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cis_filter.module 6.01 KiB
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define('CIS_FILTER_INVALID', '-invalid call-');

 * Implements hook_filter_info().
function cis_filter_filter_info() {
  $filters = array();
  $filters['cis_filter'] = array(
    'title' => t('CIS Filter'),
    'description' => t('Substitutes [cis] shortcodes with rendered output.'),
    'process callback' => '_cis_filter_process',
    'tips callback' => '_cis_filter_tips',
    'weight' => 10,
  return $filters;

 * Helper function to provide on screen tips for using the filter
function _cis_filter_tips($filter, $format, $long = FALSE) {
  return t('You may insert references to CIS resources, see cis_shortcodes.api.php for details.');

 * Callback function to perform the content processing.
function _cis_filter_process($text, $filter, $format, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) {
  $regex = "/\[(\<br \/\>|\s)*ciscode(\<br \/\>|\s)*(\|([a-zA-Z0-9_.\s]+=[-a-zA-Z0-9+.:&@#\/\?<>\"%=~_\s]+))*(\<br \/\>|\s)*\]/";
  if (preg_match_all($regex, $text, $matches)) {
    $patterns = array();
    $media = array();
    // Have to process multiple matches since more than one player can be on a node.
    foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) {
      $tag = $match;
      $config = "";
      $vars = array();
      $tag = preg_replace("/\[(\s)*ciscode(\s)*(\||\])/", "", $tag);
      $tag = str_replace("]", "", $tag);
      $args = preg_split("/\|/", $tag);
      // For the current match, process each parameter.
      foreach ($args as $fvar) {
        $key_val = preg_split("/=/", $fvar, 2);
        if ($key_val[0] != "") {
          $vars[trim($key_val[0])] = trim($key_val[1]);
      $patterns[] = $regex;
      $media[] = theme('cis_filter_render', array('settings' => $vars));
    $text = preg_replace($patterns, $media, $text, 1);
  return $text;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function cis_filter_theme() {
  return array(
    'cis_filter_render' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'settings' => array(),

 * Theme callback to render media.
function theme_cis_filter_render($vars) {
  // NOTICE: allows for future rewrites to the API
  if ($vars['settings']['rev'] == 1) {
    $code = array_merge(array(
      'render' => 'iframe',
      'item_type' => 'id',
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'entity_bundle' => NULL,
      'render_callback' => NULL,
    ), $vars['settings']);
    // spec requires tool and item be set
    if (isset($code['tool']) && isset($code['item'])) {
      if ($settings = _cis_connector_build_registry($code['tool'])) {
        // support custom rendering callbacks
        if (empty($code['render_callback'])) {
          $instance = '/';
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          if (isset($settings['instance']) && $settings['instance']) {
            $instance = base_path();
          $link = _cis_connector_format_address($settings, $instance, 'front');
          switch ($code['render']) {
            case 'link':
              // link based request requires RESTful webservice
              $url = $code['entity_type'] . '/' . $code['item'] . '.json';
              // uses property to allow for rapid load of a complex resource
              $url .= '?deep-load-refs=file';
              // fallback in case there was nothing to query
              $link .= $code['entity_type'] . '/' . $code['item'];
              $result = _cis_filter_link_render($url, $code, $link);
            case 'iframe':
              $result = _cis_filter_iframe_render($link, $code);
        else {
          // allow custom rendering of the entire thing
          $result = call_user_func($code['render_callback'], $code);
        return $result;
  // nothing picked up the call, render the invalid output fallback

 * Default callback for rendering a link to the item
function _cis_filter_link_render($url, $code, $link = '') {
  // request data
  $response = _cis_connector_request($url, array(), $code['tool']);
  $data = drupal_json_decode($response->data);
  // if we have the field property set return a link
  if (isset($code['field']) && isset($data[$code['field']]['uri'])) {
    // field must have a uri associated with it
    $path = $data[$code['field']]['uri'];
    // special case for rendering images via direct embed
    if (isset($code['item_type']) && $code['item_type'] == 'image') {
      $width = '';
      $height = '';
      if (isset($code['width'])) {
        $width = 'width="' . $code['width'] . '"';
      if(isset($code['height'])) {
        $height = 'height="' . $code['height'] . '"';
      $alt = '';
      $title = '';
      // support custom title and alt text
      if (isset($code['text'])) {
        $alt = $code['text'];
        $title = $code['text'];
      if (isset($code['alt'])) {
        $alt = $code['alt'];
      $link = "<img src=\"$path\" $width $height alt=\"$alt\" title=\"$title\" />";
    else if (isset($code['text'])) {
      $link = l(t('@t', array('@t' => $code['text'])), $path);
    else {
  else if (isset($code['text'])) {
    $link = l(t('@t', array('@t' => $code['text'])), $link);
  return $link;

 * Default callback for rendering a shortcode as an iframe
function _cis_filter_iframe_render($link, $code) {
  $width = '100%';
  if (isset($code['width'])) {
    $width = $code['width'];
  $height = '300';
  if(isset($code['height'])) {
    $height = $code['height'];
  // ids we render via entity iframe, otherwise fallback
  if ($code['item_type'] == 'id') {
    return '<iframe id="entity_iframe_' . $code['entity_type'] . '_' . $code['item'] . '" frameborder="0" class="entity_iframe entity_iframe_' . $code['entity_type'] . '" src="' . $link . 'entity_iframe/' . $code['entity_type'] . '/' . $code['item'] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"></iframe>';
  else {
    return '<iframe src="' . $link . 'cis-find-tag/' . $code['entity_type'] . '/' . $code['item'] . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"></iframe>';