The POSIX library has not been compiled into PHP.

', array("@helpurl" => '')) . $t("

This library is not available on Windows based hosts, and you will not be able to install this system.

"); $requirements['posix']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; } $is_in_docroot = $base_path == '/'; $docroot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; $requirements['docroot']['title'] = $t("Document root"); $requirements['docroot']['value'] = ($is_in_docroot) ? $t('Correct') : $t("Installed in the @subdir sub directory of @root", array('@root' => rtrim($docroot, '/'), '@subdir' => trim($base_path, '/'))); if (!$is_in_docroot) { $requirements['docroot']['value'] = $t("Drupal has been installed in a subdirectory. You will need to modify your virtual host configuration to point a ServerName directly at the installation path."); $requirements['docroot']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; } $url = parse_url($GLOBALS['base_url']); $conf_path = (conf_path() == 'sites/default'); $requirements['confpath']['title'] = $t('Configuration path'); $requirements['confpath']['value'] = conf_path(); if (!$conf_path) { $requirements['confpath']['description'] = $t('Provision may only be installed as the default site in a Drupal installation. It is currently installed in the "sites/@url" directory. Please move this directory to "sites/default".', array('@url' => $url['host'])); $requirements['confpath']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR; } return $requirements; }