// $Id$ /** * @file ajax_admin.js * * Handles AJAX submission and response in Views UI. */ Drupal.Views.Ajax = Drupal.Views.Ajax || {}; /** * Handles the simple process of setting the ajax form area with new data. */ Drupal.Views.Ajax.setForm = function(title, output) { $(Drupal.settings.views.ajax.title).html(title); $(Drupal.settings.views.ajax.id).html(output); } /** * An ajax responder that accepts a packet of JSON data and acts appropriately. * * The following fields control behavior. * - 'display': Display the associated data in the form area; bind the new * form to 'url' if appropriate. The 'title' field may also be used. * - 'add': This is a keyed array of HTML output to add via append. The key is * the id to append via $(key).append(value) * - 'replace': This is a keyed array of HTML output to add via replace. The key is * the id to append via $(key).html(value) * */ Drupal.Views.Ajax.ajaxResponse = function(data) { $('a.views-throbbing').removeClass('views-throbbing'); $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); if (data.debug) { alert(data.debug); } // See if we have any settings to extend. Do this first so that behaviors // can access the new settings easily. if (Drupal.settings.viewsAjax) { Drupal.settings.viewsAjax = {}; } if (data.js) { $.extend(Drupal.settings, data.js); } // Check the 'display' for data. if (data.display) { Drupal.Views.Ajax.setForm(data.title, data.display); // if a URL was supplied, bind the form to it. if (data.url) { var ajax_area = Drupal.settings.views.ajax.id; var ajax_title = Drupal.settings.views.ajax.title; // Bind a click to the button to set the value for the button. $('input[type=submit], button', ajax_area).unbind('click'); $('input[type=submit], button', ajax_area).click(function() { $('form', ajax_area).append(''); $(this).after(' '); }); // Bind forms to ajax submit. $('form', ajax_area).unbind('submit'); // be safe here. $('form', ajax_area).submit(function(arg) { $(this).ajaxSubmit({ url: data.url, data: '', type: 'POST', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.ajaxResponse, error: function() { $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': data.url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; }); } Drupal.attachBehaviors(ajax_area); } else { // If no display, reset the form. Drupal.Views.Ajax.setForm('', Drupal.settings.views.ajax.defaultForm); //Enable the save button. $('#edit-save').removeAttr('disabled'); // Trigger an update for the live preview when we reach this state: $('#views-ui-preview-form').trigger('submit'); } // Go through the 'add' array and add any new content we're instructed to add. if (data.add) { for (id in data.add) { var newContent = $(id).append(data.add[id]); Drupal.attachBehaviors(newContent); } } // Go through the 'replace' array and replace any content we're instructed to. if (data.replace) { for (id in data.replace) { $(id).html(data.replace[id]); Drupal.attachBehaviors(id); } } // Go through and add any requested tabs if (data.tab) { for (id in data.tab) { $('#views-tabset').addTab(id, data.tab[id]['title'], 0); $(id).html(data.tab[id]['body']); $(id).addClass('views-tab'); Drupal.attachBehaviors(id); // This is kind of annoying, but we have to actually to find where the new // tab is. var instance = $.ui.tabs.instances[$('#views-tabset').get(0).UI_TABS_UUID]; $('#views-tabset').clickTab(instance.$tabs.length); } } if (data.hilite) { $('.hilited').removeClass('hilited'); $(data.hilite).addClass('hilited'); } if (data.changed) { $('div.views-basic-info').addClass('changed'); } } /** * An ajax responder that accepts a packet of JSON data and acts appropriately. * This one specifically responds to the Views live preview area, so it's * hardcoded and specialized. */ Drupal.Views.Ajax.previewResponse = function(data) { $('a.views-throbbing').removeClass('views-throbbing'); $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); if (data.debug) { alert(data.debug); } // See if we have any settings to extend. Do this first so that behaviors // can access the new settings easily. // Clear any previous viewsAjax settings. if (Drupal.settings.viewsAjax) { Drupal.settings.viewsAjax = {}; } if (data.js) { $.extend(Drupal.settings, data.js); } // Check the 'display' for data. if (data.display) { var ajax_area = 'div#views-live-preview'; $(ajax_area).html(data.display); var url = $(ajax_area, 'form').attr('action'); // if a URL was supplied, bind the form to it. if (url) { // Bind a click to the button to set the value for the button. $('input[type=submit], button', ajax_area).unbind('click'); $('input[type=submit], button', ajax_area).click(function() { $('form', ajax_area).append(''); $(this).after(' '); }); // Bind forms to ajax submit. $('form', ajax_area).unbind('submit'); // be safe here. $('form', ajax_area).submit(function() { $(this).ajaxSubmit({ url: url, data: '', type: 'POST', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.previewResponse, error: function() { $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; }); } Drupal.attachBehaviors(ajax_area); } } Drupal.Views.updatePreviewForm = function() { var url = $(this).attr('action'); url = url.replace('nojs', 'ajax'); $('input[type=submit], button', this).after(' '); $(this).ajaxSubmit({ url: url, data: '', type: 'POST', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.previewResponse, error: function() { $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; } Drupal.Views.updatePreviewFilterForm = function() { var url = $(this).attr('action'); url = url.replace('nojs', 'ajax'); $('input[type=submit], button', this).after(' '); $('input[name=q]', this).remove(); // remove 'q' for live preview. $(this).ajaxSubmit({ url: url, data: '', type: 'GET', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.previewResponse, error: function() { $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; } Drupal.Views.updatePreviewLink = function() { var url = $(this).attr('href'); url = url.replace('nojs', 'ajax'); if (url.substring(0, 18) != '/admin/build/views') { return true; } $(this).addClass('views-throbbing'); $.ajax({ url: url, data: '', type: 'POST', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.previewResponse, error: function() { $(this).removeClass('views-throbbing'); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; } Drupal.behaviors.ViewsAjaxLinks = function() { // Make specified links ajaxy. $('a.views-ajax-link:not(.views-processed)').addClass('views-processed').click(function() { // Translate the href on the link to the ajax href. That way this degrades // into a nice, normal link. var url = $(this).attr('href'); url = url.replace('nojs', 'ajax'); // Turn on the hilite to indicate this is in use. $(this).addClass('hilite'); // Disable the save button. $('#edit-save').attr('disabled', 'true'); $(this).addClass('views-throbbing'); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: '', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.ajaxResponse, error: function() { $(this).removeClass('views-throbbing'); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; }); $('form.views-ajax-form:not(.views-processed)').addClass('views-processed').submit(function(arg) { // Translate the href on the link to the ajax href. That way this degrades // into a nice, normal link. var url = $(this).attr('action'); url = url.replace('nojs', 'ajax'); // $('input[@type=submit]', this).after(' '); $(this).ajaxSubmit({ url: url, data: '', type: 'POST', success: Drupal.Views.Ajax.ajaxResponse, error: function() { $('span.views-throbbing').remove(); alert(Drupal.t("An error occurred at @path.", {'@path': url})); }, dataType: 'json' }); return false; }); // Bind the live preview to where it's supposed to go. $('form#views-ui-preview-form:not(.views-processed)') .addClass('views-processed') .submit(Drupal.Views.updatePreviewForm); $('div#views-live-preview form:not(.views-processed)') .addClass('views-processed') .submit(Drupal.Views.updatePreviewFilterForm); $('div#views-live-preview a:not(.views-processed)') .addClass('views-processed') .click(Drupal.Views.updatePreviewLink); } /** * Get rid of irritating tabledrag messages */ Drupal.theme.tableDragChangedWarning = function () { return ' '; }