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FileFieldValidateTest.php 7.74 KiB
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 * @file
 * Definition of Drupal\file\Tests\FileFieldValidateTest.

namespace Drupal\file\Tests;

use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface;
 * Tests various validations.
class FileFieldValidateTest extends FileFieldTestBase {
  protected $field;
  protected $node_type;

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'File field validation tests',
      'description' => 'Tests validation functions such as file type, max file size, max size per node, and required.',
      'group' => 'File',

   * Tests the required property on file fields.
  function testRequired() {
    $type_name = 'article';
    $field_name = strtolower($this->randomName());
    $field = $this->createFileField($field_name, 'node', $type_name, array(), array('required' => '1'));
    $instance = Field::fieldInfo()->getInstance('node', $type_name, $field_name);

    $test_file = $this->getTestFile('text');

    // Try to post a new node without uploading a file.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['title[0][value]'] = $this->randomName();
    $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/' . $type_name, $edit, t('Save and publish'));
    $this->assertRaw(t('!title field is required.', array('!title' => $instance->getFieldLabel())), 'Node save failed when required file field was empty.');

    // Create a new node with the uploaded file.
    $nid = $this->uploadNodeFile($test_file, $field_name, $type_name);
    $this->assertTrue($nid !== FALSE, format_string('uploadNodeFile(@test_file, @field_name, @type_name) succeeded', array('@test_file' => $test_file->getFileUri(), '@field_name' => $field_name, '@type_name' => $type_name)));
    $node = node_load($nid, TRUE);
    $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}->target_id);
    $this->assertFileExists($node_file, 'File exists after uploading to the required field.');
    $this->assertFileEntryExists($node_file, 'File entry exists after uploading to the required field.');

    // Try again with a multiple value field.
    $this->createFileField($field_name, 'node', $type_name, array('cardinality' => FieldDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED), array('required' => '1'));

    // Try to post a new node without uploading a file in the multivalue field.
    $edit = array();
    $edit['title[0][value]'] = $this->randomName();
    $this->drupalPostForm('node/add/' . $type_name, $edit, t('Save and publish'));
    $this->assertRaw(t('!title field is required.', array('!title' => $instance->getFieldLabel())), 'Node save failed when required multiple value file field was empty.');

    // Create a new node with the uploaded file into the multivalue field.
    $nid = $this->uploadNodeFile($test_file, $field_name, $type_name);
    $node = node_load($nid, TRUE);
    $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}->target_id);
    $this->assertFileExists($node_file, 'File exists after uploading to the required multiple value field.');
    $this->assertFileEntryExists($node_file, 'File entry exists after uploading to the required multiple value field.');

   * Tests the max file size validator.
  function testFileMaxSize() {
    $type_name = 'article';
    $field_name = strtolower($this->randomName());
    $this->createFileField($field_name, 'node', $type_name, array(), array('required' => '1'));

    $small_file = $this->getTestFile('text', 131072); // 128KB.
    $large_file = $this->getTestFile('text', 1310720); // 1.2MB

    // Test uploading both a large and small file with different increments.
    $sizes = array(
      '1M' => 1048576,
      '1024K' => 1048576,
      '1048576' => 1048576,

    foreach ($sizes as $max_filesize => $file_limit) {
      // Set the max file upload size.
      $this->updateFileField($field_name, $type_name, array('max_filesize' => $max_filesize));

      // Create a new node with the small file, which should pass.
      $nid = $this->uploadNodeFile($small_file, $field_name, $type_name);
      $node = node_load($nid, TRUE);
      $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}->target_id);
      $this->assertFileExists($node_file, format_string('File exists after uploading a file (%filesize) under the max limit (%maxsize).', array('%filesize' => format_size($small_file->getSize()), '%maxsize' => $max_filesize)));
      $this->assertFileEntryExists($node_file, format_string('File entry exists after uploading a file (%filesize) under the max limit (%maxsize).', array('%filesize' => format_size($small_file->getSize()), '%maxsize' => $max_filesize)));

      // Check that uploading the large file fails (1M limit).
      $this->uploadNodeFile($large_file, $field_name, $type_name);
      $error_message = t('The file is %filesize exceeding the maximum file size of %maxsize.', array('%filesize' => format_size($large_file->getSize()), '%maxsize' => format_size($file_limit)));
      $this->assertRaw($error_message, format_string('Node save failed when file (%filesize) exceeded the max upload size (%maxsize).', array('%filesize' => format_size($large_file->getSize()), '%maxsize' => $max_filesize)));

    // Turn off the max filesize.
    $this->updateFileField($field_name, $type_name, array('max_filesize' => ''));

    // Upload the big file successfully.
    $nid = $this->uploadNodeFile($large_file, $field_name, $type_name);
    $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}->target_id);
    $this->assertFileExists($node_file, format_string('File exists after uploading a file (%filesize) with no max limit.', array('%filesize' => format_size($large_file->getSize()))));
    $this->assertFileEntryExists($node_file, format_string('File entry exists after uploading a file (%filesize) with no max limit.', array('%filesize' => format_size($large_file->getSize()))));

   * Tests file extension checking.
  function testFileExtension() {
    $type_name = 'article';
    $field_name = strtolower($this->randomName());
    $this->createFileField($field_name, 'node', $type_name);

    $test_file = $this->getTestFile('image');
    list(, $test_file_extension) = explode('.', $test_file->getFilename());

    // Disable extension checking.
    $this->updateFileField($field_name, $type_name, array('file_extensions' => ''));

    // Check that the file can be uploaded with no extension checking.
    $nid = $this->uploadNodeFile($test_file, $field_name, $type_name);
    $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}->target_id);
    $this->assertFileExists($node_file, 'File exists after uploading a file with no extension checking.');
    $this->assertFileEntryExists($node_file, 'File entry exists after uploading a file with no extension checking.');

    // Enable extension checking for text files.
    $this->updateFileField($field_name, $type_name, array('file_extensions' => 'txt'));

    // Check that the file with the wrong extension cannot be uploaded.
    $this->uploadNodeFile($test_file, $field_name, $type_name);
    $error_message = t('Only files with the following extensions are allowed: %files-allowed.', array('%files-allowed' => 'txt'));
    $this->assertRaw($error_message, 'Node save failed when file uploaded with the wrong extension.');

    // Enable extension checking for text and image files.
    $this->updateFileField($field_name, $type_name, array('file_extensions' => "txt $test_file_extension"));

    // Check that the file can be uploaded with extension checking.
    $nid = $this->uploadNodeFile($test_file, $field_name, $type_name);
    $node_file = file_load($node->{$field_name}->target_id);
    $this->assertFileExists($node_file, 'File exists after uploading a file with extension checking.');
    $this->assertFileEntryExists($node_file, 'File entry exists after uploading a file with extension checking.');