Background ---------- You need a modern web browser. Recent versions of Firefox and Chrome are popular choices. Mobile versions of Firefox and Chrome also work well. Ericsson Bowser for Android is another possible browser. Sample site ----------- You can see a sample site running DruCall at How to install DruCall ---------------------- a) set up a TURN server, e.g. use the one of these packages on Debian or Ubuntu: resiprocate-turn-server rfc5766-turn-server turnserver b) set up a SIP Proxy or PBX supporting SIP over WebSockets / WebRTC, for example: c) set up a user to receive calls, for example, using one of the online configurable SIP WebRTC demo apps: or install one of these apps to your own server (e.g. the Debian package jscommunicator-web-phone), and then go to http://your-server/jscommunicator-web-phone and log in to your SIP proxy. d) unpack the modules: DruCall module into your Drupal 7 modules directory libraries API into your Drupal 7 modules directory Install the JsSIP and JSCommunicator modules from these two sites: and follow their instructions to install the JavaScript files themselves. To save time, you can do all of the above using the Debian packages: apt-get install drupal7-mod-jscommunicator For details, see: e) go to the Administration / Configuration / DruCall / Settings panel, http://your-drupal-site/admin/config/drucall/settings f) set up all the necessary settings for your SIP Proxy/server and user g) now go to http://your-drupal-site/drucall Click one of the buttons and make a call - easy