check for node types from disabled modules and mark their types for removal.
    // Types defined by the node module in the database (rather than by a separate
    // module using hook_node_info) have a base value of 'node_content'. The isset()
    // check prevents errors on old (pre-Drupal 7) databases.
    if (isset($type_object->base) && $type_object->base != 'node_content' && empty($_node_types->types[$type_db])) {
    if (isset($_node_types->types[$type_db])) {
      $type_object->disabled = FALSE;
    if (!isset($_node_types->types[$type_db]) || $type_object->modified) {
      $_node_types->types[$type_db] = $type_object;
      $_node_types->names[$type_db] = $type_object->name;
    $_node_types->types[$type_db]->disabled = $type_object->disabled;
    $_node_types->types[$type_db]->disabled_changed = $disabled != $type_object->disabled;

  if ($rebuild) {
    foreach ($_node_types->types as $type => $type_object) {
      if (!empty($type_object->is_new) || !empty($type_object->disabled_changed)) {
  cache()->set($cid, $_node_types, CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, array('node_types' => TRUE));
 * Clears the node type cache.
function node_type_cache_reset() {
  cache()->deleteTags(array('node_types' => TRUE));

 * Sets the default values for a node type.
 * The defaults are appropriate for a type defined through hook_node_info(),
 * since 'custom' is TRUE for types defined in the user interface, and FALSE
 * for types defined by modules. (The 'custom' flag prevents types from being
 * deleted through the user interface.) Also, the default for 'locked' is TRUE,
 * which prevents users from changing the machine name of the type.
 *   (optional) An object or array containing values to override the defaults.
 *   See hook_node_info() for details on what the array elements mean. Defaults
 *   to an empty array.
 *   A node type object, with missing values in $info set to their defaults.
function node_type_set_defaults($info = array()) {
  $info = (array) $info;
  $new_type = $info + array(
    'type' => '',
    'name' => '',
    'base' => '',
    'description' => '',
    'help' => '',
    'custom' => 0,
    'modified' => 0,
    'locked' => 1,
    'disabled' => 0,
    'is_new' => 1,
    'has_title' => 1,
    'title_label' => 'Title',
  $new_type = (object) $new_type;

  // If the type has no title, set an empty label.
  if (!$new_type->has_title) {
    $new_type->title_label = '';
  if (empty($new_type->module)) {
    $new_type->module = $new_type->base == 'node_content' ? 'node' : '';
  $new_type->orig_type = isset($info['type']) ? $info['type'] : '';

  return $new_type;
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 * Implements hook_rdf_mapping().
function node_rdf_mapping() {
  return array(
      'type' => 'node',
      'bundle' => RDF_DEFAULT_BUNDLE,
      'mapping' => array(
        'rdftype' => array('sioc:Item', 'foaf:Document'),
          'predicates' => array('dc:title'),
        'created' => array(
          'predicates' => array('dc:date', 'dc:created'),
          'datatype' => 'xsd:dateTime',
          'callback' => 'date_iso8601',
        'changed' => array(
          'predicates' => array('dc:modified'),
          'datatype' => 'xsd:dateTime',
          'callback' => 'date_iso8601',
          'predicates' => array('content:encoded'),
          'predicates' => array('sioc:has_creator'),
        'comment_count' => array(
          'predicates' => array('sioc:num_replies'),
          'datatype' => 'xsd:integer',
        'last_activity' => array(
          'predicates' => array('sioc:last_activity_date'),
          'datatype' => 'xsd:dateTime',
          'callback' => 'date_iso8601',
 * Determines whether a node hook exists.
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 * @param string $type
 *   A string containing the node type.
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 * @param $hook
 *   A string containing the name of the hook.
 * @return string|false
 *   A string containing the function name or FALSE if it isn't found.
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function node_hook($type, $hook) {
  $base = node_type_get_base($type);
  return module_hook($base, $hook) ? $base . '_' . $hook : FALSE;
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 * Invokes a node hook.
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 * @param Drupal\node\Node $node
 *   A Node entity.
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 * @param $hook
 *   A string containing the name of the hook.
 * @param $a2, $a3, $a4
 *   (optional) Arguments to pass on to the hook, after the $node argument. All
 *   default to NULL.
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 * @return
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 *   The returned value of the invoked hook.
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Dries Buytaert committed
function node_invoke($node, $hook, $a2 = NULL, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
  if ($function = node_hook($node->type, $hook)) {
    return $function($node, $a2, $a3, $a4);
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Dries Buytaert committed
 * Loads node entities from the database.
 * This function should be used whenever you need to load more than one node
 * from the database. Nodes are loaded into memory and will not require database
 * access if loaded again during the same page request.
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Dries Buytaert committed
 * @param array $nids
 *   (optional) An array of entity IDs. If omitted, all entities are loaded.
 *   (optional) Whether to reset the internal node_load() cache.  Defaults to
 *   FALSE.
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 *   An array of node entities indexed by nid.
 * @see Drupal\Core\Entity\Query\EntityQueryInterface
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Dries Buytaert committed
function node_load_multiple(array $nids = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load_multiple('node', $nids, $reset);
 * Loads a node entity from the database.
 *   (optional) Whether to reset the node_load_multiple() cache. Defaults to
 *   FALSE.
 * @return Drupal\node\Node|false
 *   A fully-populated node entity, or FALSE if the node is not found.
function node_load($nid = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('node', $nid, $reset);

 * Loads a node revision from the database.
 * @param int $nid
 *   The node revision id.
 * @return Drupal\node\Node|false
 *   A fully-populated node entity, or FALSE if the node is not found.
function node_revision_load($vid = NULL) {
  return entity_revision_load('node', $vid);
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Dries Buytaert committed

 * Prepares a node for saving by populating the author and creation date.
  // A user might assign the node author by entering a user name in the node
  // form, which we then need to translate to a user ID.
  if (isset($node->name)) {
    if ($account = user_load_by_name($node->name)) {
      $node->uid = $account->uid;
    else {
      $node->uid = 0;
  // If a new revision is created, save the current user as revision author.
  if (!empty($node->date)) {
    $node_created = new DrupalDateTime($node->date);
    $node->created = $node_created->getTimestamp();
  else {
    $node->created = REQUEST_TIME;

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