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ProviderException.php 1.15 KiB
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namespace Drupal\media\OEmbed;

 * Exception thrown if an oEmbed provider causes an error.
 * @internal
 *   This is an internal part of the oEmbed system and should only be used by
 *   oEmbed-related code in Drupal core.
class ProviderException extends \Exception {

   * Information about the oEmbed provider which caused the exception.
   * @var \Drupal\media\OEmbed\Provider
   * @see \Drupal\media\OEmbed\ProviderRepositoryInterface::get()
  protected $provider;

   * ProviderException constructor.
   * @param string $message
   *   The exception message. '@name' will be replaced with the provider name
   *   if available, or '<unknown>' if not.
   * @param \Drupal\media\OEmbed\Provider $provider
   *   (optional) The provider information.
   * @param \Exception $previous
   *   (optional) The previous exception, if any.
  public function __construct($message, Provider $provider = NULL, \Exception $previous = NULL) {
    $this->provider = $provider;
    $message = str_replace('@name', $provider ? $provider->getName() : '<unknown>', $message);
    parent::__construct($message, 0, $previous);
