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EntityReferenceSelectionReferenceableTest.php 7.84 KiB
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namespace Drupal\Tests\system\Kernel\Entity;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\field\Tests\EntityReference\EntityReferenceTestTrait;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\KernelTests\KernelTestBase;

 * Tests entity reference selection plugins.
 * @group entity_reference
class EntityReferenceSelectionReferenceableTest extends KernelTestBase {

  use EntityReferenceTestTrait;

   * Bundle of 'entity_test_no_label' entity.
   * @var string
  protected $bundle;

   * Labels to be tested.
   * @var array
  protected static $labels = ['abc', 'Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'bar_', 'baz_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>'];

   * The selection handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityReferenceSelection\SelectionInterface.
  protected $selectionHandler;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = ['system', 'user', 'field', 'entity_reference', 'node', 'entity_test'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {


    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface $storage */
    $storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')

    // Create a new node-type.
      'type' => $node_type = mb_strtolower($this->randomMachineName()),
      'name' => $this->randomString(),

    // Create an entity reference field targeting 'entity_test_no_label'
    // entities.
    $field_name = mb_strtolower($this->randomMachineName());
    $this->createEntityReferenceField('node', $node_type, $field_name, $this->randomString(), 'entity_test_no_label');
    $field_config = FieldConfig::loadByName('node', $node_type, $field_name);
    $this->selectionHandler = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.entity_reference_selection')->getSelectionHandler($field_config);

    // Generate a bundle name to be used with 'entity_test_no_label'.
    $this->bundle = mb_strtolower($this->randomMachineName());

    // Create 6 entities to be referenced by the field.
    foreach (static::$labels as $name) {
        'id' => mb_strtolower($this->randomMachineName()),
        'name' => $name,
        'type' => $this->bundle,

   * Tests values returned by SelectionInterface::getReferenceableEntities()
   * when the target entity type has no 'label' key.
   * @param mixed $match
   *   The input text to be checked.
   * @param string $match_operator
   *   The matching operator.
   * @param int $limit
   *   The limit of returning records.
   * @param int $count_limited
   *   The expected number of limited entities to be retrieved.
   * @param array $items
   *   Array of entity labels expected to be returned.
   * @param int $count_all
   *   The total number (unlimited) of entities to be retrieved.
   * @dataProvider providerTestCases
  public function testReferenceablesWithNoLabelKey($match, $match_operator, $limit, $count_limited, array $items, $count_all) {
    // Test ::getReferenceableEntities().
    $referenceables = $this->selectionHandler->getReferenceableEntities($match, $match_operator, $limit);

    // Number of returned items.
    if (empty($count_limited)) {
    else {
      $this->assertSame(count($referenceables[$this->bundle]), $count_limited);

    // Test returned items.
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      // SelectionInterface::getReferenceableEntities() always return escaped
      // entity labels.
      // @see \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityReferenceSelection\SelectionInterface::getReferenceableEntities()
      $item = is_string($item) ? Html::escape($item) : $item;
      $this->assertTrue(array_search($item, $referenceables[$this->bundle]) !== FALSE);

    // Test ::countReferenceableEntities().
    $count_referenceables = $this->selectionHandler->countReferenceableEntities($match, $match_operator);
    $this->assertSame($count_referenceables, $count_all);

   * Provides test cases for ::testReferenceablesWithNoLabelKey() test.
   * @return array[]
  public function providerTestCases() {
    return [
      // All referenceables, no limit. Expecting 9 items.
      [NULL, 'CONTAINS', 0, 9, static::$labels, 9],
      // Referenceables containing 'w', no limit. Expecting no item.
      ['w', 'CONTAINS', 0, 0, [], 0],
      // Referenceables starting with 'w', no limit. Expecting no item.
      ['w', 'STARTS_WITH', 0, 0, [], 0],
      // Referenceables containing 'ab', no limit. Expecting 2 items ('abc',
      // 'xyabz').
      ['ab', 'CONTAINS', 0, 2, ['abc', 'xyabz_'], 2],
      // Referenceables starting with 'A', no limit. Expecting 1 item ('abc').
      ['A', 'STARTS_WITH', 0, 1, ['abc'], 1],
      // Referenceables containing '_', limited to 3. Expecting 3 limited items
      // ('Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_') and 5 total.
      ['_', 'CONTAINS', 3, 3, ['Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_'], 6],
      // Referenceables ending with 'z_', limited to 3. Expecting 3 limited
      // items ('Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'baz_') and 4 total.
      ['z_', 'ENDS_WITH', 3, 3, ['Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'baz_'], 4],
      // Referenceables identical with 'xyabz_', no limit. Expecting 1 item
      // ('xyabz_').
      ['xyabz_', '=', 0, 1, ['xyabz_'], 1],
      // Referenceables greater than 'foo', no limit. Expecting 4 items ('Xyz_',
      // 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'șz_').
      ['foo', '>', 0, 4, ['Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'șz_'], 4],
      // Referenceables greater or identical with 'baz_', no limit. Expecting 5
      // items ('Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'baz_', 'șz_').
      ['baz_', '>=', 0, 5, ['Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'baz_', 'șz_'], 5],
      // Referenceables less than 'foo', no limit. Expecting 5 items ('abc',
      // 'bar_', 'baz_', NULL, '<strong>').
      ['foo', '<', 0, 5, ['abc', 'bar_', 'baz_', NULL, '<strong>'], 5],
      // Referenceables less or identical with 'baz_', no limit. Expecting 5
      // items ('abc', 'bar_', 'baz_', NULL, '<strong>').
      ['baz_', '<=', 0, 5, ['abc', 'bar_', 'baz_', NULL, '<strong>'], 5],
      // Referenceables not identical with 'baz_', no limit. Expecting 7 items
      // ('abc', 'Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'bar_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>').
      ['baz_', '<>', 0, 8, ['abc', 'Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'bar_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>'], 8],
      // Referenceables in ('bar_', 'baz_'), no limit. Expecting 2 items
      // ('bar_', 'baz_')
      [['bar_', 'baz_'], 'IN', 0, 2, ['bar_', 'baz_'], 2],
      // Referenceables not in ('bar_', 'baz_'), no limit. Expecting 6 items
      // ('abc', 'Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>')
      [['bar_', 'baz_'], 'NOT IN', 0, 7, ['abc', 'Xyz_', 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>'], 7],
      // Referenceables not null, no limit. Expecting 9 items ('abc', 'Xyz_',
      // 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'bar_', 'baz_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>').
      // Note: Even we set the name as NULL, when retrieving the label from the
      //   entity we'll get an empty string, meaning that this match operator
      //   will return TRUE every time.
      [NULL, 'IS NOT NULL', 0, 9, static::$labels, 9],
      // Referenceables null, no limit. Expecting 9 items ('abc', 'Xyz_',
      // 'xyabz_', 'foo_', 'bar_', 'baz_', 'șz_', NULL, '<strong>').
      // Note: Even we set the name as NULL, when retrieving the label from the
      //   entity we'll get an empty string, meaning that this match operator
      //   will return FALSE every time.
      [NULL, 'IS NULL', 0, 9, static::$labels, 9],
      // Referenceables containing '<strong>' markup, no limit. Expecting 1 item
      // ('<strong>').
      ['<strong>', 'CONTAINS', 0, 1, ['<strong>'], 1],
      // Test an unsupported operator. We expect no items.
      ['abc', '*unsupported*', 0, 0, [], 0],
