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ctools.module 16.9 KiB
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 * @file
 * CTools primary module file.
 * Most of the CTools tools are in their own .inc files. This contains
 * nothing more than a few convenience functions and some hooks that
 * must be implemented in the module file.
define('CTOOLS_API_VERSION', '2.0.0');

 * Test the CTools API version.
 * This function can always be used to safely test if CTools has the minimum
 * API version that your module can use. It can also try to protect you from
 * running if the CTools API version is too new, but if you do that you need
 * to be very quick about watching CTools API releases and release new versions
 * of your software as soon as the new release is made, or people might end up
 * updating CTools and having your module shut down without any recourse.
 * It is recommended that every hook of your module that might use CTools or
 * might lead to a use of CTools be guarded like this:
 * @code
 * if (!module_invoke('ctools', 'api_version', '1.0')) {
 *   return;
 * }
 * @endcode
 * Note that some hooks such as _menu() or _theme() must return an array().
 * You can use it in your hook_requirements to report this error condition
 * like this:
 * @code
 * function MODULENAME_requirements($phase) {
 *   $requirements = array();
 *      $requirements['MODULENAME_ctools'] = array(
 *        'title' => $t('MODULENAME required Chaos Tool Suite (CTools) API Version'),
 *        'value' => t('Between @a and @b', array('@a' => MODULENAME_MINIMUM_CTOOLS_API_VERSION, '@b' => MODULENAME_MAXIMUM_CTOOLS_API_VERSION)),
 *        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
 *      );
 *   }
 *   return $requirements;
 * }
 * @endcode
 * Please note that the version is a string, not an floating point number.
 * This will matter once CTools reaches version 1.10.
 * A CTools API changes history will be kept in API.txt. Not every new
 * version of CTools will necessarily update the API version.
 * @param $minimum
 *   The minimum version of CTools necessary for your software to run with it.
 * @param $maximum
 *   The maximum version of CTools allowed for your software to run with it.
function ctools_api_version($minimum, $maximum = NULL) {
  if (version_compare(CTOOLS_API_VERSION, $minimum, '<')) {
    return FALSE;

  if (isset($maximum) && version_compare(CTOOLS_API_VERSION, $maximum, '>')) {
    return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

 * Include .inc files as necessary.
 * This fuction is helpful for including .inc files for your module. The
 * general case is including ctools funcitonality like this:
 * @code
 * ctools_include('plugins');
 * @endcode
 * Similar funcitonality can be used for other modules by providing the $module
 * and $dir arguments like this:
 * @code
 * // include mymodule/includes/
 * ctools_include('import', 'mymodule');
 * // include mymodule/plugins/
 * ctools_include('foobar', 'mymodule', 'plugins');
 * @endcode
 * @param $file
 *   The base file name to be included.
 * @param $module
 *   Optional module containing the include.
 * @param $dir
 *   Optional subdirectory containing the include file.
function ctools_include($file, $module = 'ctools', $dir = 'includes') {
  if (!isset($used[$module][$dir][$file])) {
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/$dir/$";
 * Provide the proper path to a CTools image
function ctools_image_path($image) {
  return drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/images/' . $image;
function ctools_add_css($file) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . "/css/$file.css");
 * Include views .js files.
function ctools_add_js($file) {
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . "/js/$file.js");

 * Implement hook_init to keep our global CSS at the ready.
function ctools_init() {
  // If we are sure that CTools' AJAX is in use, change the error handling.
  if (!empty($_REQUEST['ctools_ajax'])) {
    ini_set('display_errors', 0);

 * Shutdown handler used during ajax operations to help catch fatal errors.
function ctools_shutdown_handler() {
  if ($error = error_get_last()){
      case E_ERROR:
      case E_CORE_ERROR:
      case E_COMPILE_ERROR:
      case E_USER_ERROR:
        // Do this manually because including files here is dangerous.
        $commands = array(
            'command' => 'alert',
            'title' => t('Error'),
            'text' => t('Unable to complete operation. Fatal error in @file on line @line: @message', array(
              '@file' => $error['file'],
              '@line' => $error['line'],
              '@message' => $error['message'],

        // Change the status code so that the client will read the AJAX returned.
        header('HTTP/1.1 200 OK');
 * Central static variable storage. Modeled after Drupal 7's drupal_static().
 * @param $name
 *   Globally unique name for the variable. For a function with only one static,
 *   variable, the function name (e.g. via the PHP magic __FUNCTION__ constant)
 *   is recommended. For a function with multiple static variables add a
 *   distinguishing suffix to the function name for each one.
 * @param $default_value
 *   Optional default value.
 * @return $reset
 *   TRUE to reset a specific named variable, or all variables if $name is NULL.
 *   Resetting every variable should only be used, for example, for running unit
 *   tests with a clean environment. Should be used only though via function
 *   ctools_static_reset().
function &ctools_static($name, $default_value = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $data = array();

  // Reset a single value, or all values.
  if ($reset) {
    if (isset($name)) {
    else {
      $data = array();
    // We must return a reference to a variable.
    $dummy = NULL;
    return $dummy;

  if (!isset($data[$name])) {
    $data[$name] = $default_value;

  return $data[$name];

 * Reset one or all centrally stored static variable(s).
 * Modeled after Drupal 7's drupal_static_reset().
 * @param $name
 *   Name of the static variable to reset. Omit to reset all variables.
function ctools_static_reset($name) {
  ctools_static($name, NULL, TRUE);

 * Provide a hook passthrough to included files.
 * To organize things neatly, each CTools tool gets its own toolname.$
 * file. If it exists, it's loaded and ctools_$tool_$type() is executed.
 * To save time we pass the $items array in so we don't need to do array
 * addition. It modifies the array by reference and doesn't need to return it.
function _ctools_passthrough(&$items, $type = 'theme') {
  $files = drupal_system_listing('/\.' . $type . '\.inc$/', drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes', 'name', 0);
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $file->uri;
    list($tool) = explode('.', $file->name, 2);

    $function = 'ctools_' . $tool . '_' . $type;
    if (function_exists($function)) {

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter()
function ctools_theme_registry_alter(&$registry) {
  if ($registry['menu_local_tasks']['function'] == 'theme_menu_local_tasks') {
    $registry['menu_local_tasks'] = array(
      'function' => 'ctools_theme_menu_local_tasks',
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes',
      'file' => '',
    ) + $registry['menu_local_tasks'];

  if (isset($registry['help']['function']) && $registry['help']['function'] == 'theme_help') {
    $registry['help'] = array(
      'function' => 'ctools_menu_help',
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes',
      'file' => '',
    ) + $registry['help'];

  // Handle a special override for garland because it's cute and does its own
  // thing with tabs and we can't ask users to edit a core theme for us.
  if ($registry['menu_local_tasks']['function'] == 'phptemplate_menu_local_tasks' &&
      $registry['menu_local_tasks']['theme paths'][1] == 'themes/garland') {
    $registry['menu_local_tasks'] = array(
      'function' => 'ctools_garland_menu_local_tasks',
      'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ctools') . '/includes',
      'file' => '',
    ) + $registry['menu_local_tasks'];

  if (isset($registry['page']['preprocess functions'][2]) &&
      $registry['page']['preprocess functions'][2] == 'phptemplate_preprocess_page' &&
      $registry['page']['theme paths'][1] == 'themes/garland') {
    $registry['page']['preprocess functions'][2] = 'ctools_garland_preprocess_page';

 * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the templates.
 * This needs to be in the .module file to ensure availability; we can't change the
 * paths or it won't be able to find templates.
function ctools_garland_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
  $vars['tabs2'] = ctools_menu_secondary_local_tasks();

  // Hook into color.module
  if (module_exists('color')) {

function ctools_theme() {
  $items = array();
  _ctools_passthrough($items, 'theme');
  return $items;

function ctools_menu() {
  $items = array();
  _ctools_passthrough($items, 'menu');
  return $items;
 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_dierctory() to let the system know
 * we implement task and task_handler plugins.
function ctools_ctools_plugin_directory($module, $plugin) {
  if ($module == 'ctools') {
    return 'plugins/' . $plugin;

 * Get a list of roles in the system.
function ctools_get_roles() {
  static $roles = NULL;
  if (!isset($roles)) {
    $roles = db_query('SELECT r.rid, FROM {role} r ORDER BY')->fetchAllKeyed();

 * Determine if the current user has access via a plugin.
 * This function is meant to be embedded in the Drupal menu system, and
 * therefore is in the .module file since sub files can't be loaded, and
 * takes arguments a little bit more haphazardly than ctools_access().
 * @param $access
 *   An access control array which contains the following information:
 *   - 'logic': and or or. Whether all tests must pass or one must pass.
 *   - 'plugins': An array of access plugins. Each contains:
 *   - - 'name': The name of the plugin
 *   - - 'settings': The settings from the plugin UI.
 *   - - 'context': Which context to use.
 * @param ...
 *   zero or more context arguments generated from argument plugins. These
 *   contexts must have an 'id' attached to them so that they can be
 *   properly associated. The argument plugin system should set this, but
 *   if the context is coming from elsewhere it will need to be set manually.
 * @return
 *   TRUE if access is granted, false if otherwise.
function ctools_access_menu($access) {
  // Short circuit everything if there are no access tests.
  if (empty($access['plugins'])) {
    return TRUE;

  $contexts = array();
  foreach (func_get_args() as $arg) {
    if (is_object($arg) && get_class($arg) == 'ctools_context') {
      $contexts[$arg->id] = $arg;

  return ctools_access($access, $contexts);
 * Implements hook_cron. Clean up old caches.
function ctools_cron() {
  // TODO: Should this use the passthrough?
  if (variable_get('ctools_last_cron', 0) < REQUEST_TIME - 86400) {
    variable_set('ctools_last_cron', REQUEST_TIME);

 * Break x,y,z and x+y+z into an array. Numeric only.
 * @param $str
 *   The string to parse.
 * @return $object
 *   An object containing
 *   - operator: Either 'and' or 'or'
 *   - value: An array of numeric values.
function ctools_break_phrase($str) {
  $object = new stdClass();

  if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+[+ ])+[0-9]+$/', $str)) {
    // The '+' character in a query string may be parsed as ' '.
    $object->operator = 'or';
    $object->value = preg_split('/[+ ]/', $str);
  else if (preg_match('/^([0-9]+,)*[0-9]+$/', $str)) {
    $object->operator = 'and';
    $object->value = explode(',', $str);

  // Keep an 'error' value if invalid strings were given.
  if (!empty($str) && (empty($object->value) || !is_array($object->value))) {
    $object->value = array(-1);
    $object->invalid_input = TRUE;
    return $object;

  if (empty($object->value)) {
    $object->value = array();

  // Doubly ensure that all values are numeric only.
  foreach ($object->value as $id => $value) {
    $object->value[$id] = intval($value);

  return $object;

 * A theme preprocess function to automatically allow panels-based node
 * templates based upon input when the panel was configured.
function ctools_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
  // The 'panel_identifier' attribute of the node is added when the pane is
  // rendered.
  if (!empty($vars['node']->panel_identifier)) {
    $vars['panel_identifier'] = check_plain($vars['node']->panel_identifier);
    $vars['template_files'][] = 'node-panel-' . check_plain($vars['node']->panel_identifier);

 * Ensure the CTools CSS cache is flushed whenever hook_flush_caches is invoked.
function ctools_flush_caches() {
  // TODO: Should this use the passthrough mechanism?

 * Check to see if the incoming menu item is js capable or not.
 * This can be used as %ctools_js as part of a path in hook menu. CTools
 * ajax functions will automatically change the phrase 'nojs' to 'ajax'
 * when it attaches ajax to a link. This can be used to autodetect if
 * that happened.
function ctools_js_load($js) {
  if ($js == 'ajax') {
    return TRUE;
  return 0;

 * A theme preprocess function to allow content type plugins to use page
 * template variables which are not yet available when the content type is
 * rendered.
function ctools_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
  $tokens = ctools_set_page_token();
  if (!empty($tokens)) {
    foreach ($tokens as $token => $key) {
      list($type, $argument) = $key;
      switch ($type) {
        case 'variable':
          $tokens[$token] = isset($variables[$argument]) ? $variables[$argument] : '';
        case 'callback':
          if (is_string($argument) && function_exists($argument)) {
            $tokens[$token] = $argument();
          if (is_array($argument) && function_exists($argument[0])) {
            $tokens[$token] = call_user_func_array($argument);
    $variables['content'] = strtr($variables['content'], $tokens);

 * Set a token/value pair to be replaced later in the request, specifically in
 * ctools_preprocess_page().
 * @param $token
 *   The token to be replaced later, during page rendering.  This should
 *    ideally be a string inside of an HTML comment, so that if there is
 *    no replacement, the token will not render on the page.
 * @param $type
 *   The type of the token. Can be either 'variable', which will pull data
 *   directly from the page variables
 * @param $argument
 *   If $type == 'variable' then argument should be the key to fetch from
 *   the $variables. If $type == 'callback' then it should either be the
 *   callback, or an array that will be sent to call_user_func_array().
 * @return
 *   A array of token/variable names to be replaced.
function ctools_set_page_token($token = NULL, $type = NULL, $argument = NULL) {
  static $tokens = array();

  if (isset($token)) {
    $tokens[$token] = array($type, $argument);

  return $tokens;

 * Easily set a token from the page variables.
 * This function can be used like this:
 * $token = ctools_set_variable_token('tabs');
 * $token will then be a simple replacement for the 'tabs' about of the
 * variables available in the page template.
function ctools_set_variable_token($token) {
  $string = '<!-- ctools-page-' . $token . ' -->';
  ctools_set_page_token($string, 'variable', $token);
  return $string;

 * Easily set a token from the page variables.
 * This function can be used like this:
 * $token = ctools_set_variable_token('id', 'mymodule_myfunction');
function ctools_set_callback_token($token, $callback) {
  $string = '<!-- ctools-page-' . $token . ' -->';
  ctools_set_page_token($string, 'callback', $callback);
  return $string;

 * Provide a search form with a different id so that form_alters will miss it
 * and thus not get advanced search settings.
function ctools_forms() {
  $forms['ctools_search_form']= array(
    'callback' => 'search_form',

  return $forms;