join(" ", $load)))); exit(1); } } /** * Implementation of hook_drush_command(). */ function provision_drush_command() { $items['provision-save'] = array( 'description' => dt('Save Drush alias'), 'arguments' => array( '@context_name' => 'Context to save', ), 'options' => array_merge(array( '--context_type' => 'server, platform, or site; default server', '--delete' => 'Remove the alias.', ), Provision_Context_server::option_documentation(), Provision_Context_platform::option_documentation(), Provision_Context_site::option_documentation()), // we should populate from all known contexts, unfortunately we don't // enumerate them yet... see 'allow-additional-options' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH, ); $items['provision-install'] = array( 'description' => dt('Provision a new site using the provided data.'), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-install' => 'Install the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-install-backend'] = array( 'description' => dt('Provision a new site using the provided data.'), 'hidden' => TRUE, 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE ); $items['provision-import'] = array( 'description' => dt('Turn an already running site into a provisioned site.'), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-import' => 'Import the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-backup'] = array( 'optional arguments' => array('backup-file' => dt('The file to save the backup to. This will be a gzipped tarball.')), 'description' => dt('Generate a back up for the site.'), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-backup' => 'Back up the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-enable'] = array( 'description' => 'Enable a disabled site.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-enable' => 'Enable the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-disable'] = array( 'arguments' => array('' => dt('The domain of the site to disable (only if disabled).')), 'description' => 'Disable a site.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-disable' => 'Disable the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-lock'] = array( 'description' => 'Lock a platform from having any other sites provisioned on it.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @platform provision-lock' => 'Lock the platform as defined by the platform Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-unlock'] = array( 'description' => 'Unlock a platform so that sites can be provisioned on it.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @platform provision-unlock' => 'Unlock the platform as defined by the platform Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-verify'] = array( 'arguments' => array('' => dt('The domain of the site to verify).')), 'description' => 'Verify that the provisioning framework is correctly installed.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-verify' => 'Verify the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', 'drush @platform provision-verify' => 'Verify the platform as defined by the platform Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH ); $items['provision-restore'] = array( 'description' => 'Restore the site to a previous backup. This will also generate a backup of the site as it was.', 'arguments' => array( 'site_backup.tar.gz' => dt('The backup to restore the site to.')), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-restore ~/backups/some_site.tar.gz' => 'Restore the site to the backup in ~/backups/some_site.tar.gz.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-deploy'] = array( 'description' => 'Deploy an existing backup to a new url.', 'arguments' => array( 'site_backup.tar.gz' => dt('The backup to deploy.')), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-deploy ~/backups/some_site.tar.gz' => 'Deploy the site as defined by the site Drush alias, from the backup in ~/backups/some_site.tar.gz.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-migrate'] = array( 'description' => 'Migrate a site between platforms.', 'arguments' => array( '@platform_name' => dt('The Drush alias of the platform.')), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-migrate @platform_name' => 'Migrate the site as defined by the Drush alias, to the platform as defined by the platform\'s Drush alias', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-clone'] = array( 'description' => 'Clone a site between platforms.', 'arguments' => array( '@new_site' => dt('The Drush alias of the new site as generated by provision-save.'), '@platform_name' => dt('The Drush alias of the platform to clone the site onto.')), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-clone @new_site @platform_name' => 'Clone the original site to the new site on a platform', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-delete'] = array( 'description' => 'Delete a site.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-delete' => 'Delete the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH ); $items['provision-login-reset'] = array( 'description' => 'Generate a one-time login reset URL.', 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-login-reset' => 'Generate a one-time login reset URL for the site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT ); $items['provision-backup-delete'] = array( 'description' => 'Delete a backup file.', 'arguments' => array('backup-file' => dt('The backup file to delete. This will be a gzipped tarball.')), 'examples' => array( 'drush @site provision-backup-delete /path/to/site_backup.tgz' => 'Delete a backup of this site as defined by the site Drush alias generated with provision-save.', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH ); $items['hostmaster-migrate'] = array( 'description' => dt('Migrate an instance of the Hostmaster front end to a new platform'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_ROOT, 'arguments' => array( '' => dt('The name of the site to migrate'), '/path/to/platform' => dt('The platform to migrate the site to.'), '--makefile' => dt('The optional makefile to use instead of aegir.') ), ); $items['hostmaster-install'] = array( 'description' => dt('Install and verify the Hostmaster frontend.'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH, 'arguments' => array( '' => dt('The URL of the site to install, optional (default: %host).', array('%host' => provision_fqdn())), ), 'options' => array ( 'http_service_type' => dt('Webserver type to configure (default: %webserver)', array('%webserver' => 'apache')), 'drush_make_version' => dt('Drush make version to install, if not present (default: %drush_make', array('%drush_make' => '6.x-2.3')), 'aegir_db_host' => dt('Database host to connect to (default: %host)', array('%host' => 'localhost')), 'aegir_db_user' => dt('Database user to connect as (default: %user)', array('%user' => 'root')), 'aegir_db_pass' => dt('Database password to use'), 'client_email' => dt('Email of the first client to create in the frontend'), 'client_name' => dt('Name of the first client to create in the frontend (default: %user)', array('%user' => 'admin')), 'makefile' => dt('The makefile used to create the hostmaster platform (default: %makefile)', array('%makefile' => dirname(__FILE__). '/aegir.make')), 'aegir_host' => dt('Fully qualified domain name of the local server (default: %fqdn)', array('%fqdn' => provision_fqdn())), 'script_user' => dt('User to run the backend as (default: %user)', array('%user' => provision_current_user())), 'web_group' => dt('Group the webserver is running as (default: %group)', array('%group' => _provision_default_web_group())), 'version' => dt('The version of this released. (default: %version)', array('%version' => provision_version())), 'aegir_root' => dt('Install aegir in this home directory (default: %home). Do not change unless you know what you are doing.', array('%home' => drush_server_home())), 'root' => dt('Install the frontend in this directory (default: %home/hostmaster-%version).', array('%home' => drush_server_home(), '%version' => provision_version())), 'backend-only' => dt('Install just the backend, and not the frontend UI.'), 'working-copy' => dt('Keep VCS files when building the hostmaster platform using Drush make.') ), ); $items['hostmaster-uninstall'] = array( 'description' => dt('Uninstall the Hostmaster frontend.'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_SITE, 'options' => array ( 'all' => dt('Destroy *ALL* sites managed by the Aegir frontend'), ), ); $items['backend-parse'] = array( 'description' => dt('Parse the output of --backend commands to a human readable form'), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUSH, ); return $items; } function drush_provision_save($alias = NULL) { if (drush_get_option('delete', FALSE)) { // remove an existing alias $config = new Provision_Config_Drushrc_Alias($alias); $config->unlink(); } else { // trigger additional logic that should happen only on save. d($alias)->type_invoke('save'); // create or update the record d($alias)->write_alias(); } } function drush_provision_verify() { d()->command_invoke('verify'); } function _provision_default_web_group() { $info = posix_getgrgid(posix_getgid()); $common_groups = array( 'www', 'httpd', 'www-data', 'apache', 'webservd', 'nogroup', 'nobody', $info['name']); foreach ($common_groups as $group) { if (provision_posix_groupname($group)) { return $group; break; } } return NULL; } /** * determine the number of CPU on the machine * * This tries a best guess at the number of CPUs running on the system. This is * useful for calculating sane load threshold. * * On Linux, this parses /proc/cpuinfo and looks for lines like this: * * processor : 0 * ... * processor : 1 * processor : n * * The number of CPUs on the system is n+1, we just count the number of lines. * * Other systems remain to be implemented, and would be best implemetend * through a PECL (or similar) extension that would use the POSIX sysconf * interface, as such: * * ncpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); * * If no method can be found to figure out the number of CPUs, this will return * FALSE. * * People wishing to extend this to other platforms should look at * suggestions at: * * * * @see provision_load_critical() * @todo implement for other systems than Linux */ function provision_count_cpus() { $ncpus = FALSE; if (file_exists("/data/all/cpuinfo")) { # this should work on BOA with a /data/all/cpuinfo generated daily $cpuinfo = file_get_contents("/data/all/cpuinfo"); $cpuinfo = str_replace('\n', '', $cpuinfo); if ($cpuinfo !== FALSE && is_numeric($cpuinfo)) { $ncpus = $cpuinfo; } } elseif (file_exists("/proc/cpuinfo")) { # this should work on Linux with a /proc filesystem $cpuinfo = file_get_contents("/proc/cpuinfo"); if ($cpuinfo !== FALSE) { if (preg_match_all("/^processor.*:.*[0-9]+$/m", $cpuinfo, $matches)) { $ncpus = count(array_pop($matches)); } } } return $ncpus; } /** * determine if overall load of the machine is critical * * We use the "average system load" of the system as a metric, as available * through 'uptime' or in PHP sys_getloadavg() since 5.1. The load is usually * defined as "the number of processes in the system run queue" * * It's not a really reliable metric, but it's the best shot we've got without * getting into real specific details about I/O, CPU or memory load that are * going to be even tougher to evaluate. * * We base our evaluation on the number of CPUs on the servers. If there are * more than 5 processes waiting per CPU, we abort completely. If we ignore the * number of available CPUs, we assume a critical limit is a load of 50. * * @see sys_getloadavg() */ function provision_load_critical($load = NULL, $threshold = NULL) { if (is_null($load)) { $load = sys_getloadavg(); } if (is_null($threshold)) { if ($ncpus = provision_count_cpus()) { $threshold = $ncpus * 5; } else { // can't determine the number of CPU, we hardcode at load 50 $threshold = 50; } } return ($load[0] > $threshold); }