Vim configuration files for Drupal developers The files in this directory are designed to make it easier for Drupal developers to edit files using vim. The home page for this project is, and the main documentation page is Once the project is installed, you can read the local documentation from within vim with :help drupal INSTALLATION WITH DRUSH This is the recommended method. Drush will download this project to ~/.drush/vimrc (or to /usr/share/drush/commands/vimrc--see `drush help dl`). Then the installation script will install Pathogen, if needed, and continue as described below. You can install to another directory if you prefer. From a command line, $ drush @none dl vimrc $ drush help vimrc-install $ drush -v vimrc-install If the drush version is at least 5.5, then the recommended plugins will be installed in the bundle/ subdirectry of your vimfiles directory. INSTALLATION AS A VIM 8 PACKAGE If you use Vim 8, then you can install most of this project using the new package feature. Download this project to your packages directory, usually ~/.vim/pack/, and rename the bundle subdirectory to start. Then you should have, for example, ~/.vim/pack/vimrc/start/vim-plugin-for-drupal/plugin/drupal.vim. Before the line filetype plugin on in your vimrc file, add the lines if v:version >= 800 packloadall endif This will enable the filetype.vim in this project when determining file types. You can omit the version check if you only use Vim 8. The only thing you lose with this method are the drush commands. If you want to use them, then you can copy or symlink from this project to a directory that drush searches for commands, such as ~/.drush. INSTALLATION WITH PATHOGEN Pathogen ( is a package manager for vim. If you already have Pathogen installed, then put these files wherever you like and add :call pathogen#infect('path/to/vimrc/bundle') near the top of your vimrc file (~/.vim or $HOME\_vimrc on Windows). Another option is to make a symbolic link to the bundle/ directory under your vimfiles directory. Explicitly, $ mkdir ~/.vim/bundle $ ln -s path/to/vimrc/bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal ~/.vim/bundle In this case, add the line :call pathogen#infect() to your vimrc file if it is not already there. In either case, use the command :Helptags to install the included help file. For more details, see bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal/doc/drupal.txt . BASIC INSTALLATION (without pathogen) Copy the files from the bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal/ subdirectory into your vimfiles directory. For most users, your vimfiles directory is ~/.vim; on Windows, it is ~\vimfiles by default. From within vim, use :help vimfiles for details. If you have downloaded these files as vimrc.tar.gz and your vimfiles directory is ~/.vim, then this should work on UNIX-like systems: $ cd ~/.vim $ tar xzf path/to/vimrc.tar.gz --strip-components 3 \ vimrc/bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal Note: if there are filename conflicts, then tar will silently overwrite the existing files. When you are done, you should have the following directory structure inside your vimfiles directory: autoload/drupal.vim compiler/coder.vim doc/drupal.txt ftdetect/drupal.vim ftplugin/drini.vim ftplugin/drupal.vim plugin/drupal.vim snipmate/drupal/php.snippets snipmate/drupal6/php.snippets snipmate/drupal7/php.snippets syntax/drini.vim syntax/drupal.vim tagfiles/drupal6.tags tagfiles/drupal7.tags tagfiles/drupal8.tags In order to use the tags defined in the help file, start vim and do :helptags ~/.vim/doc (assuming that the file is installed as ~/.vim/doc/drupal.txt). See :help add-local-help for details. After this step, you should be able to read the documentation with :help drupal.txt AUTOCOMPLETION IN .INFO FILES The drini (DRupal INI) filetype is used for .info and similar files. The syntax/drini.vim included in this project defines keywords that can be auto-completed using syntaxcomplete.vim, but this requires version 8.0 of that script. Version 7.0 is included in the vim 7.3 distribution (in the autoload/ directory) and is also available from . As of late 2011, the only way to get version 8.0 is to patch version 7.0 with the patch at . UPDATES AND SUPPORT For the latest version of this project, see . To file a bug report or feature request, see the corresponding issues queue: TROUBLESHOOTING * If :help does not work: If :help does not work in your installation of vim, you can find the official vim documentation on-line at . It may be that you have only a vim executable and not the "runtime" support files. * If nothing works: Some shared servers install a "tiny" version of Vim. Many features of this project will not work with such a version. (See below for details.) Check your version of vim from a shell with $ vim --version The fourth line of output should tell you what sort of version you have. It is possible to get a lot of the functionallity provided by the Drupal-Vim plugins working with the tiny-vim by creating a vimrc file based on the contents of the plugins. * Creating the vimrc file There are two methods to create the required vimrc file: 1) On Linux or Mac OS X, go to the directory where you have the files from this project and from the subdirectory bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal/ do $ cat plugin/drupal.vim ftplugin/php_drupal.vim >> ~/.vimrc This will add the contents of the two files to your vimrc file. NOTE: Windows users should use ~\vimfiles instead of ~/.vimrc. You will probably need a method other than cat. 2) Create a vimrc file and add these two lines inside it: source path/to/vimrc/bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal/plugin/drupal.vim source path/to/vimrc/bundle/vim-plugin-for-drupal/ftplugin/php_drupal.vim NOTE: Where path/to/vimrc is where you extracted the contents of this project. * Info on tiny-vim You can find the original discussion here: This tiny-vim was found on a shared CentOS server and it identifies itself as: ======================================================================== VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Mar 5 2011 21:36:07) Included patches: 1, 3-4, 7-9, 11, 13-17, 19-26, 29-31, 34-44, 47, 50-56, 58-64, 66-73, 75, 77-92, 94-107, 109, 202, 234-237 Compiled by Tiny version without GUI. ... ======================================================================== Notice the fourth line! Known to work on the tiny-vim are: * Line numbers * Multiple Undos * Arrow keys are usable in Insert mode Known NOT to work and their workarounds (if any): * Vim Help, aka :help command. Luckily for us there is * Color/syntax highlighting * Persistent Undo (introduced in Vim7.3, so a tiny 7.3 might have this feature) Please help make this troubleshooting section better either by enriching it yourself or by posting on the issue queue: