This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

In some cases you want to publish a certain piece of content on a specific date. You can use the Scheduler project for this but this means the content will not be available until the specified date. This will result in people not being able to find content that will be published in the future.

This module allows you to publish your content under embargo. This will result in a page being available in the navigation and in search results but it's content will be replaced by a specified text. To do this the embargo module uses hook_nodeapi to override the "view" operation.

The current version allows you to:

  • Specify which node types can be put under embargo
  • Specify an end date for the embargo
  • Enable the embargo per node
  • Add embargo replacement text per node

Feature requests at this time are:

  • Specifying a default text for all content types
  • Specifying a default text per content type
  • Alert me functionality when content is released from embargo

Development of this module is sponsored by Sogeti Netherlands.

Project information
