Zen 5.x-dev * #154937 by msonnabaum: add skip navigation for screen readers/mobility impaired * #122592: Ability to theme each primary link * #178560 by incognito: Shifting avatars in the comment blocks * #110553 by rport: Use png instead of gif for images * #120052: Add linux fonts * #183360: Empty H2 appears on blocks with no titles * #121101: zen.css does not validate * #110902: IE6: text falls outside and to the left of content area * #183354: Add a div around the feed icons * #120341: Sidebar has unwanted 5em bottom margin * #122938: Enabling CSS aggregation messes up the CSS in Safari * #110897: oversize content causes IE6 layout breakage * #119270: profile pictures indenting * #118170 by mr700: blockquote css border has two widths * #110810: change .submitted span to div * #100899: don't use sidebar class for widths * #182130 by joachim: links in h2 and h3 different sizes * #182556: Added CHANGELOG. Zen 5.x-0.6 * Another pre-release. Zen 5.x-0.6 * Initial pre-release.