t('left sidebar'), 'right' => t('right sidebar'), 'navbar' => t('navigation bar'), 'content_top' => t('content top'), 'content_bottom' => t('content bottom'), 'header' => t('header'), 'footer' => t('footer'), 'closure_region' => t('closure'), ); } // */ /** * Return a themed breadcrumb trail. * * @param $breadcrumb * An array containing the breadcrumb links. * @return * A string containing the breadcrumb output. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function zen_breadcrumb($breadcrumb) { return ''; } // */ /** * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the page templates. * * @param $vars * A sequential array of variables to pass to the theme template. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function SUBTHEME_preprocess_page(&$vars) { $vars['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.'); } // */ /** * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the node templates. * * @param $vars * A sequential array of variables to pass to the theme template. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function SUBTHEME_preprocess_node(&$vars) { $vars['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.'); } // */ /** * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the comment templates. * * @param $vars * A sequential array of variables to pass to the theme template. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function SUBTHEME_preprocess_comment(&$vars) { $vars['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.'); } // */ /** * Override or insert PHPTemplate variables into the block templates. * * @param $vars * A sequential array of variables to pass to the theme template. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function SUBTHEME_preprocess_block(&$vars) { $vars['sample_variable'] = t('Lorem ipsum.'); } // */ /** * Override the Drupal search form using the search-theme-form.tpl.php file. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function phptemplate_search_theme_form($form) { return _phptemplate_callback('search_theme_form', array('form' => $form), array('search-theme-form')); } // */ /** * Generate the HTML representing a given menu item ID. * * An implementation of theme_menu_item_link() * * @param $item * array The menu item to render. * @param $link_item * array The menu item which should be used to find the correct path. * @return * string The rendered menu item. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function zen_menu_item_link($item, $link_item) { // If an item is a LOCAL TASK, render it as a tab $tab = ($item['type'] & MENU_IS_LOCAL_TASK) ? TRUE : FALSE; return l( $tab ? ''. check_plain($item['title']) .'' : $item['title'], $link_item['path'], !empty($item['description']) ? array('title' => $item['description']) : array(), !empty($item['query']) ? $item['query'] : NULL, !empty($link_item['fragment']) ? $link_item['fragment'] : NULL, FALSE, $tab ); } // */ /** * Duplicate of theme_menu_local_tasks() but adds clear-block to tabs. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function zen_menu_local_tasks() { $output = ''; if ($primary = menu_primary_local_tasks()) { $output .= ''; } if ($secondary = menu_secondary_local_tasks()) { $output .= ''; } return $output; } // */ /** * Overriding theme_comment_wrapper to add CSS id around all comments * and add "Comments" title above */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function SUBTHEME_comment_wrapper($content) { return '

'. t('Comments') .'

'. $content .'
'; } // */ /** * Duplicate of theme_username() with rel=nofollow added for commentators. */ /* -- Delete this line if you want to use this function function SUBTHEME_username($object) { if ($object->uid && $object->name) { // Shorten the name when it is too long or it will break many tables. if (drupal_strlen($object->name) > 20) { $name = drupal_substr($object->name, 0, 15) .'...'; } else { $name = $object->name; } if (user_access('access user profiles')) { $output = l($name, 'user/'. $object->uid, array('title' => t('View user profile.'))); } else { $output = check_plain($name); } } else if ($object->name) { // Sometimes modules display content composed by people who are // not registered members of the site (e.g. mailing list or news // aggregator modules). This clause enables modules to display // the true author of the content. if ($object->homepage) { $output = l($object->name, $object->homepage, array('rel' => 'nofollow')); } else { $output = check_plain($object->name); } $output .= ' ('. t('not verified') .')'; } else { $output = variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')); } return $output; } // */