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Build Kit 2.x for Drupal 7.x
Get started building with Drupal fast.

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Build Kit is a basic distribution meant to capture elements that are generally
useful and make building Drupal sites and Drupal distributions easier.

Build Kit helps site builders

- use install profiles and drush make for defining projects
- manage the dev > staging > live workflow problem using Features and
- keep track of important upstream patches that are critical to Drupal

In addition to the standard Drupal requirements you will need the following to
make use of Build Kit:

- drush -
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- git -

Getting started
You can use drush to download Drupal core with the Build Kit installation
1. `$ drush dl buildkit`
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2. Choose the "Build Kit" install profile when installing Drupal

Extending Build Kit
Site builders can use Build Kit as a starting point for their own install
profiles. Basic steps for creating a new install profile called `myprofile` that
extends Build Kit:

1. Create the following directory and files:

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2. Enter an include statement into `build-myprofile.make` to include the 
   contents of the Build Kit distro make file and then add your new install
   profile to it:
       ; Include Drupal core and any core patches from Build Kit
       includes[] =
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        ; Add myprofile to the full Drupal distro build
        projects[myprofile][type] = profile
        projects[myprofile][download][type] = git
        projects[myprofile][download][url] = git://

3. Enter an include statement into `myprofile.make` to include the contents of
   the Build Kit install profile makefile and then add any additional projects
   or overrides:
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        ; Include Build Kit install profile makefile via URL
        includes[] =
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        projects[feeds][version] = 2.0-alpha1
        projects[job_scheduler][version] = 2.0-alpha1

4. Copy the contents of `` into `` and then adjust
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  its contents to reflect the metadata, modules and theme you want to enable.
  For example:

        name = My First Drupal Distro
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        description = Hello world!

        dependencies[] = feeds

5. Implement `hook_install()` in `myprofile.install` to do any other setup
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  tasks for your install profile:


        function myprofile_install() {
          variable_set('theme_default', 'stark');

6. Build a full distro using the following command from the root of your
   project directory.
        $ drush make --prepare-install --contrib-destination=profiles/myprofile profiles/myprofile/build-myprofile.make --yes
7. Choose "My First Drupal Distro" when installing Drupal!
Current Maintainer
Shawn Price (langworthy)

Past Maintainers
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- Alex Barth (alex_b)
- Jeff Miccolis (jmiccolis)
- Will White
- Young Hahn (yhahn)