-- SUMMARY -- Demo Site is a simple module that allows you to take a snapshot of a Drupal demonstration site. It turns a Drupal installation into a sandbox that you can use for testing modules or publicly demonstrating a module / extension / theme (you name it). In short: With cron enabled, the Drupal site will be reset to the dumped state in a definable interval. Of course you can reset the site manually, too. For a full description visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/demo Bug reports, feature suggestions and latest developments: http://drupal.org/project/issues/demo Currently only MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported.SQLite isn't supported. -- INSTALLATION -- * Copy the Demo module to your modules directory and enable it on the Modules page (admin/structure/modules). * Optionally configure who is allowed to administer Demo module, create dumps and reset the site on the Permissions page (admin/config/people/permissions). -- CONFIGURATION -- * Configure the path where dumps will be stored at the Dump settings (admin/structure/demo). To configure automatic reset: * Go to Manage snapshots (admin/structure/demo/manage) and select a snapshot for cron. * Enable atomatic reset from Dump settings (admin/structure/demo). Make sure you have cron configured to run at least once within the entered time interval. -- USAGE -- * Go to Create snapshot (admin/structure/demo/dump) and create your first snapshot. * After a while, reset your site (admin/structure/demo/reset). -- CONTACT -- Previous maintainers: * Daniel F. Kudwien (sun) - dev@unleashedmind.com * Stefan M. Kudwien (smk-ka) - dev@unleashedmind.com Current maintainers: * David Suissa (DYdave) * Gaurav Kapoor (gaurav.kapoor) * Prafull Ranjan (prafullsranjan) This project has been sponsored by: * UNLEASHED MIND Specialized in consulting and planning of Drupal powered sites, UNLEASHED MIND offers installation, development, theming, customization, and hosting to get you started. Visit http://www.unleashedmind.com for more information. * OpenSense Labs OpenSense Labs is a global premium full-service Drupal agency. We specialize in Drupal & Product engineering and focus on delivering experience platforms to ensure client success and satisfaction across different industries. Visit https://opensenselabs.com for more information.