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A module containing helper functions for Drupal developers and
inquisitive admins. This module can print a log of
all database queries for each page request at the bottom of each page. The
Moshe Weitzman's avatar
Moshe Weitzman committed
summary includes how many times each query was executed on a page, and how long each query
 It also
 - a block for running custom PHP on a pge
 - a block for quickly accessing devel pages
 - a block for masquerading as other users (useful for testing)
 - reports memory usage at bottom of page
Moshe Weitzman's avatar
Moshe Weitzman committed
 - more
 This module is safe to use on a production site. Just be sure to only grant
 'access development information' permission to developers.
Also a dpr() function is provided, which pretty prints arrays and strings. Useful during
development. Many other nice functions like dpm(), dvm().

You might also download Krumo from Unpack it into a subdirectory 
called krumo. Devel will automatically start using it. You may also call krumo($variable) to get 
a pretty print of any variable.
Included in this package is also: 
- devel_themer.module which outputs deep information related to all theme calls on a page.
- devel_node_access module which prints out the node_access records for a given node._
Moshe Weitzman's avatar
Moshe Weitzman committed
- devel_generate.module which bulk creates nodes, users, comment, terms for development
- macro.module which records form submissions and can pay them back later or on another site. More
information available at
