join("\n", drush_shell_exec_output())))); } } function drush_provision_hostmaster_install_validate($site = NULL) { // set defaults for this whole script // those are settings that are not prompted to the user but still overridable drush_set_default('version', provision_version()); drush_set_default('profile', 'hostmaster'); // Get values needed to set other defaults $version = drush_get_option('version'); $aegir_root = drush_set_default('aegir_root', drush_server_home()); $profile = drush_get_option('profile'); drush_set_default('root', $aegir_root . '/' . $profile . '-' . $version); drush_set_default('r', drush_get_option('root')); drush_set_default('script_user', provision_current_user()); drush_set_default('web_group', _provision_default_web_group()); drush_set_default('http_service_type', 'apache'); drush_set_default('http_port', '80'); drush_set_default('aegir_db_user', 'root'); drush_set_default('aegir_db_port', '3306'); drush_set_default('client_name', 'admin'); $aegir_db_user = drush_get_option('aegir_db_user'); // Generate "makefile" message only if there is one set. $root = drush_get_option(array('r', 'root')); if (is_dir($root) && !drush_get_option('makefile', FALSE)) { // Don't assume we know the makefile used to build an existing platform $makefile_msg = ''; } else { drush_set_default('makefile', dirname(__FILE__) . '/aegir.make'); $makefile_msg = dt("Aegir makefile: !makefile\n", array('!makefile' => drush_get_option('makefile'))); } // Generate "profile" message only if there is one set. if (!drush_get_option('profile', FALSE)) { $profile_msg = ''; } else { $profile_msg = dt("Aegir install profile: !profile\n", array('!profile' => $profile)); } drush_print("Aegir $version automated install script"); drush_print("=============================================================================="); if (!$site || !drush_get_option('aegir_host', NULL) || !drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass', NULL) || filter_var(drush_get_option('client_email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { drush_print("Some settings have not been provided and will now be prompted. Don't worry: you will get to review those settings after the final install"); } // now we prompt the user for settings if not provided or not sane if (!$site) { $site = drush_prompt(dt("Aegir frontend URL"), provision_fqdn()); } drush_set_option('site', $site); drush_set_default('aegir_host', provision_fqdn()); drush_set_default('aegir_db_host', 'localhost'); if (is_null(drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass', NULL))) { // XXX: may not be portable everywhere? system('stty -echo'); drush_set_option('aegir_db_pass', drush_prompt(dt('MySQL privileged user ("!root") password', array('!root' => $aegir_db_user)))); system('stty echo'); print "\n"; // add a newline since the user's didn't print } if (drush_get_option('aegir_host') == 'localhost') { $default_email = ''; } else { $default_email = 'webmaster@' . drush_get_option('aegir_host'); } drush_set_default('client_email', $default_email); while (!filter_var(drush_get_option('client_email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) && !drush_get_context('DRUSH_AFFIRMATIVE')) { drush_set_option('client_email', drush_prompt(dt("Admin user e-mail"), $default_email)); } drush_print(dt(' This script will operate the following changes in your system: 1. Create server-level configuration directories 2. Create the Hostmaster frontend platform 3. Install the frontend site 4. Setup the dispatcher (a user cron job) We are making the following assumptions: * you have read and are following the install instructions at: * the FQDN of this machine is valid and resolves * you are executing this script as your "aegir" user The following settings will be used: Aegir frontend URL: !site Master server FQDN: !fqdn Aegir root: !home Aegir user: !user Web group: !web Web server: !web_server Web server port: !web_server_port Aegir DB host: !db_host Aegir DB user: !db_user Aegir DB password: !db_pass Aegir DB port: !db_port Aegir version: !version Aegir platform path: !root Admin email: !email !makefile !profile', array( '!site' => $site, '!fqdn' => drush_get_option('aegir_host'), '!home' => drush_get_option('aegir_root'), '!user' => drush_get_option('script_user'), '!web' => drush_get_option('web_group'), '!web_server' => drush_get_option('http_service_type'), '!web_server_port' => drush_get_option('http_port'), '!db_host' => drush_get_option('aegir_db_host'), '!db_user' => drush_get_option('aegir_db_user'), '!db_pass' => is_null(drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass', NULL, 'process')) ? '' : '', '!db_port' => drush_get_option('aegir_db_port'), '!version' => drush_get_option('version'), '!root' => $root, '!makefile' => $makefile_msg, '!profile' => $profile_msg, '!email' => drush_get_option('client_email'), ))); if (!drush_confirm(dt('Do you really want to proceed with the install'))) { return drush_set_error('PROVISION_CANCEL_INSTALL', dt('Installation aborted')); } return TRUE; } /** * Drush command to install hostmaster. */ function drush_provision_hostmaster_install($site = NULL) { $version = drush_get_option('version'); $site = drush_get_option('site', provision_fqdn()); $aegir_root = drush_get_option('aegir_root'); $platform = drush_get_option(array('r', 'root')); $aegir_http_host = drush_get_option('aegir_host'); $aegir_http_port = drush_get_option('http_port'); $aegir_db_user = drush_get_option('aegir_db_user'); $aegir_db_pass = drush_get_option('aegir_db_pass'); $aegir_db_port = drush_get_option('aegir_db_port'); $aegir_db_host = drush_get_option('aegir_db_host'); $aegir_db_grant_all_hosts = drush_get_option('aegir_db_grant_all_hosts'); $server = '@server_master'; $master_context = array( 'context_type' => 'server', // files 'remote_host' => $aegir_http_host, 'aegir_root' => $aegir_root, 'script_user' => drush_get_option('script_user'), // apache or nginx or.. 'http_service_type' => drush_get_option('http_service_type'), 'http_port' => $aegir_http_port, 'web_group' => drush_get_option('web_group'), 'master_url' => "http://" . $site, 'db_port' => $aegir_db_port, ); $master_db = sprintf("mysql://%s:%s@%s:%s", urlencode($aegir_db_user), urlencode($aegir_db_pass), $aegir_db_host, $aegir_db_port); if ($aegir_http_host == $aegir_db_host) { $master_context['db_service_type'] = 'mysql'; $master_context['master_db'] = $master_db; $dbserver = $server; } else { $dbserver = '@server_' . $aegir_db_host; $dbserver_context = array( 'remote_host' => $aegir_db_host, 'context_type' => 'server', 'db_service_type' => 'mysql', 'master_db' => $master_db, 'db_grant_all_hosts' => $aegir_db_grant_all_hosts, 'db_port' => $aegir_db_port, ); drush_invoke_process('@none', "provision-save", array($dbserver), $dbserver_context); provision_backend_invoke($dbserver, 'provision-verify'); } drush_invoke_process('@none', "provision-save", array($server), $master_context); provision_backend_invoke($server, 'provision-verify'); // exit if an error has occured. if (drush_get_error()) { drush_log('Caught drush error, ending drush_provision_hostmaster_install', 'error'); drush_log(print_r(drush_get_error_log(), 1), 'error'); return false; } if (drush_get_option('backend-only')) { drush_log('Skipping hostmaster frontend installation, backend-only option set.', 'notice'); return; } drush_log('Preparing the hostmaster frontend installation.', 'notice'); $platform_name = '@platform_hostmaster'; drush_invoke_process('@none', "provision-save", array($platform_name), array( 'context_type' => 'platform', 'server' => $server, 'web_server' => $server, 'root' => $platform, 'makefile' => drush_get_option('makefile'), )); // propagate working-copy args downward $options = array(); if (drush_get_option('working-copy')) { $options['working-copy'] = 1; # Don't rewrite module info files if using working-copy. $options['no-gitinfofile'] = 1; } provision_backend_invoke($platform_name, 'provision-verify', array(), $options); // exit if an error has occured. if (drush_get_error()) { drush_log('Caught drush error, ending drush_provision_hostmaster_install - B', 'debug'); drush_log(print_r(drush_get_error_log(), 1), 'debug'); return false; } drush_set_default('profile', 'hostmaster'); $profile = drush_get_option('profile'); $site_name = '@hostmaster'; drush_invoke_process('@none', "provision-save", array($site_name), array( 'context_type' => 'site', 'platform' => $platform_name, 'db_server' => $dbserver, 'uri' => $site, 'client_name' => drush_get_option('client_name'), 'client_email' => drush_get_option('client_email'), 'profile' => $profile, 'drush_aliases' => 'hm', )); drush_log('Starting with the hostmaster frontend installation.', 'notice'); $data = provision_backend_invoke($site_name, 'provision-install', array(), array('client_email' => drush_get_option('client_email'))); provision_backend_invoke($site_name, 'provision-verify'); // exit if an error has occured. if (drush_get_error()) { drush_log('Caught drush error, ending drush_provision_hostmaster_install - C', 'debug'); drush_log(print_r(drush_get_error_log(), 1), 'debug'); return false; } drush_print(dt("Initializing the hosting system")); drush_invoke_process('@none', 'cache-clear', array('drush')); provision_backend_invoke($site_name, 'hosting-setup'); drush_print(""); drush_print("=============================================================================="); drush_print(""); drush_print(""); drush_print(dt("Congratulations, Aegir has now been installed.")); drush_print(""); drush_print(dt("You should now log in to the Aegir frontend by opening the following link in your web browser:")); drush_print(""); drush_print($data['context']['login_link']); drush_print(""); drush_print(""); drush_print("=============================================================================="); drush_print(""); } /** * Implements drush_hook_post_hostmaster_install(). */ function drush_provision_post_hostmaster_install() { $backend_only = drush_get_option('backend-only'); if (empty($backend_only)) { drush_invoke_process('@hostmaster', 'cache-clear', array('drush')); } }