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  1. Sep 29, 2011
  2. Sep 21, 2011
    • Matthias Glastra's avatar
      The rendering is refactored completely. · b6608a16
      Matthias Glastra authored
      The markup is now create through a seperate hook function. This is more
      dynamic and creates the possiblity to add the theme function better.
      Todo: we need to test settings for a formatter and add a field instance to
      the block. Settings need to be generic and also be able to be set on the
      theme function.
  3. Sep 20, 2011
  4. Sep 08, 2011
  5. Sep 01, 2011
  6. Aug 30, 2011
    • Jani Palsamäki's avatar
      - Using field formatters to select the sharing widget type in the UI... · e0d5a8e5
      Jani Palsamäki authored
      - Using field formatters to select the sharing widget type in the UI (contributed by Matthias Glastra, matglas86,
      - Decided not to use instance level settings as having one type of sharing widget per entity instance type is more logical in most cases
        - There might be some special cases where you actually need to have a different type of widget for entities of the same type, but currently we try to keep this as simple as possible
  7. Jul 06, 2011
  8. Jul 05, 2011