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 * @file
 * Unlock achievements and earn points based on milestones.

 * Implements hook_permission().
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function achievements_permission() {
  return array(
    'access achievements' => array(
      'title' => t('Access achievements'),
    'earn achievements' => array(
      'title' => t('Earn achievements'),
    'administer achievements' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer achievements'),
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 * Implements hook_menu().
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function achievements_menu() {
  $items['achievements/leaderboard'] = array(
    'access arguments'  => array('access achievements'),
    'description'       => 'View the site-wide achievements leaderboard.',
    'file'              => '',
    'page callback'     => 'achievements_leaderboard_totals',
    'title'             => 'Leaderboard',
  $items['achievements/leaderboard/%achievements'] = array(
    'access arguments'  => array('access achievements'),
    'description'       => "View a specific achievement's leaderboard.",
    'file'              => '',
    'page callback'     => 'achievements_leaderboard_for',
    'page arguments'    => array(2),
    'title'             => 'Per-achievement leaderboard',
    'type'              => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items['user/%user/achievements'] = array(
    'access arguments'  => array('access achievements'),
    'description'       => "View a specific user's leaderboard.",
    'file'              => '',
    'page callback'     => 'achievements_user_page',
    'page arguments'    => array(1),
    'title'             => 'Achievements',
    'type'              => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items['admin/config/people/achievements'] = array(
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    'access arguments'  => array('administer achievements'),
    'description'       => 'Configure the achievements system.',
    'file'              => '',
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    'page callback'     => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments'    => array('achievements_settings'),
    'title'             => 'Achievements',
  $items['achievements/autocomplete'] = array(
    'access arguments'  => array('access achievements'),
    'file'              => '',
    'page callback'     => 'achievements_autocomplete',
    'title'             => 'Achievement title autocomplete',
    'type'              => MENU_CALLBACK,
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  return $items;

 * Implements hook_theme().
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function achievements_theme() {
  return array(
    'achievement' => array(
      'variables'       => array('achievement' => NULL, 'unlock' => NULL),
      'template'        => 'achievement',
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 * Process variables for achievement.tpl.php.
 * The $variables array contains the following arguments:
 *  - $achievement
 *  - $unlock
 * @see achievement.tpl.php
function template_preprocess_achievement(&$variables) {
  $variables['state'] = isset($variables['unlock']) ? 'unlocked' : 'locked';
  if (isset($variables['achievement']['hidden']) && !achievements_unlocked_already($variables['achievement']['id'])) {
    $variables['achievement']['points']      = t('???'); // IIiII haveEeeA aa seecFRrit and I'll NEEVvaaha hTellLL..
    $variables['achievement']['title']       = t('Hidden achievement'); // unless, of course, you PayPal me bribes.
    $variables['achievement']['description'] = t('Continue playing to unlock this hidden achievement.');
    $variables['state'] = 'hidden';

  $variables['classes_array'][] = 'achievement-' . $variables['state'];
  $variables['achievement_url'] = url('achievements/leaderboard/' . $variables['achievement']['id']);
  $variables['unlocked_date'] = isset($variables['unlock']['timestamp']) ? format_date($variables['unlock']['timestamp'], 'custom', 'Y/m/d') : '';
  $variables['unlocked_rank'] = isset($variables['unlock']['rank']) ? t('Rank #@rank', array('@rank' => $variables['unlock']['rank'])) : '';

  // set the per-achievement image or admin default.
  if (isset($variables['achievement']['images'][$variables['state']])) {
    $variables['image'] = theme('image', array('path' => $variables['achievement']['images'][$variables['state']]));
  else {
    $default = drupal_get_path('module', 'achievements') . '/images/default-' . $variables['state'] . '-70.jpg';
    $variables['image'] = theme('image', array('path' => variable_get('achievements_image_' . $variables['state'], $default)));

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 * Implements hook_block_info().
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function achievements_block_info() {
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  return array(
    'achievements-leaderboard' => array(
      'info'  => t('Achievements leaderboard'),
      'cache' => DRUPAL_CACHE_GLOBAL,
 * Implements hook_block_view().
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function achievements_block_view($delta = '') {
  if ($delta == 'achievements-leaderboard') {
    include_once(drupal_get_path('module', 'achievements') . '/');
    return array( // stupid file that I have to include. WHERE"S MY FUNCTION REGSITERYR.
      'subject' => t('Leaderboard'),
      'content' => achievements_leaderboard_totals(TRUE),
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 * Load information about our achievements.
 * @param $achievement_id
 *   The (optional) achievement this request applies against.
 * @param $grouped
 *   Whether to return the achievements list flattened (FALSE, the default)
 *   or grouped into achievement-defined categories. If TRUE, but there is no
 *   group specified for an achievement, it'll be stored in a "-none-" array
 *   intended to simplify display code. Not compatible with $achievement_id.
 * @param $reset
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 *   Forces a refresh of the cached achievement data.
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 * @return $achievements
 *   An array of all achievements, or just the one passed.
function achievements_load($achievement_id = NULL, $grouped = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
  $achievements = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
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  if (!isset($achievements) || $reset) {
    if (!$reset && $cache = cache_get('achievements_info')) {
      $achievements = $cache->data;
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    else {
      $result = module_invoke_all('achievements_info');
      // determine if we're looking at an achievement or group and create our
      // master $achievements array. we store the achievements in two separate
      // forms: one with a tree (for display purposes) and one flattened (for
      // lookup purposes). the flattened index is referenced so that we save
      // space in the final serialized blob that cache_set() sends.
      foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
        if (isset($value['achievements']) && is_array($value['achievements'])) {
          $achievements['grouped'][$key] = $value; // copy the whole shebang into realz.
          foreach ($achievements['grouped'][$key]['achievements'] as $id => $achievement) {
            $achievements['grouped'][$key]['achievements'][$id]['id']           = $id;
            $achievements['grouped'][$key]['achievements'][$id]['group_id']     = $key;
            $achievements['grouped'][$key]['achievements'][$id]['group_title']  = $value['title'];
            $achievements['flat'][$id] = &$achievements['grouped'][$key]['achievements'][$id];
        else {
          $value['id']              = $key;
          $value['group_id']        = '-none-';
          $achievements['grouped']['-none-']['achievements'][$key] = $value;
          $achievements['flat'][$key] = &$achievements['grouped']['-none-']['achievements'][$key];
      if (isset($achievements['grouped']['-none-'])) {
        $achievements['grouped']['-none-']['title'] = t('Miscellany');
      cache_set('achievements_info', $achievements, 'cache', CACHE_TEMPORARY);
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  if ($achievement_id) { // all my majesty and brilliance, and you just want one result? /me weeps.
    return isset($achievements['flat'][$achievement_id]) ? $achievements['flat'][$achievement_id] : FALSE;

  // return the whole shebang in groups or a flattened lookup bucket.
  return $grouped ? $achievements['grouped'] : $achievements['flat'];
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 * Returns all, or per-user, achievement totals.
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 *   The number of top-ranking users to return (defaults to 50).
 *   Whether to include the current user's stats in the list, even if they're
 *   not in the top $count. This is just a friendly "how you compare" feature
 *   ("I'm rank 52; nearly in the top 50. woot!"). Defaults to TRUE.
 * @return $totals
 *   An array of totals information for the top $count users.
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function achievements_totals($count = 50, $current_user = TRUE) {
  $query = db_select('achievement_totals', 'at');
  $query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = at.uid');
  $query->fields('at', array('uid', 'points', 'unlocks', 'timestamp'))->fields('u', array('name'));
  $query->orderBy('at.points', 'DESC')->orderBy('at.timestamp'); // @todo DESC/ASC doesn't index.
  $achievers = $query->range(0, $count)->execute()->fetchAllAssoc('uid');
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  $rank = 1; // add the ranking.
  foreach ($achievers as $achiever) {
    $achiever->rank = $rank++;

  // if the current user isn't in our top $count, find 'em.
  if ($current_user && user_is_logged_in() && !isset($achievers[$GLOBALS['user']->uid])) {
    $achievers[$GLOBALS['user']->uid] = achievements_totals_user('all');
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 * Returns a specific user's achievement totals.
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 *   'points', 'unlocks', 'rank', or 'all' (defaults to 'points').
 *   The user to return achievement info for (defaults to current user).
 * @return $integer or $object
 *   The value of the passed $type. If $type is 'all', the full object.
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function achievements_totals_user($type = 'points', $uid = NULL) {
  list($uid, $access) = achievements_user_is_achiever($uid);
  // we don't check for access as this is info grubbing only.

  $achievers = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
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  if (!isset($achievers[$uid])) {
    $query = db_select('achievement_totals', 'at');
    $query->join('users', 'u', 'u.uid = at.uid');
    $query->fields('at', array('uid', 'points', 'unlocks', 'timestamp'))->fields('u', array('name'));
    $achievers[$uid] = $query->condition('at.uid', $uid)->execute()->fetchObject();

    if ($achievers[$uid]) { // only keep going if they've unlocked something.
      // to find the user's rank: count all the users with greater points, add
      // all the users with equal points but earlier timestamps, and then add 1.
      $better_points = db_select('achievement_totals')->condition('points', $achievers[$uid]->points, '>')->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField();
      $earlier_times = db_select('achievement_totals')->condition('points', $achievers[$uid]->points)->condition('timestamp', $achievers[$uid]->timestamp, '<')->countQuery()->execute()->fetchField();
      $achievers[$uid]->rank = $better_points + $earlier_times + 1;
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  return $type == 'all' ? $achievers[$uid] : (isset($achievers[$uid]->$type) ? $achievers[$uid]->$type : 0);
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 * Logs a user as having unlocked an achievement.
 * @param $achievement_id
 *   The achievement this request applies against.
 * @param $uid
 *   The user to unlock an achievement for (defaults to current user).
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function achievements_unlocked($achievement_id, $uid = NULL) {
  list($uid, $access) = achievements_user_is_achiever($uid);
  if (!$access) { return; } // i know you want it, but...
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  // grab information about the achievement.
  $achievement = achievements_load($achievement_id);
  if (!isset($achievement)) { // hrm... try a cache refresh?
    $achievement = achievements_load($achievement_id, FALSE, TRUE);
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  if (isset($achievement) && !achievements_unlocked_already($achievement_id, $uid)) {
    $last_rank = db_select('achievement_unlocks', 'au')->fields('au', array('rank')) // not. exciting. at. all.
      ->condition('achievement_id', $achievement_id)->orderBy('rank', 'DESC')->range(0, 1)->execute()->fetchField();

        'achievement_id'  => $achievement_id,
        'uid'             => $uid,
        'rank'            => $last_rank ? $last_rank + 1 : 1,
        'timestamp'       => REQUEST_TIME,

      ->key(array('uid' => $uid))
        'points'    => $achievement['points'],
        'unlocks'   => 1, // OMG CONGRATS
        'timestamp' => REQUEST_TIME,
      ->expression('points', 'points + :points', array(':points' => $achievement['points']))
      ->expression('unlocks', 'unlocks + :increment', array(':increment' => 1))

    if ($uid == $GLOBALS['user']->uid) { // only show the unlock if $uid is our viewer.
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      drupal_set_message(t('<strong>Achievement unlocked:</strong> @achievement (+@number). !view.',
        array('@achievement' => $achievement['title'], '@number' => $achievement['points'],
          '!view' => l(t('View your achievements'), 'user/' . $uid . '/achievements'))));
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 * Determine if a user has already unlocked an achievement.
 * @param $achievement_id
 *   The achievement this request applies against.
 * @param $uid
 *   The user this request applies against (defaults to current user).
 * @return NULL or $unlocked
 *   $unlocked is an array containing rank and timestamp.
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function achievements_unlocked_already($achievement_id, $uid = NULL) {
  list($uid, $access) = achievements_user_is_achiever($uid);
  if (!$access) { return; } // i can't let you in, y'know?
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  $unlock = db_select('achievement_unlocks', 'au')->fields('au', array('rank', 'timestamp'))
    ->condition('achievement_id', $achievement_id)->condition('uid', $uid)->execute()->fetchAssoc();
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  return isset($unlock) ? $unlock : NULL;
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 * Retrieve data needed by an achievement.
 * @param $achievement_id
 *   An identifier for the achievement whose data is being collected.
 * @param $uid
 *   The user this stored data applies to (defaults to current user).
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 * @return $data
 *   The data stored for this achievement and user (unserialized).
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function achievements_storage_get($achievement_id = NULL, $uid = NULL) {
  list($uid, $access) = achievements_user_is_achiever($uid);
  if (!$access) { return; } // it's not that I don't want to...
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  return unserialize(db_select('achievement_storage')->fields('achievement_storage', array('data'))
    ->condition('achievement_id', $achievement_id)->condition('uid', $uid)->execute()->fetchField());
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 * Save data needed by an achievement.
 * @param $achievement_id
 *   An identifier for the achievement whose data is being collected.
 * @param $uid
 *   The user this stored data applies to (defaults to current user).
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 * @param $data
 *   The data being saved (of any type; serialization occurs).
function achievements_storage_set($achievement_id = NULL, $data = NULL, $uid = NULL) {
  list($uid, $access) = achievements_user_is_achiever($uid);
  if (!$access) { return; } // I... I'M IN LOVE WITH MORBUS OK?!!?

    ->key(array('uid' => $uid, 'achievement_id' => $achievement_id))
    ->fields(array('data' => serialize($data))) // it's hot in here.
    ->execute(); // i hate all DBTNG syntax. NEVAH STANDARNDIZEE?Ee1
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 * Determine if a user is able to earn achievements.
 * This is a general helper around the core achievements functions and allows
 * us to default to the global user if a $uid is not passed, but also check
 * permissions against a user who is not the global user. This allows us to
 * a) define roles of users that can not earn achievements and b) manually
 * unlock achievements for a non-current user.
 * @param $uid
 *   The user to check for "earn achievements" (defaults to current user).
 * @return $results
 *   An array with values of:
 *   - $uid is the determined user (default: the global user).
 *   - $access is a TRUE or FALSE as returned by user_access().
function achievements_user_is_achiever($uid = NULL) {
  if (!isset($uid) || $uid == $GLOBALS['user']->uid) {
    return array($GLOBALS['user']->uid, user_access('earn achievements'));
  else {
    return array($uid, user_access('earn achievements', user_load($uid)));

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 * Implements hook_user_cancel().
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function achievements_user_cancel($edit, $account, $method) {
  achievements_user_delete($account); // no stats for non-players.
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 * Implements hook_user_delete().
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function achievements_user_delete($account) {
  db_delete('achievement_totals')->condition('uid', $account->uid)->execute();
  db_delete('achievement_unlocks')->condition('uid', $account->uid)->execute();
  db_delete('achievement_storage')->condition('uid', $account->uid)->execute();
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