configFactory = $configFactory; $this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler; $this->loggerFactory = $loggerFactory->get('views_natural_sort'); $this->transformationManager = $transformationManager; $this->database = $database; $this->viewsData = $viewsData; $this->queue = $queue; $this->queueManager = $queueManager; } /** * Get the full list of transformations to run when saving an index record. * * @param \Drupal\views_natural_sort\IndexRecord $record * The original entry to be written to the views_natural_sort table. * * @return array * The final list of transformations. */ public function getTransformations(IndexRecord $record) { $transformations = $this->getDefaultTransformations(); $this->moduleHandler->alter('views_natural_sort_transformations', $transformations, $record); return $transformations; } public function getDefaultTransformations() { $default_transformations = [ 'remove_beginning_words', 'remove_words', 'remove_symbols', 'numbers', 'days_of_the_week', ]; $config = $this->configFactory->get('views_natural_sort.settings'); $transformations = []; foreach ($default_transformations as $plugin_id) { if ($config->get('transformation_settings.' . $plugin_id . '.enabled')) { $transformations[] = $this->transformationManager->createInstance($plugin_id, $config->get('transformation_settings.' . $plugin_id)); } } return $transformations; } /** * Retrieve the full list of entities and properties that can be supported. * * @return array * An array of property information keyed by entity machine name. Example: * [ * 'node' => [ * 'type' => [ * 'base_table' => 'node', * 'schema_field' => 'type', * ] * 'title' => [ * 'base_table' => 'node', * 'schema_field' => 'title', * ] * 'language' => [ * 'base_table' => 'node', * 'schema_field' => 'language', * ] * ] * 'user' => [ * 'name' => [ * 'base_table' => 'users', * 'schema_field' => 'name', * ] * 'mail' => [ * 'base_table' => 'users', * 'schema_field' => 'mail', * ] * 'theme' => [ * 'base_table' => 'users', * 'schema_field' => 'theme', * ] * ] * 'file' => [ * 'name' => [ * 'base_table' => 'file_managed', * 'schema_field' => 'filename', * ] * 'mime' => [ * 'base_table' => 'file_managed', * 'schema_field' => 'filemime', * ] * ] * ) */ public function getSupportedEntityProperties() { static $supported_properties = []; if (empty($supported_properties)) { $supported_properties = [ 'node' => [ 'title' => [ 'base_table' => 'node_field_data', 'schema_field' => 'title', ], ], ]; } return $supported_properties; } public function getViewsSupportedEntityProperties() { static $views_supported_properties = []; if (empty($views_supported_properties)) { $supported_entity_properties = $this->getSupportedEntityProperties(); $views_data = $this->viewsData->getAll(); if (empty($views_data)) { return FALSE; } foreach ($supported_entity_properties as $entity => $properties) { foreach ($properties as $property => $schema_info) { if (!empty($views_data[$schema_info['base_table']][$schema_info['schema_field']]) && !empty($views_data[$schema_info['base_table']][$schema_info['schema_field']]['sort']) && !empty($views_data[$schema_info['base_table']][$schema_info['schema_field']]['sort']['handler']) && in_array($views_data[$schema_info['base_table']][$schema_info['schema_field']]['sort']['handler'], array('views_natural_sort_handler_sort', 'views_handler_sort'))) { $views_supported_properties[$entity][$property] = $schema_info; } } } } return $views_supported_properties; } public function storeIndexRecordsFromEntity(EntityInterface $entity) { $entity_type = $entity->getEntityTypeId(); $supported_entity_properties = $this->getViewsSupportedEntityProperties(); foreach ($supported_entity_properties[$entity_type] as $field => $field_info) { if (!isset($entity->{$field})) { continue; } foreach ($entity->get($field)->getValue() as $delta => $value) { $record = $this->createIndexRecord([ 'eid' => $entity->id(), 'entity_type' => $entity_type, 'field' => $field, 'delta' => $delta, // This may have to be passed in if it's not always ['value']. 'content' => $value['value'], ]); $record->save(); } } } public function queueDataForRebuild(array $entry_types = []) { if (empty($entry_types)) { $entry_types = $this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('views_natural_sort_get_entry_types'); } $queues = []; foreach ($entry_types as $entry_type) { $queues = array_unique(array_merge($queues, array_filter($this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('views_natural_sort_queue_rebuild_data', $entry_type)))); } $operations = []; foreach ($queues as $queue) { $operations[] = [ [$this, 'rebuildIndex'], [$queue], ]; } $batch = [ 'operations' => $operations, 'title' => t('Rebuilding Views Natural Sort Indexing Entries'), 'finished' => [$this, 'finishRebuild'], ]; batch_set($batch); } public function rebuildIndex($queue_name, &$context) { /** @var QueueInterface $queue */ $queue = $this->queueFactory->get($queue_name); /** @var QueueWorkerInterface $queue_worker */ $queue_worker = $this->queueManager->createInstance($queue_name); $config = $this->configFactory->get('views_natural_sort.settings'); // Alias sandbox for easier referencing. $sandbox = &$context['sandbox']; // Alias results for easier referencing. $results = &$context['results']; if (empty($sandbox)) { $sandbox['current'] = 0; $sandbox['max'] = $queue->numberOfItems(); $sandbox['items_per_batch'] = $config->get('rebuild_items_per_batch'); } for ($i = 0; $i < $sandbox['items_per_batch'] && $sandbox['current'] < $sandbox['max']; $i++) { while($item = $queue->claimItem()) { try { $queue_worker->processItem($item->data); $queue->deleteItem($item); } catch (SuspendQueueException $e) { $queue->releaseItem($item); break; } catch (\Exception $e) { watchdog_exception('npq', $e); } } $item = $queue->claimItem(10); if ($item) { views_natural_sort_process_index_queue($item->data); $queue->deleteItem($item); } $sandbox['current']++; } $results['entries'] = $sandbox['current']; if ($sandbox['current'] != $sandbox['max']) { $context['finished'] = $sandbox['current'] / $sandbox['max']; } } public function finishRebuild($success, $results, $operations) { if ($success) { drupal_set_message($this->t('Index rebuild has completed.')); drupal_set_message($this->t('Indexed %count.', [ '%count' => format_plural($results['entries'], '1 entry', '@count entries'), ])); } } public function createIndexRecord(array $values = []) { $record = new IndexRecord($this->database, $values); $transformations = $this->getTransformations($record); $record->setTransformations($transformations); return $record; } }