
This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers.
Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe.

The Open Y platform is a content management system that uses Drupal 8/9 functionality and useful modules from YMCAs and digital partners. It’s easy and free to use—everyone is welcome to implement Open Y and run Open Y projects.

Open Y is huge. Check ecosystem for it on Drupal.org as well as all decoupled components from it in GitHub

Origin of Open Y: In 2016 a group of YMCA digital, marketing, and technology experts recognized the digital opportunities that exist if we work together as a community and established Open Y.

The original core team was led by a small group of YMCAs including the YMCA North, Greater Seattle and YMCA of Greater Houston.

The current Open Y core team:

  • Maintains the Open Y content management system
  • Ensures all basic functionality accessible from the content management system is available free of charge—those who contribute cannot charge others for what is shared
  • Strives to be aware of issues found within the Open Y content management system
  • Is not liable for bugs, crashes or performance issues of the content management system
  • Invites and approves digital partners to join
  • Offers training for Open Y Specialists—digital partners that are very familiar with the platform
  • Offers certification for Open Y Integrators—digital partners that can install and work directly on the codebase
  • Distributes communication about Open Y
  • Organizes events for the Open Y community—including an annual meeting each June
  • More info on the Open Y movement at OpenY.org.


To see a demo and tutorial of the Open Y CMS experience visit https://sandboxes.openy.org/. To get admin credentials to the sandbox - please visit page for details. Once you have logged in, go to the Open Y sandboxes and click on "Start Guided Tour".

The demo includes:

  • Full userguide with tutorial in the Guided Tour
  • Sample menu/navigation items in main menu and footer
  • Dynamic blog posts on homepage, /blog page and branch pages
  • Dynamic content on Programs pages


We recommend using Composer to build and maintain your project.

composer create-project ymcatwincities/openy-project MY_PROJECT --no-interaction --no-dev

For more information see our Open Y Project README, documentation, and case study.

We don't recommend installing Open Y from drupal.org archives, because it doesn't have all necessary dependencies due to the outdated method of building (using drush make).

Please use GitHub for code, reporting bugs, or requesting new features.

We are not using Drupal.org for release management, so ignore information below, please. Everything happens on Github.

Supporting organizations: 
Development, Maintenance, Architecture, Strategy
Maintenance, Architecture, Development
Maintenance, Development
Maintenance, Development
Project Management

Project information

  • Created by sanchiz on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    There are currently no supported stable releases.
