// $Id$ /** * @file dependent.js * * Written by dmitrig01 (Dmitri Gaskin) for Views; this provides dependent * visibility for form items in Views' ajax forms. * * To your $form item definition add: * - '#process' => array('views_process_dependency'), * - Add '#dependency' => array('id-of-form-item' => array(list, of, values, that, make, this, item, show), * * Special considerations: * - radios are harder. Because Drupal doesn't give radio groups individual ids, * use 'radio:name-of-radio' * * - Checkboxes don't have their own id, so you need to add one in a div * around the checkboxes via #prefix and #suffix. You actually need to add TWO * divs because it's the parent that gets hidden. Also be sure to retain the * 'expand_checkboxes' in the #process array, because the views process will * override it. */ Drupal.Views.dependent = {}; Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings = {}; Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings = {}; Drupal.Views.dependent.activeTriggers = []; Drupal.Views.dependent.inArray = function(array, search_term) { var i = array.length; if (i > 0) { do { if (array[i] == search_term) { return true; } } while (i--); } return false; } Drupal.Views.dependent.autoAttach = function() { // Clear active bindings and triggers. for (i in Drupal.Views.dependent.activeTriggers) { jQuery(Drupal.Views.dependent.activeTriggers[i]).unbind('change'); } Drupal.Views.dependent.activeTriggers = []; Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings = {}; Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings = {}; if (!Drupal.settings.viewsAjax) { return; } // Iterate through all relationships for (id in Drupal.settings.viewsAjax.formRelationships) { // Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id] is a boolean, // whether the binding is active or not. Defaults to no. Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id] = 0; // Iterate through all possible values for(bind_id in Drupal.settings.viewsAjax.formRelationships[id].values) { // This creates a backward relationship. The bind_id is the ID // of the element which needs to change in order for the id to hide or become shown. // The id is the ID of the item which will be conditionally hidden or shown. // Here we're setting the bindings for the bind // id to be an empty array if it doesn't already have bindings to it if (!Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings[bind_id]) { Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings[bind_id] = []; } // Add this ID Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings[bind_id].push(id); // Big long if statement. // Drupal.settings.viewsAjax.formRelationships[id].values[bind_id] holds the possible values if (bind_id.substring(0, 6) == 'radio:') { var trigger_id = "input[@name='" + bind_id.substring(6) + "']"; } else { var trigger_id = '#' + bind_id; } Drupal.Views.dependent.activeTriggers.push(trigger_id); var getValue = function(item, trigger) { if (item.substring(0, 6) == 'radio:') { var val = jQuery(trigger + ':checked').val(); } else { switch (jQuery(trigger).attr('type')) { case 'checkbox': var val = jQuery(trigger).attr('checked') || 0; break; default: var val = jQuery(trigger).val(); } } return val; } var setChangeTrigger = function(trigger_id, bind_id) { // Triggered when change() is clicked. var changeTrigger = function() { var val = getValue(bind_id, trigger_id); for (i in Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings[bind_id]) { var id = Drupal.Views.dependent.bindings[bind_id][i]; // Fix numerous errors if (typeof id != 'string') { continue; } // This bit had to be rewritten a bit because two properties on the // same set caused the counter to go up and up and up. if (!Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id]) { Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id] = {}; } if (Drupal.Views.dependent.inArray(Drupal.settings.viewsAjax.formRelationships[id].values[bind_id], val)) { Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id][bind_id] = 'bind'; } else { delete Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id][bind_id]; } var len = 0; for (i in Drupal.Views.dependent.activeBindings[id]) { len++; } var object = jQuery('#' + id + '-wrapper'); if (!object.size()) { object = jQuery('#' + id).parent(); } if (Drupal.settings.viewsAjax.formRelationships[id].num <= len) { // Show if the element if criteria is matched object.show(0); } else { // Otherwise hide object.hide(0); } } } jQuery(trigger_id).change(function() { // Trigger the internal change function // the attr('id') is used because closures are more confusing changeTrigger(trigger_id, bind_id); }); // Trigger initial reaction changeTrigger(trigger_id, bind_id); } setChangeTrigger(trigger_id, bind_id); } } } Drupal.behaviors.viewsDependent = function (context) { Drupal.Views.dependent.autoAttach(); // Really large sets of fields are too slow with the above method, so this // is a sort of hacked one that's faster but much less flexible. $("select.views-master-dependent:not(.views-processed)") .addClass('views-processed') .change(function() { var val = $(this).val(); if (val == 'all') { $('.views-dependent-all').show(0); } else { $('.views-dependent-all').hide(0); $('.views-dependent-' + val).show(0); } }) .trigger('change'); }