Commerce Order Counter is a module for Drupal Commerce (or Commerce Kickstart) that implements a generic framework for having order numbers that are independent of order IDs, which are used for referential integrity at the schema level.

The interest of such is for example in invoicing where invoices are usually obliged to have a sequential numbering scheme. This module defines a CommerceOrderCounter interface that allows you to define your own order numbering system in a clean and simple way.

If all you need to do is preserve order numbers from a data migration into Drupal Commerce while avoiding collisions with numbers from new orders, we strongly recommend simply updating the auto_increment value of the commerce_order table to start orders off at a number higher than the greatest imported order number instead of using this module.

Basic Commerce Order Counter

There's a default implementation of the the CommerceOrderCounter interface provided by the module. It implements a simple integer counter. The starting/current value is set at /admin/commerce/config/order-counter. There you can set your the value to be used now as the base. A common use case where such a thing would be useful is when you place some orders when developing the site and now you want to start a new series at 100 for example.

At /admin/commerce/config/order-counter you set the counter base to 99.

Now when placing an order and completing the checkout the order will have the number 100. So when invoicing the client you'll start your invoice numbering at 100.

You can skip the numbers at your whim and/or business needs.

Note that at the DB level, the order_id column is sequential since is an auto-increment field. This module realizes the possibility that Drupal Commerce makes available of separating order numbers from order IDs. By default they're the same.

Implementing your own order numbering scheme

You can implement an arbitrary numbering scheme using the available interface.

Besides that you need to add to your settings.php:

// Make the module use my order numbering scheme.
$conf['CommerceOrderCounterClass'] = 'YourCommerceOrderCounter';

where YourCommerceOrderCounter is the name of your class implementing the CommerceOrderCounter interface.

Note that the configurable counter base value setable at admin/commerce/config/order-counter should be in accordance with the scheme you implemented. For example if your scheme is year-number, starting at 2013, the initial value should be 2013-1 (first order of 2013).


The module installs a new rule that is invoked whenever the Completing the checkout process event is fired. So when completing the checkout at all stages up to the payment phase the rule will be invoked and the order number incremented. At admin/commerce/config/order-counter the value shown it will be the new value (after updating).

Note also that the rules action that increments the order number is configurable and you can use tokens. The configuration is acessible through the following page trail:

Home > Administration > Configuration > Workflow > Rules >
Editing reaction rule "Increment the order counter upon checkout
completion" > Editing action "Update the order number"

By default it uses the token [site:order-counter] that references the basic order counter.


  1. Add a rule for incrementing the order number when adding an order directly through the interface at admin/commerce/orders/add.

  2. Implement as an example the year-number order numbering scheme.


The current work is sponsored by Commerce Guys.

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
