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<!-- @file Instructions on how to sub-theme the Drupal Bootstrap base theme. -->
<!-- @defgroup sub_theming -->
# Sub-Theming

If you haven't already installed the Drupal Bootstrap theme, read 
the @link getting_started Getting Started @endlink topic. Below 
are instructions on how to create a [Drupal Bootstrap] based sub-theme.
There are several different variations on how to accomplish this task, but this
topic will focus on the two primarily and most common ways.
{.alert.alert-warning} **Warning** You should never modify any theme or
sub-theme that is packaged and released from, such as Drupal
Bootstrap. If you do, all changes you have made will be lost once that theme is
updated. Instead, you should create a subtheme from one of the provided
starterkits (this is considered a best practice). Once you've done that, you
can override CSS, templates, and theme processing.
#### Choose a Starterkit {#starterkit}
- @link sub_theming_cdn CDN Starterkit @endlink - uses the "out-of-the-box"
  CSS and JavaScript files served by a CDN Provider (like [jsDelivr]).
- @link sub_theming_less Less Starterkit @endlink - uses the
  [Bootstrap Framework] [Less] source files and a local [Less] preprocessor.
- @link sub_theming_sass Sass Starterkit @endlink - uses the
  [Bootstrap Framework] [Sass] source files and a local [Sass] preprocessor.
{.alert.alert-info} **Note** Using the "CDN Starterkit" is the preferred method
for loading Bootstrap CSS and JS on simpler sites that do not use a site-wide
CDN. Using a CDN Provider for loading Bootstrap, however, does mean that it
depends on a third-party service. There is no obligation or commitment made by
this project or these third-party CDN services that guarantees up-time or
quality of service. If you need to customize Bootstrap, you must choose one of
the Less or Sass Starterkits, compile the source code locally, and disable the
"CDN Provider" theme setting. Alternatively, you may also choose to enable a
site-wide CDN implementation for performance reasons.

{.alert.alert-warning} **Warning** All locally compiled versions of Bootstrap
will be superseded by any enabled "CDN Provider"; **do not use both**.
Once you've selected one of the above starterkits, here's how to install it:
1. Copy over one of the starterkits you have chosen from the
   `./bootstrap/starterkits` directory into the `themes` directory.
2. Rename the directory to a unique machine readable name. This is your
   sub-theme's "machine name". When referring to files inside a sub-theme,
   they will always start with `./THEMENAME/`, where `THEMENAME` is the machine
   name of your sub-theme. They will continue to specify the full path to the
   file or directory inside it. For example, the primary file Drupal uses to
   determine if a theme exists is: `./THEMENAME/`.
3. Rename `./THEMENAME/THEMENAME.starterkit.yml` to match
4. Rename `./THEMENAME/THEMENAME.libraries.yml`
5. Rename `./THEMENAME/THEMENAME.theme`.
6. Open `./THEMENAME/` and change the name, description and
   any other properties to suite your needs. Make sure to rename the library
   extension name as well:  `THEMENAME/framework`.
7. Rename the sub-theme configuration files, located at:
   `./THEMENAME/config/install/THEMENAME.settings.yml` and
8. Open `./THEMENAME/config/schema/THEMENAME.schema.yml` and rename
   `- THEMENAME.settings:` and `'THEMETITLE settings'`
{.alert.alert-warning} **WARNING:** Ensure that the `.starterkit` suffix is
not present on your sub-theme's `.info.yml` filename. This suffix is simply a
stop gap measure to ensure that the bundled starter kit sub-theme cannot be
enabled or used directly. This helps people unfamiliar with Drupal avoid
modifying the starter kit sub-theme directly and instead forces them to create
a new sub-theme to modify.

#### Enable Your New Sub-theme {#enable}
In your Drupal site, navigate to `admin/appearance` and click the `Enable and
set default` link next to your newly created sub-theme. Now that you've
enabled your starterkit, please refer to the starterkit's documentation page
to customize.

[Drupal Bootstrap]:
[Bootstrap Framework]: