* * Sponsored by: * www.axiomcafe.fr */ /** * Return the filter delete form. */ function search_autocomplete_suggestion_delete($form_state) { $form = array(); // get data from database $sid = arg(5); if (!$sid && !is_int($sid)) { drupal_set_message( t('The suggestion has not been found, or the menu callback received a wrong parameter.'), 'error' ); watchdog( 'search_autocomplete', 'The suggestion has not been found, or the menu callback received a wrong parameter.', NULL, WATCHDOG_ERROR ); return $form; } $form['sid'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $sid, ); return confirm_form( $form, t('Are you sure you want to delete this suggestion?'), 'admin/config/search/search_autocomplete', NULL, t('Delete'), t('Cancel') ); } /** * Submission callback for the filter delete form. */ function search_autocomplete_suggestion_delete_submit($form, &$form_state) { $ok = TRUE; $values = $form_state['values']; $sid = $values['sid']; $ok .= db_delete('search_autocomplete_suggestions') ->condition('sid', $sid) ->execute(); // Give a return to the user $ok ? drupal_set_message(t("The suggestion has been successfully deleted !")) : drupal_set_message(t("An error has occured while deleting the suggestion!"), 'error'); $form_state['redirect'] = 'admin/config/search/search_autocomplete'; }