This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module contains Embedded Audio Field providers (i.e. emfield's emaudio module) that don't currently have their own "Media: " module yet (see the emfield project page for more information on the move towards the new and vastly improved Media Module). The hope for this project is that it will eventually be phased out as new maintainers step up and take ownership of individual provider integrations, but I wanted to make sure that current users of these providers can still use them with Emfield 6.x-2.x (assuming they're even working). This module's issue queue should also be used for any issues regarding the currently included providers.

Current providers include:

  • Custom URL: Direct Linking to external audio URLs
  • Odeo
  • PodcastAlley
  • PodOmatic

Get involved! Maintaining a Media Provider file is a great way to get started with Drupal module development/maintenance, so if you're looking for a way to get a foot in the door, take a look at the currently included provider files and start your own "Media: " project to house it (you could also help out with a current provider or create a new one)! If you're interested in taking over a provider file, please open an issue in this issue's queue.

Project information
