'site: the platform the site is run on', '--db_server' => 'site: the db server the site is run on', '--uri' => 'site: example.com URI, no http:// or trailing /', '--language' => 'site: site language; default en', '--aliases' => 'site: comma-separated URIs', '--redirection' => 'site: boolean for whether --aliases should redirect; default false', '--client_name' => 'site: machine name of the client that owns this site', '--profile' => 'site: Drupal profile to use; default default', ); } function init_site() { $this->setProperty('uri'); // we need to set the alias root to the platform root, otherwise drush will cause problems. $this->root = $this->platform->root; // set this because this path is accessed a lot in the code, especially in config files. $this->site_path = $this->root . '/sites/' . $this->uri; $this->setProperty('site_enabled', true); $this->setProperty('language', 'en'); $this->setProperty('client_name'); $this->setProperty('aliases', array(), TRUE); $this->setProperty('redirection', FALSE); $this->setProperty('cron_key', ''); // this can potentially be handled by a Drupal sub class $this->setProperty('profile', 'default'); } }