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  1. Dec 02, 2009
  2. Dec 01, 2009
  3. Aug 05, 2009
  4. May 31, 2009
  5. Mar 05, 2009
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - Change wrapper modules to be disabled by default, and to be required to be · 03c0816d
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        manually installed after installing category. This is due to difficulties
        with having the wrapper files present when installing Drupal.
      - Include .install files in wrapper install / uninstall script.
      - Make the 'category' and 'container' node types get their default status /
        commenting / theme settings configured properly at install time.
  6. Feb 07, 2009
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - #368034 by sabalaskey: _taxonomy_get_tid_from_term() missing from taxonomy · 02e6f639
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        wrapper, and needed by some contrib modules.
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - #306506 by gestahl: fix call to undefined function · 79c2d2e3
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        category_display_cont_load() in category_rss_item().
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - #286198: fix bug causing array_intersect() and related error messages to · 144c0d4d
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        appear when previewing a container (and category?).
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - #368037 by sabalaskey: add taxonomy_select_nodes() and · 837687dd
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        taxonomy_render_nodes() functions to the taxonomy wrapper, apparently some
        contrib modules depend on them.
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - Show 'none' in the 'types' column on 'admin/content/category', when a · 103c8899
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        container has no assigned node types defined.
      - Output the name of each container on 'admin/content/category' as a link.
      - For the message on 'admin/content/types/_type_' indicating that a node type
        is a container and cannot be changed, properly use format_plural().
      - fix all AJAX forms to use form_set_cache() instead of cache_set(), in
        conformance with the updates introduced in Drupal 6.4 core.
      - New feature for category_menu: allow admins to choose the menu in which to
        populate auto-generated menu links for each container. If admins choose
        'default', then the normal book-module-style behaviour still applies, i.e.
        menu links are put into a 'hidden' menu called 'category-toc-_cnid_'.
        NOTE: this requires a database update. New update.php function included.
      - Fixed important bug where category_menu generated menu links were never
        getting saved properly on insert, only on update. Needed to call
        category_get_parents() (from _category_menu_map_save_category()) with
        reset parameter set to TRUE, to clear a static var cache.
      - category_display TOC listings are now working correctly. Yay! Introduced a
        new _category_menu_tree_all_data() function to make this possible. TOC
        depth is now being honoured, and all paths of the tree are being traversed
        to the specified depth. _category_menu_tree_all_data() is a modification of
        menu_tree_all_data(), and it maintains its own cache (which is cleared when
        saving affected categories/containers).
  7. Jul 22, 2008
  8. Jul 21, 2008
  9. Jul 19, 2008
  10. Jul 11, 2008
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - A few more minor fixes in category_menu. · 211aaa24
      Jeremy Epstein authored
      - Got the book wrapper working: it now properly maintains the book table
      (if category_menu-generated menu links are available, that is), and it
      generates a nav block for each container.
  11. Jul 10, 2008
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - Node teasers now get outtputted (through check_plain) as title text for · 09cd94b8
      Jeremy Epstein authored
        tagged node links.
      - Fixed node IDs not getting outputted in tagged node link hrefs.
      - Fixed (admin) titles not getting outputted on distant parent selection list.
      - Fixed many bugs in the new category_menu menulink create / update logic.
      - Added menu link deletion implementation to category_menu.
      - Removed old D5 code from category_menu.
      - Added a new 'menu wrapper' module. This is not a proper wrapper: it's
        exactly the same as the core D6 menu module, except that menu-on-the-fly
        functionality (i.e. the menu_nodeapi() and menu_form_alter() functions) has
        been stripped out, as menu OTF interferes with category_menu, and as it
        doesn't seem to be going away (or being made turn-off-able) any time soon.
  12. Jul 09, 2008
  13. Jul 08, 2008
  14. Jun 21, 2008
    • Jeremy Epstein's avatar
      - Added _category_filter_pick_elements() function, to remove distant-parent · 279137af
      Jeremy Epstein authored
      'update' form buttons before calling category_node_save(), or before calling
      taxonomy_node_save() for the wrapper.
      - Updated category_del_container() to remove container IDs from
      'category_allowed_containers_[nodetype]' variables on delete.
      - Fixed incorrect logic in category_check_container_hierarchy().
      - Changed the parent select form element, so that it doesn't appear for
      free-tagging categories, and the user is instead given a message saying that
      free-tagging categories always have their container set as their parent.
      - Fixed a bug in wrapper's taxonomy_node_save() function - assigned category
      objects not getting converted to terms.