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distributor_service.module 2.46 KiB
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Graham Taylor committed
// $Id$
 * @author gtaylor
 * @file
 * Link general node distribution functionality to services module.

 * Implementation of hook_help().
function disrtibutor_service_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/help#services_distributor':
      return '<p>'. t('Provides node distribution methods to services applications. Requires services.module.') .'</p>';
    case 'admin/modules#description':
      return t('Provides node distribution methods to services applications. Requires services.module.');

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
function distributor_service_perm() {
  return array(
    'get any node distribution data', 

 * Implementation of hook_service().
function distributor_service_service() {
  return array(

    // node.getType
      '#method'           => 'node.getType',
      '#callback'         => 'distributor_service_get_type',
      '#access callback'  => 'distributor_service_get_access',
      '#file'             => array('file' => 'inc', 'module' => 'distributor_service'),
      '#args'             => array(
          '#name'           => 'type',
          '#type'           => 'string',
          '#description'    => t('A node type.')
      '#return'           => 'boolean',
      '#help'             => t('Returns a boolean.')

    // node.getAllTypes
      '#method'           => 'node.getAllTypes',
      '#callback'         => 'distributor_service_get_all_types',
      '#access callback'  => 'distributor_service_get_access',
      '#file'             => array('file' => 'inc', 'module' => 'distributor_service'),
      '#args'             => array(),      
      '#return'           => 'array',
      '#help'             => t('Obtain whether or not nodes are flagged as distributable pieces of content.')
    // node.deleteDistributedNode
      '#method'           => 'node.deleteDistributedNode',
      '#callback'         => 'distributor_service_delete_node',
      '#access callback'  => 'distributor_service_get_access',
      '#file'             => array('file' => 'inc', 'module' => 'distributor_service'),
      '#args'             => array(
          '#name'           => 'nid',
          '#type'           => 'int',
          '#description'    => t('A node id.')
      '#return'           => 'boolean',
      '#help'             => t('Returns a boolean.')),		