This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

Drupal 6 version

This packages two modules together:

Update status aggregator client

Gathers data about the modules and themes installed on a Drupal site and sends them to a corresponding server. As you are (hopefully) monitoring the status of the site from the server, optionally you can disable the 'There are security updates pending for your site' shown on the admin pages also.

Update status aggregator server

Receives data from clients and stores the data in the database and processes it to compute the latest updates available for the modules and themes. The data is exposed to views, so you can process it in almost any way you like.
Currently the module doesn't ship with any default views, but that will change soon!


  • Services module for the server component/site only

Drupal 5 version

Update status aggregator is comprised of two components: a "client" module and a "server" module.

The client (update_status_notifier.module), to be enabled on all sites that are to report to the central tracker, sends a list of installed modules and their status to the tracking site via xmlrpc when cron is run. This information is taken from the update status module.

The server component (update_status_aggregator.module), to be enabled on the tracking site only, receives these lists from all the clients and creates nodes for each module on each site. These nodes subsequently get updated everytime the cron is run on the tracked sites. For the tracked sites to have the right to create these nodes, the keys of the tracked sites need to be entered into the tracker site.

This also comes with a pre-packaged view (Views modules required) listing all the nodes created that allows one to filter the resulting list of node by site, by status and/or by module.

1.x branches of the module sponsored by

Project information
