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Commit 5125cc3a authored by Timo Welde's avatar Timo Welde Committed by Christian Fritsch
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Feature/liveblog (#261)

* Include liveblog with thunder

* Liveblog: use newer version for make workflow

* moved liveblog_paragraphs into the distribution.

Now using it as a thunder integration module

* Liveblog: install Pusher by default

* Add Liveblog to the OptionalModules.

Let the user configure pusher on the installation screen

* sort optional modules by weight.

Background: Thunder demo must be installed first, since it has its IDs hardcoded.

* added pusher library to make workflow

* required core version was missing

* liveblog has a dependeny to simple_gmap

* only use pusher as notification channel, if necessary config is set

* fixed phpcs issues

* fix phpcs issues with project prefixing

* added readme to thunder_liveblog

* add permissions for liveblog

* use for-loop for adding permissions

* added info about noting down cluster info

* update liveblog

* Liveblog integration: replace body with paragraphs

* Added testing of configuration for Live Blog integraton

* Liveblog: resolve schema issues

* removed thunder_liveblog from the schema check

* convert optional module sorting from callback to sorting function

* fix index region missing

* hide labels for filed_paragraphs and field_embed_media

* update liveblog (node-description / show pusher errors)
parent 671b552a
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