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......@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ function _provision_drupal_get_cvs_versions($files) {
$project['project'] = cvs_deploy_get_project_name($project);
_cvs_deploy_version_alter($file->info['version'], $project);
$name = ($project['project']) ? $project['project'] : $modulename;
$name = !empty($project['project']) ? $project['project'] : $modulename;
$files[$name] = $file;
......@@ -79,9 +79,6 @@ function provision_path($op, $path, $confirm = TRUE, $succeed_message = NULL, $f
$value = $func($path, $confirm, $reason);
if ($op == 'chmod') {
$confirm = sprintf('%o', $confirm); # convert octal to string representation
clearstatcache(); // this needs to be called, otherwise we get the old info
$tokens = array("@path" => $path, "@op" => $op, "@confirm" => $confirm);
if ($reason) {
......@@ -170,7 +167,7 @@ function provision_path_chmod($path, &$perms, &$reason, $recursive = FALSE) {
clearstatcache(); // this needs to be called, otherwise we get the old info
$value = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($path)), -4);
$perms = sprintf('%o', $perms);
$perms = sprintf('%04o', $perms);
return $value;