# $Id$ # # LANGUAGE translation of Drupal (general) # Copyright YEAR NAME # Generated from file: wysiwyg_editor.module,v 2007/05/06 01:41:35 m3avrck # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: German translation of WYSIWYG editor\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-17 21:00+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2009-06-17 23:21+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Alexander Haß\n" "Language-Team: Alexander Hass\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" "X-Poedit-Language: German\n" "X-Poedit-Country: GERMANY\n" #: wysiwyg.api.php:51;52 msgid "My plugin title" msgstr "Mein Plugin-Titel" #: wysiwyg.api.php:61 msgid "Button title (optional)" msgstr "Schaltknopftitel (optional)" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:51 msgid "%editor profile for %format" msgstr "%editor-Profil für %format" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:60 msgid "Basic setup" msgstr "Basis-Setup" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:67 msgid "Enabled by default" msgstr "Standardmäßig aktiviert" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:70 msgid "The default editor state for users having access to this profile. Users are able to override this state if the next option is enabled." msgstr "Der standardmäßige Status des Editors für Benutzer mit Zugriff auf dieses Profil. Benutzer können diese Einstellung übersteuern, wenn die nachfolgende Option aktiviert ist." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:75 msgid "Allow users to choose default" msgstr "Benutzer können Standardeinstellung auswählen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:78 msgid "If allowed, users will be able to choose their own editor default state in their user account settings." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, können Benutzer auf ihrer Profilseite ihren eigenen standardmäßigen Status des Editors auswählen." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:83 msgid "Show enable/disable rich text toggle link" msgstr "Ein-/Auschalter für Rich-Text anzeigen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:86 msgid "Whether or not to show the enable/disable rich text toggle link below a textarea. If disabled, the user setting or global default is used (see above)." msgstr "Ob der Rich-Text aktivieren/deaktivieren-Link unterhalb eines Textfeldes angezeigt werden soll oder nicht. Sollte diese Einstellung deaktiviert sein, werden die Benutzereinstellungen oder globalen Standardwerte verwendet (siehe oberhalb)." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:96 msgid "Language" msgstr "Sprache" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:99 msgid "The language to use for the editor interface. Language codes are based on the ISO-639-2 format." msgstr "Die für die Eingabeoberfläche der Editors zu verwendende Sprache. Die Sprachcodes basieren auf dem ISO-639-2-Format." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:104 msgid "Buttons and plugins" msgstr "Schaltflächen und Plugins" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:149 msgid "Editor appearance" msgstr "Erscheinungsbild des Editors" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:156 msgid "Toolbar location" msgstr "Position der Werkzeugleiste" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:158;174 msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Unten" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:158;174 msgid "Top" msgstr "Oben" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:159 msgid "This option controls whether the editor toolbar is displayed above or below the editing area." msgstr "Diese Option kontrolliert, ob die Editor-Werkzeugleiste über oder unter dem Bearbeitungsfeld angezeigt wird." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:164 msgid "Button alignment" msgstr "Ausrichtung der Schaltknöpfe" # context senstive issues #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:166 #, fuzzy msgid "Center" msgstr "Mitte" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:166 msgid "Left" msgstr "Links" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:166 msgid "Right" msgstr "Rechts" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:167 msgid "This option controls the alignment of icons in the editor toolbar." msgstr "Diese Option kontrolliert die Anordnung der Symbole in der Editor-Werkzeugleiste." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:172 msgid "Path location" msgstr "Position der Pfad-Leiste" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:174 msgid "Hide" msgstr "Ausblenden" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:175 msgid "Where to display the path to HTML elements (i.e. body > table > tr > td)." msgstr "Wo der Pfad zu den HTML-Elementen angezeigt werden soll (d.h. body > table > tr > td)." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:180 msgid "Enable resizing button" msgstr "Schaltfläche zur Größenanpassung aktivieren" # "Path location toolbar" not literally #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:183 msgid "This option gives you the ability to enable/disable the resizing button. If enabled, the Path location toolbar must be set to \"Top\" or \"Bottom\" in order to display the resize icon." msgstr "Diese Option ermöglicht die Schaltfläche zur Größenanpassung zu aktivieren/deaktivieren. Sobald aktiviert, muss die Pfad-Leiste auf „Oben“ oder „Unten“ eingestellt werden, damit das Symbol zur Größenanpassung angezeigt wird." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:188 msgid "Cleanup and output" msgstr "Bereinigung und Ausgabe" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:195 msgid "Verify HTML" msgstr "HTML prüfen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:198 msgid "If enabled, potentially malicious code like <HEAD> tags will be removed from HTML contents." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, wird potentiell bösartiger Code wie <HEAD>-Tags aus den HTML-Inhalten entfernt." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:203 msgid "Preformatted" msgstr "Vorformattiert" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:206 msgid "If enabled, the editor will insert TAB characters on tab and preserve other whitespace characters just like a PRE element in HTML does." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, wird der Editor für Tabulatoren ein „TAB“-Zeichen einfügen und andere Leerzeichen beibehalten, wie dies mit einem „PRE“-HTML-Element der Fall wäre." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:211 msgid "Convert <font> tags to styles" msgstr "<font>-Tags zu Styles konvertieren" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:214 msgid "If enabled, HTML tags declaring the font size, font family, font color and font background color will be replaced by inline CSS styles." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, werden HTML-Tags mit Schriftgröße, Schriftfamilie, Schriftfarbe und Schrifthintergrundfarbe durch Inline-Styles ersetzt." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:219 msgid "Remove linebreaks" msgstr "Zeilenumbrüche entfernen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:222 msgid "If enabled, the editor will remove most linebreaks from contents. Disabling this option could avoid conflicts with other input filters." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, wird der Editor die meisten Zeilenumbrüche aus dem Inhalt entfernen. Die Deaktivierung dieser Option kann Konflikte mit anderen Eingabefiltern verhindern." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:227 msgid "Apply source formatting" msgstr "Quellcodeformatierung anwenden" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:230 msgid "If enabled, the editor will re-format the HTML source code. Disabling this option could avoid conflicts with other input filters." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, wird der Editor den HTML-Quelltext neu formatieren. Die Deaktivierung dieser Option kann Konflikte mit anderen Eingabefiltern verhindern." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:235 msgid "Force cleanup on standard paste" msgstr "Bereinigung beim standardmäßigen Einfügen erzwingen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:238 msgid "If enabled, the default paste function (CTRL-V or SHIFT-INS) behaves like the \"paste from word\" plugin function." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, verhält sich die standardmäßige Einfügen-Funktion (STRG+V oder STRG-Einf) wie die „aus MS-Word einfügen“-Funktion." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:243 msgid "CSS" msgstr "CSS" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:250 msgid "Block formats" msgstr "Blockformate" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:254 msgid "Comma separated list of HTML block formats. Possible values: @format-list." msgstr "Eine kommagetrennte Liste von HTML-Blockformaten. Mögliche Werte: @format-list." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:259 msgid "Editor CSS" msgstr "Editor-CSS" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:261 msgid "Use theme CSS" msgstr "CSS-Anweisungen des Themes verwenden" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:261 msgid "Define CSS" msgstr "CSS festlegen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:261 msgid "Editor default CSS" msgstr "Standardmäßiges Editor-CSS" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:262 msgid "Defines the CSS to be used in the editor area.
Use theme CSS - loads stylesheets from current site theme.
Define CSS - enter path for stylesheet files below.
Editor default CSS - uses default stylesheets from editor." msgstr "Legt das im Textfeld des Editors zu verwendende CSS fest.
CSS des Themes verwenden - läd Stylesheets aus dem aktuellen Website-Theme.
CSS festlegen - Nachfolgend einen Pfad zu den Stylesheet-Dateien eingeben.
Standardmäßiges CSS des Editors - verwendet das standardmäßige CSS des Editors." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:267 msgid "CSS path" msgstr "CSS-Verzeichnis" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:271 msgid "If \"Define CSS\" was selected above, enter path to a CSS file or a list of CSS files separated by a comma." msgstr "" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:271 msgid "Available tokens: %b (base path, eg: /), %t (path to theme, eg: themes/garland)" msgstr "Verfügbare Platzhalter: %b (Basispfad, z.B.: /), %t (Pfad zum Theme, z.B.: themes/garland)" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:271 msgid "Example:" msgstr "Beispiel:" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:276 msgid "CSS classes" msgstr "CSS-Klassen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:278 msgid "Optionally define CSS classes for the \"Font style\" dropdown list.
Enter one class on each line in the format: !format. Example: !example
If left blank, CSS classes are automatically imported from all loaded stylesheet(s)." msgstr "" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:283;438 msgid "Save" msgstr "Speichern" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:317 msgid "Wysiwyg profile for %format has been saved." msgstr "Das Wysiwyg-Profil für %format wurde gespeichert." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:366 msgid "No editor" msgstr "Kein Editor" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:371 msgid "@editor (Download)" msgstr "@editor (Herunterladen)" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:372 msgid "Not installed." msgstr "Nicht installiert." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:386 msgid "Extract the archive and copy its contents into a new folder in the following location:
@editor-path" msgstr "Das Archiv extrahieren und dessen Inhalt in ein neues Verzeichnis an der folgenden Stelle kopieren:
@editor-path" # not literally #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:387 msgid "So the actual library can be found at:
@library-filepath" msgstr "Damit lässt sich die aktuelle Bibliothek hier finden:
@library-filepath" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:402 msgid "Installation instructions" msgstr "Installationsanweisungen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:405 msgid "There are no editor libraries installed currently. The following list contains a list of currently supported editors:" msgstr "Derzeit sind keine Editor-Bibliotheken installiert. Die folgende Liste enthält eine Liste der derzeit unterstützten Editoren:" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:430 #: wysiwyg.module:26 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Bearbeiten" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:433;489 #: wysiwyg.module:36 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Entfernen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:450 msgid "Input format" msgstr "Eingabeformat" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:450 msgid "Editor" msgstr "Editor" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:450 msgid "Operations" msgstr "Operationen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:487 msgid "Are you sure you want to remove the profile for %name?" msgstr "Soll das Profil für %name wirklich gelöscht werden?" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:489 msgid "This action cannot be undone." msgstr "Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden." #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:489 msgid "Cancel" msgstr "Abbrechen" #: wysiwyg.admin.inc:501 msgid "Wysiwyg profile for %name has been deleted." msgstr "Das Wysiwyg-Profil für %name wurde gelöscht." #: wysiwyg.module:80 msgid "A Wysiwyg profile can be associated to an input format. A Wysiwyg profile defines which client-side editor is loaded, what buttons or themes are enabled for the editor, how the editor is displayed, and a few other editor-specific functions." msgstr "" #: wysiwyg.module:306 msgid "Disable rich-text" msgstr "Rich-Text deaktivieren" #: wysiwyg.module:307 msgid "Enable rich-text" msgstr "Rich-Text aktivieren" #: wysiwyg.module:608 msgid "Wysiwyg Editor settings" msgstr "Einstellungen für Wysiwyg-Editor" #: wysiwyg.module:615 msgid "Enable editor by default" msgstr "Editor standardmäßig aktivieren" #: wysiwyg.module:618 msgid "If enabled, rich-text editing is enabled by default in textarea fields." msgstr "Sobald aktiviert, wird die Rich-Text-Bearbeitung in Textfeldern standardmässig aktiviert." #: wysiwyg.module:702 msgid "The version of %editor could not be detected." msgstr "Die Version von %editor konnte nicht erkannt werden." #: wysiwyg.module:715 msgid "The installed version %version of %editor is not supported." msgstr "Die installierte Version %version von %editor ist nicht unterstützt." #: wysiwyg.module:14 #: wysiwyg.info:0 msgid "Wysiwyg" msgstr "Wysiwyg" #: wysiwyg.module:17 msgid "Configure client-side editors." msgstr "Client-seitige Editor-Profile konfigurieren." #: wysiwyg.module:22 msgid "Profiles" msgstr "Profile" #: wysiwyg.module:0 msgid "wysiwyg" msgstr "wysiwyg" #: wysiwyg.install:10 msgid "Stores Wysiwyg profiles." msgstr "" #: wysiwyg.info:0 msgid "Allows users to edit contents with client-side editors." msgstr "Ermöglicht Benutzern die Bearbeitung von Inhalten mit clientseitigen Editoren." #: wysiwyg.info:0 msgid "User interface" msgstr "Benutzeroberfläche" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:217 #: editors/markitup.inc:105;170 #: editors/nicedit.inc:103 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:140 #: editors/tinymce.inc:377 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:113 #: editors/yui.inc:276 msgid "Bold" msgstr "Fett" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:217 #: editors/markitup.inc:112;170 #: editors/nicedit.inc:103 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:140 #: editors/tinymce.inc:377 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:113 #: editors/yui.inc:276 msgid "Italic" msgstr "Kursiv" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:217 #: editors/nicedit.inc:103 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:140 #: editors/tinymce.inc:377 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:113 #: editors/yui.inc:276 msgid "Underline" msgstr "Unterstrichen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:218 #: editors/markitup.inc:119;171 #: editors/nicedit.inc:104 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:141 #: editors/tinymce.inc:378 #: editors/yui.inc:277 msgid "Strike-through" msgstr "Durchgestrichen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:219 #: editors/nicedit.inc:105 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:142 #: editors/tinymce.inc:379 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:114 #: editors/yui.inc:278 msgid "Align left" msgstr "Linksbündig" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:219 #: editors/nicedit.inc:105 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:142 #: editors/tinymce.inc:379 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:114 #: editors/yui.inc:278 msgid "Align center" msgstr "Zentriert" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:219 #: editors/nicedit.inc:105 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:142 #: editors/tinymce.inc:379 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:114 #: editors/yui.inc:278 msgid "Align right" msgstr "Rechtsbündig" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:219 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:142 #: editors/tinymce.inc:379 #: editors/yui.inc:278 msgid "Justify" msgstr "Blocksatz" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:220 #: editors/nicedit.inc:106 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:143 #: editors/tinymce.inc:380 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:115 #: editors/yui.inc:279 msgid "Bullet list" msgstr "Aufzählungszeichen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:220 #: editors/nicedit.inc:106 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:143 #: editors/tinymce.inc:380 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:115 #: editors/yui.inc:279 msgid "Numbered list" msgstr "Nummerierte Liste" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:221 #: editors/nicedit.inc:107 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:144 #: editors/tinymce.inc:381 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:116 #: editors/yui.inc:280 msgid "Outdent" msgstr "Einzug verkleinern" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:221 #: editors/nicedit.inc:107 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:144 #: editors/tinymce.inc:381 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:116 #: editors/yui.inc:280 msgid "Indent" msgstr "Einzug vergrößern" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:222 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:145 #: editors/tinymce.inc:382 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:117 #: editors/yui.inc:281 msgid "Undo" msgstr "Rückgängig" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:222 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:145 #: editors/tinymce.inc:382 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:117 #: editors/yui.inc:281 msgid "Redo" msgstr "Wiederholen" # not literally and not context senstive issue, should be "Link einfügen/bearbeiten" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:223 #: editors/markitup.inc:132;173 #: editors/nicedit.inc:114 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:146 #: editors/tinymce.inc:383 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:121 #: editors/yui.inc:282 #, fuzzy msgid "Link" msgstr "Link" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:223 #: editors/nicedit.inc:114 #: editors/tinymce.inc:383 msgid "Unlink" msgstr "Link entfernen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:223 #: editors/tinymce.inc:383 msgid "Anchor" msgstr "Anker" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:224 #: editors/markitup.inc:126;172 #: editors/nicedit.inc:108 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:147 #: editors/tinymce.inc:384 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:118;122 #: editors/yui.inc:283 msgid "Image" msgstr "Bild" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:225 #: editors/nicedit.inc:109 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:149 #: editors/tinymce.inc:386 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:119 msgid "Forecolor" msgstr "Vordergrundfarbe" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:225 #: editors/nicedit.inc:109 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:149 #: editors/tinymce.inc:386 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:119 msgid "Backcolor" msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:226 msgid "Superscript" msgstr "Hochgestellt" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:226 msgid "Subscript" msgstr "Tiefgestellt" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:227 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:151 #: editors/tinymce.inc:388 msgid "Blockquote" msgstr "Zitatblock" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:227 #: editors/nicedit.inc:116 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:151 #: editors/tinymce.inc:388 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:125 msgid "Source code" msgstr "Quellcode" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:228 #: editors/nicedit.inc:111 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:152 #: editors/tinymce.inc:389 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:120 msgid "Horizontal rule" msgstr "Horizontale Linie" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:229 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:153 #: editors/tinymce.inc:390 msgid "Cut" msgstr "Ausschneiden" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:229 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:153 #: editors/tinymce.inc:390 msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopieren" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:229 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:153 #: editors/tinymce.inc:390 msgid "Paste" msgstr "Einfügen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:230 msgid "Paste Text" msgstr "Text einfügen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:230 #: editors/tinymce.inc:494 msgid "Paste from Word" msgstr "Aus MS-Word einfügen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:231 msgid "Show blocks" msgstr "Blöcke anzeigen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:232 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:155 #: editors/tinymce.inc:392 #: editors/yui.inc:287 msgid "Remove format" msgstr "Formatierungen entfernen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:233 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:156 #: editors/tinymce.inc:393 msgid "Character map" msgstr "Sonderzeichen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:234 msgid "About" msgstr "Über" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:235 #: editors/nicedit.inc:115 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:157 #: editors/tinymce.inc:452 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:112 #: editors/yui.inc:288 msgid "HTML block format" msgstr "HTML-Blockformat" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:235 #: editors/nicedit.inc:115 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:157 #: editors/tinymce.inc:452 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:112 #: editors/yui.inc:288 msgid "Font" msgstr "Schriftart" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:235 #: editors/nicedit.inc:115 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:157 #: editors/tinymce.inc:452 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:112 #: editors/yui.inc:288 msgid "Font size" msgstr "Schriftgröße" # ??? #: editors/fckeditor.inc:235 #: editors/tinymce.inc:452 #, fuzzy msgid "Font style" msgstr "Formatstil" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:236 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:161 #: editors/tinymce.inc:529 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:123 msgid "Table" msgstr "Tabelle" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:237 #: editors/tinymce.inc:515 msgid "Search" msgstr "Suchen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:237 #: editors/tinymce.inc:515 msgid "Replace" msgstr "Ersetzen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:237 #: editors/tinymce.inc:494 msgid "Select all" msgstr "Alles markieren" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:238 msgid "Create DIV container" msgstr "DIV-Block erstellen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:239 #: editors/tinymce.inc:538 msgid "Flash" msgstr "Flash" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:239 msgid "Smiley" msgstr "Smiley" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:240 #, fuzzy msgid "FitWindow" msgstr "Fenster anpassen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:241 msgid "Check spelling" msgstr "Rechtschreibung überprüfen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:248 #, fuzzy msgid "Autogrow" msgstr "Automatische Größenanpassung" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:259 #: editors/tinymce.inc:564 msgid "BBCode" msgstr "BBCode" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:267 #, fuzzy msgid "Table drag/resize" msgstr "Tabelle verschieben/skalieren" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:275 msgid "Table: Cell properties" msgstr "Tabelle: Zellen-Eigenschaften" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:276 msgid "Table: Insert row after" msgstr "Tabelle: Zeile unterhalb einfügen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:277 msgid "Table: Insert column after" msgstr "Tabelle: Spalte rechts danach einfügen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:278 msgid "Table: Insert cell after" msgstr "Tabelle: Zelle danach einfügen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:279 msgid "Table: Delete rows" msgstr "Tabelle: Zeilen entfernen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:280 msgid "Table: Delete columns" msgstr "Tabelle: Spalten löschen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:281 msgid "Table: Delete cells" msgstr "Tabelle: Zellen löschen" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:282 msgid "Table: Merge cells" msgstr "Tabelle: Zellen verbinden" #: editors/fckeditor.inc:283 msgid "Table: Horizontal split cell" msgstr "Tabelle: Zelle horizontal teilen" #: editors/markitup.inc:142;175 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:159 #: editors/tinymce.inc:501 msgid "Preview" msgstr "Vorschau" #: editors/nicedit.inc:110 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:150 #: editors/tinymce.inc:387 #: editors/yui.inc:285 #, fuzzy msgid "Sup" msgstr "Hochgestellt" #: editors/nicedit.inc:110 #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:150 #: editors/tinymce.inc:387 #: editors/yui.inc:285 #, fuzzy msgid "Sub" msgstr "Tiefgestellt" #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:148 #: editors/tinymce.inc:385 #: editors/whizzywig.inc:124 msgid "Clean-up" msgstr "Bereinigen" #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:154 #: editors/tinymce.inc:391 msgid "Visual aid" msgstr "Optische Hilfe" #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:158 #: editors/tinymce.inc:459 msgid "Fullscreen" msgstr "Vollbild" #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:160 #: editors/tinymce.inc:508 msgid "Print" msgstr "Drucken" #: editors/openwysiwyg.inc:162 #: editors/tinymce.inc:394 msgid "Help" msgstr "Hilfe" #: editors/tinymce.inc:400 msgid "Advanced horizontal rule" msgstr "Erweiterte horizontale Linie" #: editors/tinymce.inc:408 #, fuzzy msgid "Advanced image" msgstr "Erweitertes Bild" #: editors/tinymce.inc:416 #, fuzzy msgid "Advanced link" msgstr "Erweiterter Link" #: editors/tinymce.inc:424 msgid "Auto save" msgstr "Hintergrundspeicherung" #: editors/tinymce.inc:431 msgid "Context menu" msgstr "Kontextmenü" #: editors/tinymce.inc:438 msgid "Left-to-right" msgstr "Links nach rechts" #: editors/tinymce.inc:438 msgid "Right-to-left" msgstr "Rechts nach links" #: editors/tinymce.inc:445 msgid "Emotions" msgstr "Emotionen" #: editors/tinymce.inc:466 #, fuzzy msgid "Inline popups" msgstr "Inline-Popups" #: editors/tinymce.inc:476 msgid "Insert date" msgstr "Datum einfügen" #: editors/tinymce.inc:476 msgid "Insert time" msgstr "Zeit einfügen" #: editors/tinymce.inc:487 msgid "Insert layer" msgstr "Ebene einfügen" # oder "In den Vordergrund"? #: editors/tinymce.inc:487 #, fuzzy msgid "Move forward" msgstr "Eine Ebene nach vorne" # oder "In den Hintergrund"? #: editors/tinymce.inc:487 #, fuzzy msgid "Move backward" msgstr "Eine Ebene nach hinten" #: editors/tinymce.inc:487 msgid "Absolute" msgstr "Absolut" #: editors/tinymce.inc:494 msgid "Paste text" msgstr "Text einfügen" #: editors/tinymce.inc:522 msgid "Style properties" msgstr "Design-Einstellungen" #: editors/tinymce.inc:548 #, fuzzy msgid "Media" msgstr "Medien" #: editors/tinymce.inc:555 msgid "Citation" msgstr "Zitat" #: editors/tinymce.inc:555 msgid "Deleted" msgstr "Gelöscht" #: editors/tinymce.inc:555 msgid "Abbreviation" msgstr "Abkürzung" #: editors/tinymce.inc:555 msgid "Acronym" msgstr "Akronym" # NICHT Eingefügt #: editors/tinymce.inc:555 #, fuzzy msgid "Inserted" msgstr "Eingefügt" #: editors/tinymce.inc:571 msgid "Safari compatibility" msgstr "Safari-Kompatibilität" #: editors/whizzywig.inc:126 msgid "Spell check" msgstr "Rechtschreibprüfung" #: editors/yui.inc:284 msgid "Font Color" msgstr "Schriftfarbe" #: editors/yui.inc:284 msgid "Background Color" msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe" #: editors/yui.inc:286 msgid "Show/hide hidden elements" msgstr "Ein-/Ausblenden versteckter Elemente" #: plugins/break.inc:14 #, fuzzy msgid "Teaser break" msgstr "Anrisstext trennen" #: plugins/break.inc:17 msgid "Separate the teaser and body of this content" msgstr "Separiert den Anrisstext und Textkörper des Inhalts an dieser Stelle"