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  1. Feb 03, 2009
    • Allie Micka's avatar
      Allie Micka authored
      - hook_qbwc_response is DEPRECATED.  Instead, your hook_qbwc_request should
        include a 'callback' array, which defines the function(s) you want to call
        with the result data.
      - Results are passed to these callbacks as arrays, not as the XML response.
        This is more consistent with how you're passing data to the API.
      - In keeping with how sarvab is using the API, you can also pass a 'data' element.  Thus, hook_qbwc_request looks like:
      function hook_qbwc_request() {
        return array(array(
          'name' => 'CustomerQueryRq',
          'callback' => array('my_qbwc_response'),
          'data' => array('I LIKE BUNNIES' => TRUE),
      And your callback looks like:
      function my_qbwc_response($response=array(), $data=array(), $status, $message) {}
  2. Feb 02, 2009
  3. Jan 20, 2009
    • Allie Micka's avatar
      See, I think that it should be optional for your module files to parse. But · fb573ff0
      Allie Micka authored
      apparently I'm in the minority.
    • Allie Micka's avatar
      A bit of housekeeping: · 74aa2c12
      Allie Micka authored
        - Move infrequently-used admin form and qwc file callbacks to
        - Move the qbwc() callback to its class file.
    • Allie Micka's avatar
      IMPORTANT: Removing hook_qbwc_authenticate. · e723a957
      Allie Micka authored
      It was a little silly, because your module has to do a bunch of work to decide
      whether or not to return TRUE on this function (which indicates that you want
      to make requests)  And then, your module is subsequently called upon to do
      a similar amount of work to actually make these requests.
      Instead, the presence of requests found in the hook_qbwc_request() invocation
      is used to determine whether the session should continue. This probably won't
      break anything, but any qbwc_authenticate code is unused and should be removed.
      Other changes:
      - Added qbwc_set() and qbwc_get() functions, which are wrappers for information
        that is stored in the session.  You should use these to stash your goods
        rather than interacting with $_SESSION directly.
      - Added qbwc_request_queue() API function.  It is automatically populated with
        the values from the initial call to hook_request.  You can store subsequent
        requests by calling qbwc_request_queue($request), and it will get called
        on the next passthru.
      - Things are most likely re-broken.  You can thank me later for that.
  4. Jan 15, 2009