0) ? $match[4] : $match[2]); // Remove traililng 0's from fraction, then add the decimal and one trailing // 0. $fraction = trim('.' . $match[3], '0') . '0'; $encode = sprintf('%02u', strlen($whole)) . $whole . $fraction; if (strlen($match[1])) { // Negative number. Make 10's complement. Put back any leading white space // and the dash requires intermediate to avoid double-replacing the same // digit. str_replace() seems to work by copying the source to the result, // then successively replacing within it, rather than replacing from the // source to the result. $digits = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'); $intermediate = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j'); $rev_digits = array('9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1', '0'); $encode = $match[1] . str_replace($intermediate, $rev_digits, str_replace($digits, $intermediate, $encode)); } return $encode; } /** * Simply convert days of the week over to numbers. * * This "should" be multilingual safe. * * @param string $string * The string we are transforming days to numbers in. * * @return string * The transformed string. */ function views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_sort_days($string) { global $language; // Adding a configuration so that in the future an admin page can be made // to switch which day is the first day of the week based on local. $used_language = isset($language->language) ? $language->language : 'en'; $first_day = variable_get('views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_first_day_' . $used_language, "Sunday"); $day_list = views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_default_days(); $sorted_days = $day_list; // Go through list and resort it and Translate it. $start = array_search($first_day, $day_list); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) { $current_day = ($i + $start) % 7; $abbreviations = views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_acceptable_day_abbreviations($day_list[$current_day], $used_language); $translated_day = t('@day', array('@day' => $day_list[$current_day]); $string = preg_replace( array( '/\b' . $translated_day . '\b/i', '/\b(' . implode(views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_acceptable_day_abbreviations($day_list[$current_day]), '\.?|') . ')\b/i', ), ' ' . $i . ' ', $string ); } return $string; } /** * The default days of the week. */ function views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_default_days() { return array( "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", ); } /** * Gets all the configured abbreviations for a certain day of the week. * * @param string $day * The day of the week we want to get abbreviations for. * @param string $lang * Determines which configuration to search for as they are keyed by language. * * @return array * The abbreviations for the day of the week and language passed in. */ function views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_acceptable_day_abbreviations($day, $lang = 'en') { $default_days = views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_default_days(); $index = array_search($day, $default_days); $default_abbrev = views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_default_day_abbreviations(); return variable_get( 'views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_' . $lang . '_' . $day, $default_abbrev[$index] ); } /** * Default mappings of days of the week abbreviationas. */ function views_natural_sort_days_of_the_week_get_default_day_abbreviations() { return array( array("Sun"), array("Mon"), array("Tu", "Tue", "Tues"), array("Wed"), array("Th", "Thu", "Thur", "Thurs"), array("Fri"), array("Sat"), ); }