'Views Natural Sort Basic Test', 'description' => 'Tests basic functionality of View Natural Sort', 'group' => 'Views Natural Sort', ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp('views', 'views_natural_sort', 'views_natural_sort_test'); } /** * Test the default settings for stripping out the words A, An, and The. */ public function testNaturalSortDefaultBeginningWords() { $titles = array( 'A Stripped Zebra', 'Oklahoma', 'The King And I', ); $nodes = array(); foreach ($titles as $title) { $nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode(array( 'type' => 'views_natural_sort_test_content', 'title' => $title, )); } $view = views_get_view('views_natural_sort_test'); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertIdenticalResultset( $view, array( array('title' => 'The King And I'), array('title' => 'Oklahoma'), array('title' => 'A Stripped Zebra'), ), array('node_title' => 'title') ); } /** * Test the default settings for symbol removal in sorting. */ public function testNaturalSortDefaultSymbols() { $titles = array( 'A(Z', 'A[B', 'A\\C', ); foreach ($titles as $title) { $nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode(array( 'type' => 'views_natural_sort_test_content', 'title' => $title, )); } $view = views_get_view('views_natural_sort_test'); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertIdenticalResultset( $view, array( array('title' => 'A[B'), array('title' => 'A\\C'), array('title' => 'A(Z'), ), array('node_title' => 'title') ); } /** * Test sorting strings that contain numbers in them. */ public function testNaturalSortNumbers() { $titles = array( '1 apple', '2 apples', '10 apples', '-1 apples', '-10 apples', '-2 appels', '-3.550 apples', '-3.5501 apples', '3.5501 apples', '3.550 apples', ); foreach ($titles as $title) { $nodes[] = $this->drupalCreateNode(array( 'type' => 'views_natural_sort_test_content', 'title' => $title, )); } $view = views_get_view('views_natural_sort_test'); $this->executeView($view); $this->assertIdenticalResultset( $view, array( array('title' => '-10 apples'), array('title' => '-3.5501 apples'), array('title' => '-3.550 apples'), array('title' => '-2 apples'), array('title' => '-1 apples'), array('title' => '1 apple'), array('title' => '2 apples'), array('title' => '3.550 apples'), array('title' => '3.5501 apples'), array('title' => '10 apples'), ), array('node_title' => 'title') ); } } /** * Tests all the "Days of the week" natural sort functionality. */ class ViewsNaturalSortDaysOfTheWeekTest extends DrupalWebTestCase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static function getInfo() { return array( 'name' => 'Views Natural Sort Days of the Week', 'description' => 'Tests Days of the Week Sorting', 'group' => 'Views Natural Sort', ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp('views', 'views_natural_sort'); variable_set('views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_enabled', TRUE); } /** * Test tranformation functionality of the days of the week transformation. */ public function testDefaultDayReplace() { foreach (views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_default_days() as $replaced => $day) { $this->assertEqual(views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_sort_days($day), $replaced); } } /** * Test changing the first day of the week. */ public function testFirstDayMonday() { variable_set("views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_first_day_en", "Monday"); $expected = array( "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", ); foreach ($expected as $replaced => $day) { $this->assertEqual(views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_sort_days($day), $replaced); } } /** * Test sorting day abbreviations. */ public function testAbbreviations() { $expected = array( "Sun", "Mon.", "Tues", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri.", "Sat", ); foreach ($expected as $replaced => $day) { $this->assertEqual(views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_sort_days($day), $replaced); } } }