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Fixed #2113079 by B-Prod: Enhance the actions list on panel overview pages.
Update some styles related to ctools and Panels modules.
Fixed #2106469 by B-Prod: Use a specific design for the "Edit field parameters" fieldset.
Fixed issue #2112999 by B-Prod: Support horizontal scroll for Drupal sticky table header.
Issue #2086431 by B-Prod: Add left indent to Views dependant options.
Remove the scroll information DIV after a resize event, when useless.
Issue 2109451 by B-Prod: Long title causes horizontal scroll.
Update the JS script to handle resize events for the horizontal scroll elements.
Update the screenshot.
Move the page.tpl.php file to the templates folder.
Enable the horizontal scroll with mouse wheel only if the SHIFT key is down.
Theme the media module.