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'UNKNOWN') { // If no timezone is set, set Default. if (empty(ini_get('date.timezone'))) { date_default_timezone_set($this::DEFAULT_TIMEZONE); } +// +// // Load Configs +// try { +// $this->config = new Config(); +// } +// catch (\Exception $e) { +// throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); +// } - // Load Configs - try { - $this->config = new Config(); - } - catch (\Exception $e) { - throw new \Exception($e->getMessage()); - } - - $this->console = $output; - parent::__construct($this::NAME, $this::VERSION); + parent::__construct($name, $version); } /** diff --git a/src/Console/Config.php b/src/Console/Config.php index f516076be35c40d20aca53616c21a442a04f1b85..6c54d89104ef9436030ff4f3a4634d3bc4679e30 100644 --- a/src/Console/Config.php +++ b/src/Console/Config.php @@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ class Config implements ConfigurationInterface * @var string */ private $config_filename = '.provision.yml'; - + const CONFIG_FILENAME = '.provision.yml'; + /** * {@inheritdoc} */ diff --git a/src/Provision.php b/src/Provision.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d8447f05838bbcb4d5043ccbdd54f8ed0147cabe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Provision.php @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +setDefault('aegir_root', ConsoleConfig::getHomeDir()); + $config->setDefault('script_user', ConsoleConfig::getScriptUser()); + $config->setDefault('config_path', ConsoleConfig::getHomeDir() . '/config'); + + $this->setConfig($config); + + // Create Application. + $application = new \Aegir\Provision\Application(self::APPLICATION_NAME, $config->get('version')); + $application->setConfig(new \Aegir\Provision\Console\Config()); + + // Create and configure container. + $container = Robo::createDefaultContainer($input, $output, $application, $config); +// $this->setContainer($container); +// $container->add(MyCustomService::class); + + // Instantiate Robo Runner. + $this->runner = new RoboRunner([ + ExampleCommands::class + ]); + + $this->runner->setContainer($container); + $this->runner->setSelfUpdateRepository(self::REPOSITORY); + } + + public function run(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { + $status_code = $this->runner->run($input, $output); + + return $status_code; + } + +}